Dietary Goals Flashcards
Fruit and vegetable goal
Goal: eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per person per day
Fruit and vegetable how
How: eat fruit snacks and add salad to sandwiches
Fruit and vegetable why
Why: provides vitamins A, C, and E
Fibre goal
Goal: adult 30 g per day
Teenager 25 g per day
Fibre how
How: eat vegetables with their skin on them
Fibre why
Why: helps with digestion of food which without this we can end up constipated which could lead to bowl cancer later in life
Oily fish goal
Goal: one 140 g portion per week
Oily fish how
How: use oily fish to replace meat e.g. stirfry
Include as starters
Use as potato filler
Oily fish why
Why: provides omega3-an unsaturated fat that helps lower blood pressure and prevents heart disease
Provides vitamin D - helps develop strong bones
Reduce salt goal
Goal: eat 6 g per day/1 teaspoon
Reduce salt how
How: use herbs and spices instead of salt
Use low salt original salt products
Reduce salt why
Why: eating too much= high blood pressure-heart disease-heart attack
Consume less fat goal
Goal: Total fat no more than 35% of food energy
Saturated fat no more than 11% of food energy
Consume less fat how
How: eating less takeaway and cutting the quantities of fatty oil we use in our cooking
Use low-fat options
Consume less fat why
why: reduces risk of cholesterol
Consume less sugar goal
Goal: free sugars are not exceed 5% of our total energy
Consume less sugar, how
How: Eating less breakfast, cereals and fruit juice with added sugar honey soft drinks and replacing them with fruit and vegetables and milk
Consume less sugar, why?
Why: reduces risk of tooth decay and type two diabetes
Calories goal
Goal: calorie intake to be reduced by 120 cal per person per day
Calorie how
how: replace high fat sugary products and replace them with starchy things
Calorie why
why: avoids weight-obese-heart disease
Carbohydrate goal
Goal: 50% of energy should come from carbohydrates
Carbohydrates, how
how: opt for starchy carbohydrates(bread, pasta potatoes) over sugary carbohydrates(sweets and pastries)
Carbohydrates, why?
Why: prevent obesity-heart disease
Red and processed meat goal
Goal: peg at around 70 g per person per day
Red and processed meat how?
how: by making swaps-Poultry fish or vegetables
Read and processed meat why?
why: can cause cancer