Diagnostic Imaging Flashcards
X Ray
The energy that is produces a radiograph
What we are looking at
Conventional radiograph - what we call an X-ray
Why does it work
Ionizing radiation delivered to the objects within the path and parameter of the beam
Very harmful - so we have guidelines for how much radiation someone can be exposed to with certain ages
Plain Film
Hard copy
Not as common, but areas that can’t afford digital will still use these hard copies
Film is a piece of acetate held btw two sheets of silver emulsion
Photochemical reaction takes place in the area the radiation beam hits the film
Causes silver to precipitate out and turn the film darker
Computed Radiography
Soft copy
Replaces the need for the photochemical processing that plain film requires
Radiation is absorbed on a phosphor screen which is scanned by a laser
The image is converted into an analog signal which is then processed into a digital image
Digital Radiography
Semiconductor material is used to convert the radiation into an electrical charge
Electrical charge goes through a series of other conversions ending up as a digitized signal
Computed Radiography vs. Digital Radiography
Computed = like hard copy, but you can store the response directly and you can manipulate it to some degree Digital = you can manipulate the input to change your image, has allowed for 3D imaging and CAT scans
Yes… to cells that have high levels of mitosis (bone marrow, testes, ova, intestinal epithelium, epidermis)
The more dense and object is, the more radiation energy it will absorb
The thicker an object, the more energy will be absorbed
Objects that absorb a lot of energy are said to be radiodense
Objects that absorb less energy are radiolucent
Process of Attenuation
Object will absorb some of the energy, it will reflect that energy, and it will refract that energy
Basically, the idea of how much energy actually gets to the receptor
Radiolucent - Black
Black/Gray (low radio density - radiolucent)
Gray (low radio density - radiolucent)