Diagnostic horizon and designation Flashcards
Mollic - surface horizon
(A) Thick, dark colored, high base saturation, strong structure
Umbric - surface horizon
(A) Same as except low base satruation
Ochric - surface horizon
(A) Light colored, low organic content, may be hard and massive when dry
Melanic - surface horizon
(A) Thick, black, high in organic matter (>6% organic C) common in volcanic ash soils
Histic - surface horizon
(O) Very high in organic content, wet during some part of year
Anthropic - surface horizon
(A) Human-modified mollic-like horizon, high in available P
Plaggan - surface horizon
(A) Human-made sodlike horizon created by years of manuring
Argillic - subsurface horizon
(Bt) Silicate clay accumulation
Natric - subsurface horizon
(Btn) Argillic, high in sodium, columnar or prismatic structure
Spodic - subsurface horizon
(Bhs) Organic matter, Fe and Al oxides accumulation
Cambic - subsurface horizon
(B) Changed or altered by physical movement or by chemical reaction
Agric - subsurface horizon
(A or B) Organic and clay accumulation just below plow layer resulting from cultivation
Oxic - subsurface horizon
(Bo) Highly weathered, primarily mixture of Fe, Al oxides and non-sticky-type silicate clays
Duripan - subsurface horizon
(m) Hardpan, strong cemented by silica
Fragipan - subsurface horizon
(x) Brittle pan, usually loamy textured, weakly cemented
Albic - subsurface horizon
(E) Light colored, clay and Fe and Al oxides mostly removed
Calcic - subsurface horizon
(k) Accumulation of CaCO3 or CaCO3 - MgCO3
Gypsic - subsurface horizon
(y) Accumulation of gypsum
Salic - subsurface horizon
(z) Accumulation of salts
Kandic - subsurface horizon
Accumulation of low-activity clays
Petrocalcic - subsurface horizon
Cemented calcic horizon
Petrogypsic - subsurface horizon
cemented gypsic horizon
Placic - subsurface horizon
Thin pan cemented with iron alone or with manganese or organic matter
Sombric - subsurface horizon
Organic matter accumulation
Sulfuric - subsurface horizon
Highly acid with Jarosite mottles