Difference-in-Difference Flashcards
How does Diff-in-Diff construct the counterfactual, and why does this account for unobserved differences?
Compare means between treated and controls in period 0 and 1
Maybe initial differences between treated and un-treated, that we do not need to know about as long as this difference stays constant over time
(Used when treatment choice is decided on by higher level of aggregation)
Parallel trends assumption
Constant bias assumption: assumption that other outcomes of treated and non-treated would have changed the same way in the absence of treatment
Approaches to overcome non-parallel trends
Propensity score matching to better match treated and non-treated on initial conditions: apply DiD on matched sample
Include time-varying factors into the regression
Synthetic controls
Advantages and disadvantages of generalized DiD with multiple groups and multiple time periods
Beneficial for checking parallel trends assumption
Better for statistical significance (standard errors)
Complication: you don’t need just parallel trends, also constant treatment effects
How does synthetic control group method overcome the limitations of DiD?
Motivated by the limitation of DiD:
- Selection of comparison units is not formalized
- No single unit alone may provide a good comparison for the unit affected by the intervention
Synthetic control group method: combination of unaffected units provides more appropriate comparison than any single unaffected unit alone
How does the synthetic control group method obtain the treatment effect and test whether it is significant?
Synthetic control is defined as a weighted average of units in the control group (as counterfactual for the treatment group)
Use permutation-based inference on the sample