Differential Diagnoses: Breast Lumps & Nipple Discharge Flashcards
Single Breast Mass: Cancer
History: Usually older than 35yo; Unilateral new lump
Physical Findings: Hard, contender, fixed lump; borders irregular or not discrete; can be erythema dimpling; increased vessel patterns; can have nipple discharge
Diagnostic Criteria: Diagnostic mammogram; ultrasound; tissue biopsy
Single Breast Mass: Cysts
History: Younger age; Often younger than 35yo; May be single or multiple
Physical Findings: Round or elliptical; soft or fluctuant; mobile
Diagnostic Criteria: Clinical Breast Exam; FNA: Clear aspirate; mammogram; ultrasound: cyst(s)
Single Breast Mass: Fibroadenoma
History: Common in adolescents
Physical Findings: Single; Sharply circumscribed; mobile lump
Diagnostic Criteria: Diagnostic mammogram; ultrasound; biopsy
Single Breast Mass: Abscess
History: History of mastitis
Physical Findings: Single mass; irregular shape; chronic abscess can be non-tender
Diagnostic Criteria: Incision and drainage with culture
Single Breast Mass: Fat Necrosis
History: Can have history of injury at site
Physical Findings: single; fixed, and often irregular tumor
Diagnostic Criteria: biopsy
Single Breast Mass: Lipoma
History: Can have others on arms, trunk, buttocks, or back; usually non-tender
Physical Findings: Single tumors; smooth, well-defined; fluctuant consistency
Diagnostic Criteria: Biopsy
Single Breast Mass: Tuberculosis
History: History of TB; Positive PPD or CXR; Immunocompromised status
Physical Findings: Single; Irregular shape; Non-tender
Diagnostic Criteria: Biopsy
Single Breast Mass: Ruptured Implant
History: History of augmentation; change in size or shape of breast
Physical Findings: Nodule palpated best when patient is sitting
Diagnostic Criteria: Diagnostic mammogram; Ultrasound; MRI
Inflammatory Breast Mass: Mastitis and Acute Abscess
History: Primagravida more often than multigravida; > 1week postpartum; breastfeeding; tender nipples
Physical Findings: Red, warm, tender, usually unilateral, one fourth of breast, or one lobule; breast engorgement; fever; nipple discharge: pus
Diagnostic Criteria: Culture positive for S. Aureus, E. coli, or Strep; Elevated WBC
Inflammatory Breast Mass: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
History: History of mastitis or inflammatory process of breast
Physical Findings: Entire breast swollen, fever rarely present; axillary lymphadenopathy
Diagnostic Criteria: Biopsy
Multiple or Bilateral Breast Lumps: Fibrocystic Breast Changes
History: Multiple breast lumps of both breasts; cyclic changes that worsen at times of menses
Physical Findings: bilateral nodularity; dominant lumps, tender, mobile
Diagnostic Criteria: FNA; US; Mammogram
Nipple Discharge: Intraductal Papilloma
History: Bloody nipple discharge; Usual age is 40-50yo
Physical Findings: Unilateral, subareolar
Diagnostic Criteria: Diagnostic mammogram; US; ductogram; maybe MRI
Nipple Discharge: Fibrocystic Breast Changes
History: milky nipple discharge; cyclic changes that worsen at time of menses
Physical Findings: spontaneous, clear or milky, bilateral, multi-duct nipple discharge; multiple breast lumps of both breasts
Diagnostic Criteria: mammogram, US, ductogram, maybe MRI
Nipple Discharge: Duct Ectasia
History: green nipple discharge
Physical Findings: greenish or brownish nipple discharge
Diagnostic Criteria: diagnostic mammogram, ductogram, maybe MRI
Nipple Discharge: Neonatal Discharge (Witch’s Milk)
History: milky discharge 1-2 weeks after delivery
Physical Findings: enlarged breast tissue; milky discharge 1-2 weeks after delivery
Diagnostic Criteria: none
Nipple Discharge: Hyperprolactinemia
History: milky or clear nipple discharge; amenorrhea; hx of meds: estrogenic, dopamine blockers/depleters; hypothyroidism; pregnancy; postabortion; nipple stimulators; visual changes
Physical Findings: spontaneous, unilateral or bilateral, multi-duct; clear or milky nipple discharge
Diagnostic Criteria: serum proclactin levels; TSH; MRI if indicated
Male Breast Disease: Acute Mastitis
History: hx of clothing rubbing nipple (I.e. jogging); swelling or lump of chest wall; tenderness at site
Physical Findings: red, warm, tender; usually unilateral one fourth of breast, one lobule; breast enlargement; fever; nipple discharge or pus
Diagnostic Criteria: Culture positive for S. Aureus, E. coli, strep; Elevated WBC
Male Breast Disease: Cancer
History: Family Hx of Male Breast Cancer; painless lump of chest wall
Physical Findings: induration, retraction of nipple or mass in nipple well; fixed, contender; lymphadenopathy
Diagnostic Criteria: Mammogram, FNA, tissue biopsy