différents travails Flashcards
a teacher: teaches in a school
une serveuse / un serveur
a waitress / a waiter : serves food
un bibliothéquaire
a librarian : works in a library
un policier
a police officer : works in a police station
un pompier
a fire fighter : helps to put out fires
un vendeur
a shop assistant : works in a shop
un vétérinaire
a vet : helps animals
un docteur
a doctor : works in a hospital
un boulanger
a baker : bakes breads and cakes
un chef
a chef : works in a restaurants and cooks foods
un facteur
a post man : delivers the post
un chauffeur de bus
a bus driver : drives a bus
un mécanicien
a mechanic : repairs vehicles
un designer de vêtements
fashion designer : designs clothes
un pilot
a pilot : flies airplanes