Differential Diagnosis of Neck Pain Flashcards
What are some etiologies of neck pain?
Congenital Disorders Trauma Mechanical Abnormalities Toxicity Metabolic Disorders Inflammatory States Degenerative & Acquired Spinal Diseases Infections
What are some more etiologies of neck pain?
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Neoplasms Circulatory Disorders Neurologic Disorders Referred Pain Iatrogenic Psychoneuroses
What is the “job one” in neck pain diagnosis?
Rule Out Any Life, Limb, Organ , and Function Threatening Conditions
During diagnosis, what demographics make you worry?
Age Less Than 20 years Age Over 50 years
During diagnosis, what vital signs make you worry?
Fever Hypertension
During diagnosis, what type of medical history makes you worry?
Trauma Fever Abrupt Onset Neurologic Symptoms (Radicular Pain, Muscle Weakness, Muscle Cramps, Decreased Sensation)
During diagnosis, what findings in the pt’s physical make you worry?
RROM severely restricted (<1/2 the normal range), Radicular symptoms provoked by ROM, Signs of Inflammation, Neurologic Deficits
Major Category: Congenital Disorders
Condition Present Since Childhood, Onset of Symptoms often Insidious, and Symptoms may appear At Any Age, but usually in the late teens to mid-thirties
Major Category: Trauma
Any history of trauma
Major Category: Mechanical
Insidious Onset
Major Category: Toxins
Exposure to toxins: Vocational, Avocational, Incidental
Major Category: Metabolic Disorders
Endocrine: DM, Thyroid disease. Nutrition: Ingestion, digestion, excretion
Major Category: Inflammatory
Abrupt onset: Redness, tumor, fever and pain.
Major Category: Degenerative
Age 50 and older, need imaging
Major Category: Infectious
Fever, WBC elevated, need imaging
Major Category: Neoplasm
Age 50 and older, need imaging
Major Category: Circulatory
-Vital Signs: Pulse rate, Blood Pressure. -Physical Exam: Palpate Pulses, Auscultate Heart, Auscultate Arteries
Major Category: Neurologic
Muscle Weakness or Spasm, Reflex Alterations, Sensory Loss, Pain which follows the distribution of: Nerve Root, Peripheral Nerve
Major Category: Iatrogenic
History of Presence of Iatrogen (caused by another physician)
Major Category: Psychogenic
Diagnosis of exclusion
Patients with possible trauma and/or fall…
Yield possibility of fracture
When you suspect fracture, what are the possible observations in the pt’s PE?
Unusual head carriage, careful palpation of cervical SP, percussion of SP of C2 &C7, severely restricted active ROM.
When you suspect fracture, what is a must do ?
X-ray of the pt’s complete cervical spine
When you suspect fracture, what should you avoid ?
Passive motion testing
When does percussive pain present?
Fracture, Tumor, Osteomyelitis, Infectious Discitis, Facet Joint Synovitis
What are some red flags in a pt with facet dislocation?
Violent rotational injury, Can occur with sudden voluntary head turning, Patient may hear a “Click” as the facets lock, Pain is present at the site of injury
What are some physical findings in a pt’s with facet dislocation?
Abnormal head carriage-torticollis, Palpate Articular pillars for facet dislocation, Neurologic Exam, X-ray Confirmatory
Unilateral facet joint dislocation causes…
No neurologic compromise
Bilateral facet joint dislocation causes…
Compression of Spinal Cord
What symptoms will a pt with a herniated cervical disc present?
Neck pain which radiates into the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist or hand
Describe the history of a pt with a herniated cervical disc due to trauma?
Presence of Pain which radiates into a dermatomal distribution. Numbness or Paresthesias in a Dermatomal Distribution
Describe the PE of a pt with a herniated cervical disc due to trauma?
Observe – May be abnormal head carriage and Loss or reversal of Cervical Lordosis. Palpate – Tenderness and muscle spasm at the level of the herniated disc
Describe the PE of a pt with a herniated cervical disc due to trauma? #2
Active ROM restricted in Flexion, may be restricted in other directions as well. Valsalva Test reproduces radicular pain.
Describe the PE of a pt with a herniated cervical disc due to trauma? #3
Flexion/Compression Test reproduces pain in nerve root distribution. Lhermitte Sign may be present
Valsalva Test
Reproduces the symptoms of any space occupying lesion within the spinal canal
Cervical Compression Test
Exert a downward (vertically) force in pt’s head. (perform only if valsalva is negative)
Distraction Test
With one hand in the pt’s occiputand the other under the pt’s chin, exert an upward force.
Lhermitte Sign
Electrical Shock Paresthesia down back, arms, legs with flexion of the neck. Occurs with any cause of spinal cord compression and with many causes of spinal cord inflammation
What other tests do you perform in a pt with a herniated cervical disc?
Sensory test for touch and pain. Muscle strength testingWa
Muscle strength testing for Herniated disc includes which muscles and vertebrae?
C5 – Deltoid C5 – Serratus Anterior C5/C6 – Biceps C6 – Wrist Extensors
Muscle strength testing for Herniated disc includes which muscles and vertebrae? #2
C7 – Triceps C7 – Wrist Flexors C7 – Finger Extensors C8 – Finger Flexors T1 - Interossei
Which reflexes are tested during the PE of a pt with herniated cervical disc?
C5 – Biceps Reflex C6 – Brachioradialis C7 – Triceps Reflex
If a pt with a herniated disc has a nerve root compression, what symptoms will he/she present?
Sensory Loss Muscle Weakness Reflex Loss
Spinal cord compression in a pt with herniated disc will cause…
Sensory Deficits, Muscle Spasticity, Hyperreflexia, Clonus, Abnormal Reflexes: Hoffman & Babinski
Describe the hoffman test
Squeeze the tip of pt’s middle finger
What would imaging show in a pt with a herniated disc?
straightening or reversal of cervical lordosis. MRI confirms neurologic findings
What are some findings seen during a PE of a pt with cervical s&s?
Flattening of Cervical Lordosis. Abnormal Head Carriage – Torticollis. Normal neurologic exam.
What muscles (or structures) may get tender and spastic in pts’ with cervical s&s?
SCM, scalene, paravertebral, superior trapezius border, levator scapula scapular attachment, nuchal ligament.
SCM tearing and hematoma formation may be caused by…
Hyperextension injury of neck (classic injury of whiplash)
When were head restraints first implemented in cars?
Late 1960s
What are some findings seen during a PE of a pt with cervical s&s? #2
Restricted and/or Asymmetric Active ROM, Neurologic Examination will be normal, Distraction Test may be painful
Distraction test in a pt with cervical s&s will cause…
X ray of a pt with cervical s&s will show…
absence of fracture, loss of normal cervical lordotic curve
Which muscles are responsible for cervical s&s?
Scalenes Paravertebral
What can cause Torticollis?
Strain Sternocleidomastoid Muscle
Strain Scalene Musculature
Muscular Ischemia
Facet Dislocation with Overriding (C2 to C7)
C1-C2 Dislocation
Congenital Torticollis
The condition has been present since birth