diagnostic patterns to know Flashcards
What are some age related changes in young animals?
Low protein to albumin ratio due to increased total body water
low globulins
high body water content
low USG-immature kidney, watery diet
increased ALP due to bone growth
Ca:P ratio high due to growth
increased GGT in 1st week (horses and cows, in colostrum)
increased bilirubin in LA in 1st week
CBC: reactive lymphocytes, neonate cows-increased segmented neutrophils
what are some age related changes in older animals?
decreased TP
globulins increase
what are the clinical signs of post hepatic cholestatic liver disease?
swollen pancreas
gallbladder obstruction
stones (intra vs extrahepatic)
Chem findings for post hepatic cholestatic liver disease?
bilirubinuria then bilirubinemia
increased ALP/GGT
increased bile acid
colic clinical signs
signs of abdominal pain
injected, tacky mucous membranes
decreased gut sounds
CBC findings in colic
polycythemia with dehydration
leukopenia with neutropenia with regenerative left shift +/- toxic change
inflammation + steroid leukogram
chem findings in colic
increased P and decreased Ca
hyperbilirubinemia (due to anorexia)
hyperglycemmia (stress)
increased ALP-intestinal and liver spillover, biochemical cholestasis
increased CK/AST with transport, rolling or iatrogenic
pre-renal +/- renal azotemia
electrolyte abn depending on type
hypoalbuminemia with variable globulins
abdominal fluid findings in colic
modified transudate
inflammatory exudates
Clinical signs of DM
weight loss
CBC findings of DM
no distinct related changes
>5% Heinz bodies in cats
CHem findings of DM
persistent severe, fasting hyperglycemia
mild to moderate elevations in liver enzymes
Na & K variable (fluid shift due to hyperglycemia)
UA findings of DM
persistent fasting glucosuria
inappropriately concentrated urine
clinical signs of DM with ketoacidosis
weight loss
progressive weakness, anorexia, and lethargy (seen with reduction in water intake)
strong odor of acetone on breath
CBC findings of DM with ketoacidosis
no distinct related change
>5% Heinz bodies in cats
Chem findings of DM with ketoacidosis
variability in eletrcolyte levels