Difficult Flashcards
What is the English translation of ‘Schadenfreude’?
Pleasure derived from someone else’s misfortune.
Translate ‘Fernweh’ into English.
A strong desire to travel to distant places.
What does ‘Weltschmerz’ mean in English?
A feeling of melancholy and world-weariness.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Kummerspeck’?
Excess weight gained from emotional overeating.
Translate ‘Zeitgeist’ into English.
The spirit or mood of a particular period in history.
What does ‘Fingerspitzengefühl’ mean?
Intuitive flair or instinctive know-how.
What is the English translation of ‘Torschlusspanik’?
Fear of missing out on opportunities as one ages.
Translate ‘Doppelgänger’ into English.
A non-biologically related look-alike or double.
What does ‘Heimat’ mean in English?
Home or homeland.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Schnapsidee’?
A foolish idea, often one conceived while drinking.
Translate ‘Wanderlust’ into English.
A strong desire to travel.
What is the meaning of ‘Schadenfreude’?
A feeling of joy at another’s misfortune.
What does ‘Ersatz’ mean in English?
Substitute or replacement.
Translate ‘Bauhaus’ into English.
A school of design and architecture known for its modernist style.
What is the English translation of ‘Götterdämmerung’?
Twilight of the gods; a catastrophic downfall.
What does ‘Kaffeeklatsch’ mean?
An informal social gathering for coffee and conversation.
Translate ‘Sitzfleisch’ into English.
The ability to sit through something tedious.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Biergarten’?
Beer garden; an outdoor area for drinking beer.
What does ‘Weltschmerz’ translate to?
World pain; a feeling of sadness about the state of the world.
Translate ‘Kraft durch Freude’ into English.
Strength through joy; a state-sponsored program in Nazi Germany.
What is the meaning of ‘Torschlusspanik’?
The panic one feels as they approach a deadline or end of an opportunity.
What does ‘Schnauze’ mean in English?
Muzzle or snout; can also refer to someone’s mouth in slang.
Translate ‘Gemütlichkeit’ into English.
A state of warmth and friendliness.
What is the English translation of ‘Fremdschämen’?
Feeling embarrassed for someone else’s actions.
What does ‘Hinterland’ mean?
The land behind a coastal region; metaphorically, the area of influence.
Translate ‘Luftmensch’ into English.
A person who is impractical or dreamlike.
What is the meaning of ‘Sturm und Drang’?
A movement in German literature characterized by emotional tumult.
What does ‘Weltanschauung’ mean?
A comprehensive worldview or philosophy.
Translate ‘Schaden’ into English.
Damage or harm.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Dachshund’?
A breed of dog known for its long body and short legs.
What does ‘Weltraum’ mean in English?
Outer space.
Translate ‘Fachkräftemangel’ into English.
Shortage of skilled workers.
What is the meaning of ‘Weltmeisterschaft’?
World Championship.
What does ‘Kraftwerk’ translate to?
Power plant.
Translate ‘Zugzwang’ into English.
A situation where someone is forced to make a disadvantageous move.
What is the English translation of ‘Säugetier’?
What does ‘Hochschulreife’ mean?
University entrance qualification.
Translate ‘Wasserkocher’ into English.
Electric kettle.
What is the meaning of ‘Küchenmaschine’?
Food processor or kitchen machine.
What does ‘Schlafzimmer’ translate to?
Translate ‘Fahrstuhl’ into English.
Elevator or lift.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Hochzeit’?
What does ‘Einkaufszentrum’ mean?
Shopping center or mall.
Translate ‘Kraftfahrzeug’ into English.
Motor vehicle.
What is the meaning of ‘Abendessen’?
Dinner or evening meal.
What does ‘Fleischerei’ translate to?
Butcher’s shop.
Translate ‘Bücherei’ into English.
What is the English translation of ‘Verkehrsmittel’?
Means of transportation.
What does ‘Frieden’ mean?
Translate ‘Freundschaft’ into English.
What is the meaning of ‘Tanz’?
What does ‘Gesundheit’ translate to?
Translate ‘Nahrungsmittel’ into English.
Foodstuffs or groceries.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Umwelt’?
What does ‘Erfahrung’ mean?
Translate ‘Veranstaltung’ into English.
Event or function.
What is the meaning of ‘Abenteuer’?
What does ‘Zukunft’ translate to?
Translate ‘Gegenteil’ into English.
What is the English translation of ‘Schlüssel’?
What does ‘Kunst’ mean?
Translate ‘Bildung’ into English.
What is the meaning of ‘Sprache’?
What does ‘Kultur’ translate to?
Translate ‘Natur’ into English.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Wissenschaft’?
What does ‘Technologie’ mean?
Translate ‘Gesellschaft’ into English.
What is the meaning of ‘Politik’?
What does ‘Wirtschaft’ translate to?
Translate ‘Recht’ into English.
What is the English translation of ‘Forschung’?
What does ‘Entwicklung’ mean?
Translate ‘Fortschritt’ into English.
What is the meaning of ‘Energie’?
What does ‘Umweltpolitik’ translate to?
Environmental policy.
Translate ‘Nachhaltigkeit’ into English.
What is the English equivalent of ‘Verantwortung’?
What does ‘Chancen’ mean?