Dictums Flashcards
A house is a house
Louis Khan
Less is more
Mies van de Rohe
Less is a bore
Robert Venturi
Form follows function
Louis Sullivan
A bridge is like a house
Robert Mailart
Form does not necessarily follow function
Antonio Gaudi
The client is chaos
Rem Koolhaas
Form and function are one
Frank Lloyd Wright
Architecture is a synthesis of the technology and the art
Pierre Luigi Nervi
Architecture is expression of poetry
Oscar Niemeyer
Architecture must have liberty of forms
Oscar Niemeyer
Modern architecture need not be western
Kenzo Tange
Architecture is the expression of the past
Ieoh Ming Pei
Strength, beauty and unity
Design is how, form is what
Richard Rogers
Nothing that is not practical can be beautiful
Otto Wagner
Minoru Yamasaki
Design as if you are a child
Michael Graves
Ornament equals crime
Adolf Loos
Classical forms language of both the arctuated and trabeated models
Michael Graves
Modern ideas in modern dress
Charles Renee Makintosh
Lift the building in the ground
Adolf Loos
Architecture is the only tangible expression of space
Erich Mendelsohn
Design by living men for living men
Charles Renee Makintosh
Function influence but does not dictate
Eero Saarinen
Beauty grows from necessity, not from repetition
Eleil Saarinen
Most important material is man
Richard Nuetra
Spiritual function is inseparable from practical function
Eero Saarinen
A house is like a flower pot
Richard Nuetra
The integration of notion of cheapness to create sublime conditions
Rem Koolhaas
A town in a town
Otto Wagner
Form is the mystery that defies description but brings people pleasure
Alvar Aalto (Hugo Alvar Henric)
A cube within a cube
Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret)
Straight lines belong to man, curved lines belong to God
Antonio Gaudi
A house is a machine to live in
Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret)
Nature and architecture are two different things
Marcel Bruer
Art and architecture, the new unity
Walter Gropius
Architecture built not for need, but for art
Louis Khan
Machine is to be our modern medium of design
Walter Gropius
Automobile is the most important organizing element in the structure
Paul Rudolph
Architecture is the art of wasting space
Philip Johnson