Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa Flashcards
Diagnostic Criteria for bulimia
A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by both of the following.
1. Eating in a discreet time e.g. within 2 hours an amount of food that is larger than most individuals would eat.
2.lack of control over eating
B.Inappropriate behaviors to prevent weight gain.
C. Binge eating at least once a week for 3 months
D.Self evaluation is unduly influeneced by body shape and weight.
E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia
Diagnostic for Bulimia
Specify current severity
Mild 1-3 episodes per week.
Moderate 4-7 episode per week.
Severe 8-13 episodes a week
Extreme an average of 14 or more episodes
In appropriate compensatory behaviors ( vomiting,laxitives excessive exercise)
Diagnostic for Binge Eating
A. Recurrent episodes of Binge eating
- Within 2 hour period.
- A sense of lack of control.
B.Binge eating is associated with 3 or more of following:
- Eating more rapidly than normal
- Eating until uncomfotable.
- Eating large amounts of food when not hungry.
- Eating alone because of feeling embarassed by how much you are eating.
- Feeling disgusted with one self.
C.Marked distress regarding binge eating
D. Binge eating occurs on average at least once a week for 3 months
E.The binge eating is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory as bulimi nervosa or anorexia
BED Criteria
Mild 1-3 binge eating episodes a week
Moderate 4-7 binge eating episodes
Severe 8-13
Extreme 14 or more
Psychodynamic Influences
Unfullfillment sense of separation individuation. when event occur that threaten
the vulnerable ego,feelings of lack of control over ones body emerge.Behaviors associated with food and eating serve to provide feelings of control over one’s life.
Imbalanced nutrition:
Less than body requirements
Refusal to eat,abuse of laxitives,diuretics and or diet pi;;s,loss of 15 percent of expected body weight,paleconjuncyiva and mucous membranes,poor muscle
tones,amenorrhea,poor skin turgor,eletrolyte imbalnces,hypothermia,hypotension,cardiac irregularities,edema
Deficient Fluid Volume
Decreased fluid intake,abnormal fluid loss caused by self induced vomiting,excessive use of laxitives,enemas or diuretics,electrolyte imbalance,decreased urine output,increased urine concentration,elevated hematocrit,decreased blood pressure,increased pulse rate,dry skin,decreased skin tugor and weakness
Minimizes symptoms,unable to admit impact of disease on life pattern,does not perceive personal relevance of danger
Compulsive eating,excessive intake in relation to metabolic needs,sedentary lifestyle,weight 20 percent over ideal for height and frame,BMI of 30 or more
Disturbed body image/Low self esteem
Distorted body image,views self as fat,even in presence of normal body weight or severe emaciaition,lack of eye contact,depressed mood.Denies the problem with low body weight exists,difficulty accepting positive reinforcement,self destructive behavior(self induced vomiting,abuse of laxitivesor diuretics,refusal to eat) Preoccupationwith appearance and how others perceive it. (anorexia,bulima)
Verbalization of negative feelings about way he or she looks and desire to lose weight (obesity )
Anxiety(Moderate to severe)
Increased tension,increased helplessness,over
excited,apprehensive,fearful,restlessness,poor eye contact,increased difficulty taking oral nourishment,inability to learn.
Out come Criteria
- Has acheived and maintained an expected BMI for age ,body build weight hx and physiological disturabnaces.
- VS,BP,lab serum studies are WNL
- Verbalizes importance adequate nutrition.
- Verbalizes knowledge regarding consequences of fluid losscaused by self induced vomiting or laxitives,diuretic abuse and importance of adequate fluid intake.(anorexia nervosa,bulimia nervisa)
- Verbailizes events that precipitate anxiety and demonstartes techniques for reduction.
- Verbilizes ways in which he or she may gain more control of the enviornment and thereby reduce feelings of powerlessness.
- Express less preoccupation with own apperance (anorexia nervosa ,bulimia nervosa)
- Demonstrates the ability to take control of ones own life without resorting to maladaptive eating behaviors.(anorexia,bulimia,BED)
- Has established a healthy eating pattern for weight controland weight losstowards a desired goal.
- Verbalizes plan for maintenance of weight control and relapse prevention (BED)
Reasons for Hospitalization
Malnutrition less than 85% body weight.
severe electrolyte imbalance
cardiac arrhythmia,severe bradycardia
hypothermia,hypotension,suicide ideation
The Maudsley approach
Evidenced based program (teenagers)
Involves family every step of way
Intensive outpatient program
Phase 1 weight restoration Parents establish rules and guidelines around eating.
Phase 2 Contol of maintaing weight gain is restored back to adolecence. once he or she demonstrates the ability to maintain 95%body weight final phase begins.
Phase 3 focus on assiting adoleescent to identify health self idenity. This phase incorporates CBT and DBT skills .
Weight gain and treatment of comorbid depression.
* Black box warning of increasing suicide ideation in adolescents.
* The anticholinergic side effects of tricyclic antidepressants include orthstatic hypotension,.
It is also important to recognize that depression and other mood and cognitive symptoms can be a symptom of malnutrition and starvation. * Found to be useful in treatment of bulimia nervosa. usual dose 60 mg daily.
Other Antidepressants
1. imipramine (Tofranil)
Also shown to be effected in controll studies.
Medication for BED
Weight loss is a seconday symptom
topiramate and lisdexamfetamine (dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.) Medication in combination with CBT is more beneficial than medication alone