Digestion Flashcards
What kind of muscles surround blood vessels, and what characterizes them
Smooth:unstriated, slow acting, autonomic control
When muscles contract, the Z lines
Move towards the center of sarcomere
Do the actin and myosin filaments change length as muscle contracts?
no, they just slide past each other
Particulate feeders- methods of feeding
1) Suspension feeders- sessile animals that filter suspended particulates
2)deposit feeders-consume substrate and extract whatever nutrients they can
3) filter feeders, actively acquire and filter smaller organisms( from water)
Predators and scavengers-methods of feedings
animals that eat other animals (one on one interactions)
gut microbes are required to digest cellulose
adaptations for crushing plant material
Large amounts needed to meet energy demands
unspecialised feeders, adapted for consuming a range of food types, including plant and animal
fluid feeders
liquid diet
Invertebrate digestion
sponges digest theri food intracellulary
-the alimentary canal of most eumetazoans allows for extracellular digestion
-cnidarians and flatworms have a cavity with single opening (bind digestive)
-specialization occurs went here is one way transport of food form mouth to anus. ex) annelids
-tubular gastrointestinal tract plus accessory digestive organs
Ways of getting energy from food
1)Physical fragmentation-chewing grinding, increased exposure to enzymes
2)chemical digestion-break down carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins into smaller units
3) absorption and waste excretion
Mouth and teeth
-) devices for feeding and limited digestion
-patterns of dentition reflect diets in mammals
-human saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which initiates the breakdown of starch
human saliva
-human saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which initiates the breakdown of starch
1)The esophagus transfers food to the digestive region
-rhythmic waves of contraction(peristalsis) move food to the stomach
Birds and many invertebrates have a crop for storing food.
-The gizzard of birds and gastric mill of crustaceans assist in grinding food.
-Collapsible muscular bag
-mucus, HCL, and pepsinogen are secreted.
HCL kills most bacteria. mucus protects the lining of the stomach
HCL causes (inactive) pepsinogen to transform into (active) pepsin, a protease. some protein digested.
Goes to small intestine
Small intestine
Food enters the small intestine(duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) from the stomach
duodenum, and receives pancreatic juice (first part of the small intestine)
-neutralize gastric acids
-enzymes critical for digestion,(eg.proteases,lipases,amylases)
Bile is produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and transported to the duodenum (produces bile pigments, and bile salts)
The internal surface area of S.I. is increased by coiling and by villi and microvilli(on top of villi)
Bile is produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and transported to the duodenum
Produces bile pigments; worn-out blood cells
Bile salts: help emulsify fat
What increases the internal surface area of S.I?
Coiling and by villi and microvilli
Large intestine
Small intestine to Large,
Large intestine(colon) begins at the point where the appendix and cecum meet small intestine.
-Colon is shoter than the S.I and lacks villi
-no digestion occurs in the colon
-consolidation of waste via water absorption, absorption of products of bacterial metabolism.
-colon empties in to dectum: fecex excreted
Variation of stomach variation of carnivores vs herbivores
Carnivores have a more convoluted stomach
-eat large items infrequently; need for expansion
Herbivores have larger stomach-plants are difficult to guess and are low in nutritional value. must consume large quantities
Herbivore digestive system
Cellulose can only be digested with the aid of microorganisms(that produce cellulase)
Mammals ave three places to ferment cellulose
2)hindgut:cecum bigger than stomach
3)hindgut: colon eg) elephanr
Foregut fermentation-reuminants
The rumen is a larger chamber housing bacteria, fermented food is regurgitated, re-chewed, and then swallowed again. eg) cows
Hindgut fermentation(cecum)
-many non-ruminant herbivores (eg, horses, rodents, rabbits) have a large cecum that contains bacteria needed to break down cellulose
-Long intestines increase the opportunity for absorption
-rodents and lagomorphs also engage in coprophagy(eat their own poop to digest again)
Hindgut fermentation(colon)
No cecum
Predator digestive systems
shorter digestive tract; cecum small or absent