Diabetes week 1 Flashcards
Risk factors for pre-diabetes (4 main ones)
- family hx
- sedentary lifestyle
- overweight or obese
- being non white (hispanic or native american)
Type 1 diabetes
- insulin dependent
- <20 years old
- usually skinny
- Islet autoantibodies present
Type 2 diabetes
- initially non-insulin dependent
- > 40 y/o
- usually obese
- more common in minorities
- no autoantibodies present
development of type 2 diabetes depends on:
-abnormal beta cell function & relative insulin deficiency
Insulin resistance is when
there is a malfunction on the insulin receptor site and glucose spills over into the blood stream
what is the exercise prescription?
- frequency : T1: daily T2: 3-5 days
- Intensity: where they are seating and breathing heavily
- time: T1: 20-30 min T2: 20-60mins
- type: both aerobic and resistance
What is hypoglycemia and what is it caused by?
- BG < 70
- caused by food, exercise, medication or defect in glucagon secretion
Hypoglycemia stage 1 signs and symptoms
-nervousness, anxiety, hunger, nausea, numbness/tingling, pallor, tachycardia
Hypoglycemia stage 2 signs and symotoms:
-sudden fatigue, weakness, dizziness, confusion, amnesia, seizures, coma death…
How do you treat hypoglycemian?
RULE OF 15!!
- eat 15 gram carb load: orange juice, soda, candy
- *then follow up with a more substantial snack (protein, carbs and fat)
Severe hypoglycemia treatment:
-Glucagon recombinant: 1 mg IV, IM, SQ or NS
Hyperglycemia signs and symptoms:
- weakness, malaise, polyuria, weight loss, (develop over time)
- high BG levels (>250)
Hyperglycemia at home management:
- monitor BG
- insulin
- rest, water 7 EXERCISE
Hyperglycemia acute adverse effects:
- diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
- hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS)
Macro vascular complications
- CAD –> leading cause of death in diabetics
- cerebrovascular disease, hemorrhagic, ischemic strokes
ADA Blood pressure guidelines/ tx
ASCVD <15%: <140/90
ASCVD >15%: <130/80
Pregnancy: 120-160/80-105
-no drug of choice but use acei/arb
AACE blood pressure guidelines/ tx:
BP goal < 130/80
-ACEi/ARB id drug of choice
ACC/AHA blood pressure guidelines/tx
- BP <130/80
- if CKD: acei
- if HF: dont use non-DHP CCB
- if black: use thiazide or CCB