Differences in educational achievement by ethno-racial background Flashcards
How can the curriculum impact the achievement of some students?
→ Coard (1971)
The lack of Black history, culture and success on the curriculum has led to lower self esteem among some students.
-A disconnect between a cultural experience outside of school and inside school can lead to alienation
What did Gillborn (2002) assert regarding institutional racism in schools?
-Teachers interpret policy in a way that disadvantages Black students. For example, the way students are deemed to be gifted and talented or written off as “no hopers”.
- Following on from this, in 2008, Gillborn argued that racism affects some minorities more than others. “Model minorities” who are seen to have a positive attitude are treated differently to those that present a “gruff” exterior.
What did Sewell (1997) argue the impact of a high proportion of lone-parent households was on Black African pupils?
Lack of success within the sub-group of Black males could be linked to a higher proportion of single parent households. Less discipline and structure at home and lack of a male role model can subsequently impact on performance in school.
What is the A-C economy that Gillborn and Youdell asserted existed in schools in the 1990s/2000s?
As schools were judged on how many students could get a C or above, some students were written off as “no hopers”. Black males were disproportionately written off.
What have researchers asserted about home life, race and educational achievement?
There is a strong relationship between social class and achievement in all ethnic groups, however students from a middle-class background did better than students from a working class background. African-Caribbean boys did less well than their peers even when class was taken into account.
-Research found Chinese parents do place an exceptionally high value on education