Differentiation of the ectoderm Flashcards
What is the difference in the tissue types derived from cranial and trunk neural crest?
Cranial produces i.e. cartilage, bone, muscle for the face and neck and some neurons.
Trunk neural crests produce sensory neurons and autonomic neurons for the gut, adrenal glands, and melanocytes.
What is the meaning of mesenchymal?
The idea of tissues to be loosely packed with cells so the cells are far and few in between and there isn’t a great deal of organisation to the tissue.
What elements present on the skin do not originate from the non-neural ectoderm?
What properties do you think neural crest cells must have to develop the way they do?
They must be totipotent stem cells and have the ability to migrate because nerual crest cells migrate a huge amount and they produce a large variety in the body, so they must have unique potential to be totipotent.
What will the ectoderm with an elevated shape on the midline give rise to?
It will become the neural plate to form the nervous system.
About 16 days, cells migrating through the _______ tip of the __________ will start positioning themselves at the ________ to form the notochord.
About 16 days, cells migrating through the ROSTRAL TIP of the PRIMITIVE STEAK will start positioning themselves at the midline to form the NOTOCHORD.
What is the paraxial mesoderm also known as?
SOMITIC mesoderm.
Where is somitic mesoderm first found?
On both sides of the embryo near the MIDLINE.
The paraxial mesoderm will aggregate to form?
The paraxial mesoderm is firstly _________ packed mesodermal cells and then i become _______. I split up and become well-defined segmental + paired units of _____.
However, where does the somitic mesoderm not become typical trunk or neck structures?
At the cranial (heard) region.
What does the paraxial mesoderm become (at the cranial region)?
The connective tissue + muscles of the head and neck that’s not dervived from the neural crest.
What the the intermediate mesoderm give rise to?
The urogenital system i.e. kidney, bladder and associated ducts.
The condition when the rostral neuropore of the neural tube is called what?
Anacencephaly (this is lethal).
What is the failure to close the posterior neuropore called?
Spina bifida.
What does non-ectodermal give rise to?
THE skin, hair, nails, and tooth enamel. But it doesn’t do MELANOCYTES. (Neural crest cells give rise to that).
At the cranial region, what do the neural crest cells give rise to?
Cartilage, bone, muscles of the face and neck.
At the level of the spinal cord, what will the neural crest cells form?
- The PNS by producing NEURONS that carry sensory information from the body to CNS..
- Will also give rise to the neurons that will carry motor information to the gut.
Name the 2 components of the lateral mesoderm?
The lateral visceral mesoderm and the lateral (parietal) mesoderm.
What does the lateral visceral mesoderm give rise to?
The heart, smooth muscle, connective tissue of the walll of the gut.
What does the lateral (parietal) meosderm give rise to?
The parietal peritoneum, a smooth layer of tissue that line the inside of the body wall.
At the level of the limbs, it proliferates and migrates to form the skeletal structures of the limbs.
In the buccopharyngeal membrance and clocal membrane, there isn’t any of this.
What does the endoderm give rise to?
The digestive tub i.e. liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.
The respiratory tube forms as an outgrowth of the digestive tube. therefore, it is of endodermal origin.