Diet Flashcards
How do Carbohydrates help us?
Provides quick energy. 60% of our diet should comprise ‘carbs’
When do we need carbohydrates in sport?
Running. Athletes in training will eat more ‘carbs’. Marathon runners will ‘load’ before the event.
Where do we get carbohydrates?
Pasta, cereals and potatoes.
How do fats help?
Provides slow energy. 25% of our diet should be fat.
When do we need fats in sport?
Walking and low impact exercise - it produces energy too slowly to be used when working hard.
Where do we get fats?
Oils, dairy products, nuts and fish
How do proteins help?
Builds and repairs muscle. We only need 15% of our diet to be protein
Why do we need proteins in sport?
When training hard and recovering from injury. ‘Power’ athletes such as weight lifters will eat more
Where do we get proteins from?
Meat, pulses and fish
How do vitamins help?
Helps the body work. Helps concentration
Why do we need vitamins in sport?
Staying calm, making quick decisions
Where do we get vitamins from?
Fresh fruit and vegetables
How do minerals help?
Helps release energy from food. Helps decision making
Why do we need minerals in sport?
When training hard and competing
Where do we get minerals?
Fruit, vegetables and fish
How does fibre help?
Can’t be digested. Fills you up and keeps you ‘regular’
Why do we need fibre in sport?
Healthy digestion, (no constipation) helps in sport. Also helps with weight control
Where do we get fibre from?
Fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals
Why do we need Vitamin A?
- good vision
- healthy skin
- growth
Where do we get vitamin A from?
- green and yellow vegetables
- dairy products
Why do we need Vitamin B ?
- release of energy from foods
- healthy skin
Where do we get Vitamin B from?
- meat
- milk
- fish
Why do we need Vitamin C?
- healthy skin
- protects cells
- helps absorb iron
- fruit
- vegetables
Where do we get Vitamin C from?
- fruit
- vegetables
Why do we need Vitamin D?
- strong teeth and bones
- margarine
- oily fish
Where do we need Vitamin D from?
- margarine
- oily fish
What is Calcium needed for and where can we find it?
Calcium is needed for the growth of healthy teeth and bones. Sources of calcium include milk, cheese, eggs, wholegrain cereals, green vegetables, bread and tofu.
What is iron needed for and where do we find it?
Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Sources of iron include red meat, green vegetables, eggs, lentils and bread.