Die Familie [Extended] Flashcards
This deck will review the oldest members of the extended family.
What is the English meaning for ?
die Urgroßeltern
the great-grandparents
What is the english meaning for ?
der Urgroßvater
the great-grandfather
What is the English meaning for ?
die Urgroßmutter
the great-grandmother
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
die Großeltern
the grandparents
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
der Großvater
the grandfather
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
die Großmutter
the grandmother
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
der Schwiegervater
the father-in-law
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
die Schwiegermutter
the mother-in-law
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
der Senior
the senior citizen (male)
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
die Seniorin
the senior citizen (female)
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
der Opa
[Affectionate Name]
What is the Englisch meaning for ?
die Oma
[Affectionate Name]