diagnostic imaging technique Flashcards
dense material show up as black or white?
air in lung in X-Ray is which color
fat and muscle is which color on x-ray
shade of grey
what is the ABCS approach of X-ray interpretation
Alignment and joint space
Alignment- Fracture, subluxation or dislocation
Joint space- narrowing due to cartilage loss, calcification, new bone formation
Bone texture
Altered density or disruption
Trace around the bone as a step on the cortex may indicate fracture or other pathology
Soft tissues
Swelling, foreign bodies or effusion
does x-ray is safe for developing fetus
what is a CT scan
Combines a series of x-ray images taken from different angles and uses computer processing to create cross sectional images or “slices” of bones, vessels or soft tissue inside your body
why is CT scan used
Diagnose muscle or bone disorder
Pinpoint location of infection, tumour or fracture
Guide procedures such as surgery, biopsy and radiation therapy
Detect and monitor diseases and conditions such as cancer, heart disease, lung nodules and liver masses
Monitor the effectiveness of certain treatments, such as cancer treatment
Detect internal injuries and internal bleeding
which one between CT-scan and X-ray use more radiation
what can help evaluate meniscus teat or chondromalacia patella
fluid injected into knww -> turn white
avantage of ultrasound
SAFE! – no radiation, no biological effects
Low cost!
Able to be done over metal
Can be done dynamically
Extension of clinical assessment
what type of imaging is the gold standart for RC tear
done in conjection with CT + ultrasound
ultrasound is good to capture what
Good at capturing soft tissues, muscles and ligaments
which type of imaging use High frequency sound waves that bounce off of tissues and organs to create a multi-dimensional image
what type of imaging use Technique that uses magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues in the body
which type of imaging technique produces 3D images that can be looked at from different angle
does MRI expose body to radiation
what is the gold standart for diagnosing soft tissu injuries
MRI For Bones and Joints help evaluate for
Joint abnormalities caused by traumatic or repetitive injuries, such as torn cartilage or ligaments
Disk abnormalities in the spine
Bone infections
Tumors of the bones and soft tissues
MRI for Brain and Spinal Cord help diagnose
Aneurysms of cerebral vessels
Disorders of the eye and inner ear
Multiple sclerosis
Spinal cord injuries
Brain injury from trauma
MRI for Heart and Blood Vessels assess for
The size and function of the heart’s chambers
Thickness and movement of the walls of the heart
The extent of damage caused by heart attack or heart disease
Structural problems in the aorta, such as aneurysms or dissections
Inflammation or blockages in the blood vessels
Absolute Contraindications
for MRI
Cardiac implantable electronic device (ex. Pacemakers, implantable debrillators)
Metal pieces
Piercing, metallic fragments (bullets)
Magnetic dental implants
Drug infusion pumps (ask to remove)
Artificial limb
Hearing aid
Relative Contraindications
for MRI
Tattoos less than 6 weeks old
Shunts (coronary/peripheral artery stents, airway)
Medication patch (remove)
Joint replacement or prosthesis
Pt unable to obey breathing instructions or has severe claustrophobia
BMI (unable to fit in narrow machine)
T1- weighted MRI Color of:
Spinal cord
Fat (subcutaneous tissue)
Disc (intact an hydrated)
Inflammation (edema, infarction, demyelination)
Bright (white)
Very Dark
T2- wighted MRI color of CSF/fluid
Spinal cord
Fat (subcutaneous tissue)
Disc (intact an hydrated)
Inflammation (edema, infarction, demyelination)
Bright (white)
Dark Grey
Light Grey
Very Dark
what is commonly used to diagnose OA
DEXA scan
goal of DEXA scan
: Designed to measure density of body tissue, does not produce high quality picture Measures mineral content of the bones in certain areas of the skeleton
Measures bone loss as you age
bone scan is used to
Used to detect stress fracture of the long bones and vertebrae, degenerative diseases, infections, or tumours of the bone
To look at bone metabolism
what do you need to used to detected stress fracture if you only have 4-5% of bone loss
bone scan
when do you know if a bone scan is abdnormal
Abnormal when scan shows darker “hot spots” or lighter “cold spots”
What is a Bone Scan Used For?
Avascular necrosis
Bone cancers
Fibrous dysplasia (scar like tissue to grow in replace of bone)
Paget’s disease (weakened bone)
Infections involving bone
EMG is used as
as a diagnostic procedure to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them
Reveal nerve dysfunction, muscle dysfunction or problems with nerve to muscle signal transmission
EMG is used to diagnose/rule out what
Muscle disorders (muscular dystrophy)
Diseases affecting the connection between the nerve and muscle
Disorder of nerves outside the spinal cord (i.e. carpal tunnel or peripheral neuropathies)
Disorders that affect motor neurons in the brain/spinal cord (polio)
Disorders that affect the nerve root, such as herniated disc
what type of imaging can show abnormalities in asymptomatic people
Bone scan, MRI and ultrasound