Liberals H.N
women are rational - MW
cultural norms hold too much power - Pestminister + Neil Parish - connect to K.M
women are naturally free
Socialist H.N
corrupted by capitalism + patriarchy
Radical H.N
Political lesbianism- “personal is political” K.M
“Otherness” S.DB
Men are psychologically oppressive - Sarah Everard case
Women have multiple identities = different oppression
Fluid gender
b.h - “Feminism is for everybody”
Liberal State
State has re-enforced an oppressive culture
Formal equality - M.W + B.F
Moderately limited
Socialist State
Dominated by middle-class men - against women and proletariat - S.R
Abolished - S.R
Tool of capitalism - 9.4% pay gap in UK
Radical state
Liberate the housewife
Interfere in public + private
K.M - “The lesbian is the archetype feminist
Dismantle to overthrow patriarchy
Beyond legal + equal
Baroness Louise Casey - “ Protection of women has been thrown out the window”
P-M State
White males
Liberal Society
Formal equality - M.W+B.F
Opportunity - M.W
Lack of representation
Political = 225/650 MPs
Business = 32% of UK businesses
Socialist society
Class + gender based
Nature of society is economically determined -
P.G - Housewife role = unpaid labour
“There is no female mind”
Radical Society
Private + Public
P.G - Communal housing
Prevents self-realisation - S.DB
P-M Society
Language is power
b.h - no capitals
Black women are 4x likely to die compared to white women after giving birth
Intersectionality ^^^
Liberal Economy
men dominate = women have less chance
B.F - Free-market would enable women
Reserve army of labour - WW1 = 23% in 1914 > 47% in 1918
Socialist Economy
It is the key determinant
9.4% pay gap - BBC
Sell their sex for economic protection - P.G
P.G - “women are economic tools but so are horses”
S.R - “revolution within a revolution”
Radical Economy
2nd to removing the patriarchy
Policy based solution
P-M Economy
Women in poverty v Middle class
Liberate the poor