Dig Site 7 Flashcards
Who did Jesus see sitting at a tax collector’s booth?
1) Judas
2) Peter
3) Matthew*
What did Jesus say to Matthew at the tax collector’s booth?
1) Your sins are forgiven
2) Follow me*
3) You will be a collector of men
Who ate at Matthew’s house with Jesus and his disciples?
1) Pharisees and teachers of the law
2) Many tax collectors and sinners*
3) Matthews sick friends
What questions did the Pharisees ask Jesus’ disciples after they saw Jesus eating at Matthew’s house?
1) Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?*
2) Why does your teacher talk to Matthew?
3) Why didn’t Matthew invite us to dinner?
Which of these did Jesus say to the Pharisees?
1) I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
2) I have not come to call the righteous but sinners
3) Both answers are correct*
What did a synagogue leader say to Jesus?
1) My daughter has just died*
2) My servant has died
3) My wife is sick
What did the synagogue leader ask Jesus to do for his daughter?
1) To speak the words, rise up and live
2) To put his hand on her so she would live*
3) Pray over her dead body
How long had a sick woman been bleeding?
1) 10 years
2) 12 years*
3) 20 years
What did the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years do?
1) Touched Jesus’ arm
2) Touched the edge of Jesus’ cloak*
3) Begged Jesus to heal her
What did Jesus say to the woman who touched his cloak?
1) Why did you do that?
2) Take heart, I will heal you.
3) Take heart, daughter . . .your faith has healed you*
How did Jesus heal the synagogue leader’s sick daughter?
1) He took her by the hand and she got up*
2) He prayed for her and she got up
3) He touched her forehead and she got up
What did Jesus do in all the towns and villages?
1) He spoke to the teachers of the law
2) He visited his family and friends
3) He taught proclaimed, the good news, and healed*
Why did Jesus have compassion on the crowds?
1) They were sick and needed healing
2) They were helpless, like sheep without a shepherd*
3) They were poor and needy
What did Jesus say to his disciples about the harvest?
1) The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few*
2) The harvest is poor and there are too many workers
3) The harvest is plentiful; go and bring it in
What power did Jesus give His 12 disciples?
1) Power to drive out impure spirits, and the heal every disease and sickness*
2) Power to raise the dead
3) Power to know right from wrong
Which of these men were 3 of Jesus’ 12 disciples?
1) Joshua, Mark, and Barnabas
2) Peter, Thaddaeus, and Judas*
3) Nicodemus, Joseph, and Paul
Finish this verse: Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, . . .
1) ….to bring in the harvest soon.
2) ….to hire workers for his harvest field.
3) ….to send out workers into his harvest field.*