Diagnosis Flashcards
Diagnosis - Achilles Tendinitis
This is the inflammation of the tendon resulting from micro-tears from overload of tensile force. This is commonly seen in athletes and is a chronic, overuse injury. This may also be the result of training errors or inappropriate footwear. This differs from tendinosis as tendinosis is the degeneration of the tendon where there is no temperature rise.
Diagnosis - Achilles Tenovaginitis
This is an inflammatory condition of the sheath or layer surrounding the Achilles tendon. It is an overuse injury resulting from repeated microtrauma most common in runners or those marching in heavy boots often. You may also see this in those with poor supportive footwear, tight calves, sudden increase in hill training, and transitioning from heels to flats.
Diagnosis - Calcaneus Apophysitis
Also called Sever’s disease. It is a boney outgrowth forming a spur located on the posterior calcaneus. May be associated with Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis. Current thinking is aligned with abnormal biomechanics as the cause such as abnormal pronation.
Diagnosis - Peroneus Lesion
Can have either an acute or chronic presentation. This is common in running athletes, dancers, ice skaters, basketball, etc. Tight calf muscles may contribute to peroneus injuries. It may result from poor mechanics such as over pronation or excessive eversion. It may be caused by poor footwear and severe ankle sprains.
Diagnosis - Flexor Digitorum Lesion
This can range from degeneration to rupture given the damage and level of progression. As it progresses, there will be more pain, flatten arches. Runners with this condition have shown with increased rearfoot pronation causing greater strain on the involved tendon.
Diagnosis - Tibialis Posterior Lesion
Injuries to the tibialis posterior tendon may result from poor flexibility, poor biomechanics of running, poor intrinsic foot musculature, inadequate warm ups, general muscle weakness, and poor training regimen resulting in overuse or excessive stress.
Diagnosis - Flexor Hallucis Lesion
It can have a traumatic onset with a high force to tendon or gradual overuse. It is common in ballet dancers as they consistently rise onto their toes. It is especially prevalent in flat feet, shoes too large, poor technique or biomechanics, or poor flexibility.
Diagnosis - Achilles Tendon Rupture
Most commonly occurs in recreational sports. It occurs as an overstretch due to a sudden, large increase in tension to the strong, fibrous Achilles tendon which can causes as rupture. The patient usually will experience the tear upon eccentric loading of the tendon as it places more stress to the tendon. It may be a sudden onset, and others may have a history of chronic Achilles tendonitis or a prior cortisone injection.
Diagnosis - S1 Root Lesion
May result from multiple sources. Lesion could result from mechanical compression such as disk herniation, OA bone spurs, ligament thickening, or stenosis. Lesion could also result from direct trauma, chemical irritation, or tumor.
Diagnosis - Tibialis Anterior Lesion
Result of prolonged activities including running, fast walking, or wearing tight fitting shoes. This may also be tight shoe laces or someone who stays in a kneeling position for a long time which may direct rub against tendon. It may be due to muscle tightness/weakness, stiff ankle/foot joints, muscular imbalances, overweight, improper footwear and biomechanics.
Diagnosis - Extensor Hallucis Lesion
Often is inflamed as a tendinopathy. It is usually caused by overuse with poor fitting shoes or shoes that are too tight. A change in training, running uphill, and especially running on treadmills causes more stress at the extensor tendons at the top of the foot as the foot has to be lifted higher. Running downhill also increases the eccentric load.
Diagnosis - Extensor Digitorum Lesion
Often is inflamed as a tendinopathy. It is usually caused by overuse with poor fitting shoes or shoes that are too tight. A change in training, running uphill, and especially running on treadmills causes more stress at the extensor tendons at the top of the foot as the foot has to be lifted higher. Running downhill also increases the eccentric load.
Diagnosis - Tenosynovitis of Dorsiflexors
Generally caused by overuse and poorly fitting shoes, or shoes that are too tight. This causes inflammation and can weaken and eventually rupture the tendon. This is common in ice skaters.
Diagnosis - Myosynovitis of Tibialis Anterior
This occurs as an overuse injury in skaters, skiers, and long distance runners. Also havs been seen in army recruits after long hikes.