Diagnosis Flashcards
Generalized seizure that affects the entire brain. Most commonly associated with epilepsy and seizures in general.
Complex tonic-clonic seizure
Define sleep study
a medical condition of unknown cause, with fever, aching, and prolonged tiredness and depression, typically occurring after a viral infection.
chronic fatigue syndrome
subtype of major depression or dysthymic disorder that involves several specific symptoms, including increased appetite or weight gain, sleepiness or excessive sleep, marked fatigue or weakness, moods that are strongly reactive to environmental circumstances, and feeling extremely sensitive to rejection
atypical depression
symptom defined by having excessive daytime sleepiness, particularly during the day
Daytime fatigue in primary hypersomnia
inflammation of the pharynx, causing a sore throat.
Viral/ Bacterial Pharyngitis
What tests should be ordered for infectious mononucleosis? (4)
CBC with peripheral smear
Monospot test
Throat culture
Anti-EBV antibodies
inflammation of the walls of the alveoli in the lungs, usually caused by a virus. can present with SOB, cough, wheezing.
top of differential with 2 weeks nonproductive cough s/p sore throat and runny nose
atypical pneumonia
cough that is frequent and produces mucus; a lack of energy; a wheezing sound when breathing, which may or may not be present; a fever, which may or may not be present
test can be used to evaluate kidney function, blood acid/base balance, and your levels of blood sugar, and electrolytes. Depending on which lab you use, a basic metabolic panel may also check your levels of calcium and a protein called albumin.
Chem 7
Chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety.
Social anxiety disorder
What two tests will test for Cushing syndrome?
24 hour urine free cortisol
dexamethasone suppression test
a condition in which the muscles of the lower part of the esophagus fail to relax, preventing food from passing into the stomach.
dysphagia, upper esophageal webs, and iron deficiency anemia
Plummer Vinson Syndrome
definition = kidney stone
group of conditions in which the stomach lining is inflamed.
can present as epigastric pain and coffee-ground emesis.
An intestinal infection marked by diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Aka stomach flu