Difference in gender achievement: internal Flashcards
gorard: 2005
- GCSE and Coursework
- found that the gender gap is fairly consistent from 1975 to 1989 he it increased sharply.
- this was because of the introduction of GCSEs and coursework
- ‘a product of the changes system o assessment rather than anymore general failings of boys’
Mitsos and Browne
found that girls are more successful in coursework because they’re more conscientious and better organised than boys.
- found that there are differences in gender communication style
- boys dominate class discussions whereas girls preferred pairwork and are better listeners and more cooperative
-explains why teachers respond more positively to girls than boys
equal opportunity policy
-policy markers and now more aware of gender issues and teachers are more sensitive to the need to avoid stereotypes
-belief that both genders are entitled to the same opportunities is now apart of the mainstream thinking and influences education policies
-1988 nation curriculum was introduced
positive role model in schools
-increase of female teachers an heads
-women in senior positions acts as a positive role model for girls as it shows them that women can achieve a position of importance.
joe boaler
-sees the impact of equal opportunities as the key factor to girls achievements
-many barriers have been removed and therefore makes it more meritocratic
- girls worker harder than boys and therefore acheive more