Different Religions Flashcards
Unity: The basic world view of Unity stems from
A system of belief which believes knowledge is secret and only obtainable by a select few
Hinduism : Each successive nitrate
The _S___ moves from one body to another and carries with it the K____ from its previous existence
In order for a person to reach a state of Moksha (B & B)
He must Burn ____ all of his bad _K___ through suffering , _s_______ or works
To improve another person’s social condition (breaking)
Would be breaking the W___ or Cycle of Karma in that individual life
Hinduism: Following are about (9HM)
The Founder is: Unknown
900 million followers
Hinduism is the
Third (3rd) largest religion in the world
Karma means
Action and refers to a person’s actions and the consequences for those actions.
Hinduism that their Caste System =(SDI)
Structure is divinely inspired
Three (3) ways to obtain salvation (Hinduism)
1) The Way of Works 2) The Way of Knowledge 3) The Way of Devotion
How many gods does Hinduism have
330 million gods
Hinduism embraces all other religions as
“A Way” to Reach the same ultimate truth
Manu mean
Man or first man in Hinduism
Buddhism Founder is
Siddhartha Gautama aka The Buddha or The Enlightened One
Buddhism arose out of
There is no absolute God in
Buddhism most successful
Sect arising out of Hinduism
Salvation: Buddhism see
Ignorance rather than Sin as the roadblock to Salvation
How Buddhism view Eternal life
Nirvana is the highest spiritual plan that a person can obtain
Nirvana means blowing
Out of the flame of desire and the negation of suffering
Nirvana is the Final
GOAL for the Buddhist
Jainism (Source of Authority)
The original teaching of the Jain scripture began with sermons by Mahavira. These sermons were taken & written down by his disciples
Jainism (Salvation) by a path of rigid self denial
Which includes renunciation of such practices as one killing living things, lying, greed, sexual pleasure, and worldly attachments
Confucianism is not a Religion in the sense of man relating to God,
But it is an ethical system of beliefs, teaching man how to get along with his fellow man