Diagnosis by symptom Flashcards
Patient presents with: epicanthic folds Upslanting features Hypoplasia in midline Low set, small ears
Down Syndrome (47, +21)
Patient presents with: short stature low posterior hairline webbing of the neck coarction of the aorta cubitus valgus
Turner Syndrome (45, X)
Patient presents with Aortic dilation myopia iridodonesis arachnodactyly pectus excavatum
Marfan Syndrome
Patient presents with 6 cafe-au-lait spots Plexiform neuroma ADHD
Neurofibromatosis Type I
Patient presents with tiredness hepatosplenomegaly prominent forehead
alpha thalassemia
Patient presents with Feeling exhausted Jaundice Recent History Took quinine Eats fava beans all the time
Glucose-6-Phosphate Deficiency
Patient presents with Rapid onset of weight at age 2 Failure to thrive as an infant Small testes
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Patient presents with short stature short limbs large head
Patient presents with seizures hypotrophy of muscles lactic acidosis short stature repeat vomiting
Patient presents with cleft lip or palate without a midline membrane close set (possibly fused) eyes Polydactyly, clenched fingers and toes cutis aplasia malformed ears
Patau Syndrome (47 +13) with holoprosencephaly
Patient presents with Feeling exhausted Social History Preferentially avoids meat, felt worse after eating
Ornithine transcarboxylase deficiency
Patient presents with failure to communicate Appears happy all the time Has very jerky arm and leg motions
Angelman Syndrome
Patient present with: very tall stature gynecomastia elongated extremities Poor secondary sex characteristic development
Kleinfelter Syndrome (47, XXY)
Patient presents with 3 hypopigmented regions on back connective tissue nevi acne-like appearance seizures
Tuberous Sclerosis
Patient presents with Failure to acquire development milestones Irascible hand wringing behavior
Retts Syndrome