diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PAD Flashcards
- B cells of pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed
- Insulin dependence
- Commonly detected before 30 y/o
Rise in blood glucose
o Insufficient insulin action (insulin resistance)
o Declining insulin production
Leads to B cell failure > insulin dependence > requires insulin injections
- Pancreas alpha cells releases glucagon in response to hypoglycemia
- Glucagon stimulates release of glucose to plasma from liver
- Plasma glucose returns to normal levels
- Pancreas b cells release insulin
- Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells
- Plasma glucose returns to normal levels
criteria for diabetes diagnosis
Fasting plasma glucose >125 mg/dL (FPG)
2-hour plasma glucose >/= 200 mg/dL OGTT
A1C >/= 6.5%
Classic diabetes symptoms + random plasma glucose >/= 200 mg/dL
complications of DM
immune dysfunction
charcot’s disease
Progressive degeneration of weight bearing joints
Increase risk of skin breakdown
coronary artery disease
Major cause of death in both types of DM
More diffuse atherosclerosis
Increase HTN, CHF, CVA risk
Increase incidence of dysrhythmias
increased infection risk
o Skin barrier disruption
o Decreased function of macrophages (impaired immunity)
o Hyperglycemia promotes bacterial growth and proliferation
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Occurs in Type 1 > Type 2 (shortage of insulin)
- Lack of insulin and increased glucagon
- Body burns fatty acids and produces ketones
- Ketones lead to acidosis
DKA s/s
o Respiratory compensation (kussmaul breathing)
o Nausea/vomiting
o Abdominal pain
o Osmotic diuresis
*often precipitated by acute illness
osmotic diuresis
High glucose concentrations in the nephrons draw water into nephrons by osmosis
results in
* Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
* Polyuria
* Excessive fluid loss dehydration (hypotension)
hypoglycemia and exercise
Monitor BG before and after
May require lower insulin dose pre-activity or increased carb intake prior or during activity
BG >100 mg/dL prior to exercise then supplement with carb snack
hyperglycemia and exercise
- Postpone exercise if BG >250 mg/dL (avoid mod-vig)
- Glucagon release + exercise + hyperglycemia may result in ketoacidosis