Diabetes B&B Flashcards
what are the 2 classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus
often presents asymptotically, but classic symptoms are polyuria (glucose is osmotic diuretic) and polydipsia (to replace fluids)
[recall these are the same symptoms of diabetes insipidus, though by completely different mechanisms]
What measurements of fasting plasma glucose are considered normal, pre-diabetic, and diabetic?
normal <100mg/dl
pre-diabetic 100-125mg/dl
diabetic >126mg/dl
how does hemoglobin A1C develop in diabetes? what level of hemoglobin A1C is indicative of diabetes?
non-enzymatic glycation of hemoglobin - within the beta chains, terminal valines have NH2 group, which glucose can hydrogen bond to
diabetes: >6.5% HgbA1C
what type of hypersensitivity reaction is Type 1 diabetes?
Type IV - T cell mediated destruction of beta cells —> loss of insulin
associated with HLA-DR3/4
why does it makes sense that diabetic ketoacidosis is more common in Type 1 diabetes?
common initial presentation of Type I, often precipitated by infection/trauma (or skipping insulin therapy)
development of DKA requires low insulin - more common in Type I when there is low insulin due to beta cell destruction (Type IV hypersensitivity)
why type of breathing presents with DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) and why?
Kussmaul breathing: deep, labored hyperventilation - the body is trying to blow off CO2 and raise the pH
describe why ketoacidosis occurs in type I diabetes
DKA occurs following injury/trauma - this causes increase in epinephrine
in type I diabetes, insulin is low because of beta cell autoimmune destruction - this stalls the TCA cycle
low insulin + high epinephrine = high fatty acid utilization, producing acetyl-CoA
acetyl-CoA is diverted away from TCA and into ketone synthesis
patient with DKA is showing signs of respiratory failure - what should you do?
check the phosphorus level!! [classic board question]
acidosis in DKA causes phosphate to leave cells, and is then lost via osmotic diuresis (mediated by high blood glucose) —> loss of ATP, leading to muscle weakness presenting as respiratory failure / heart failure
what type of infection is a classic complication of DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis)?
mucormycosis - fungal infection caused by Rhizopus or Mucor species, which thrive in high glucose/ketoacidosis environment
presents as patient recovering from DKA with new onset fever/headache/eye pain (infection starts in sinuses)
blood levels of what 2 substances need to be closely monitored when administering insulin for DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis)?
- potassium - despite hyperkalemia during acidosis, total body K+ is low due to diuresis… insulin will cause K+ to shift into cells, leading to hypokalemia
- glucose - insulin therapy must be continued until acidosis resolves (this is what causes symptoms of DKA), but this can cause hypoglycemia
K+ and glucose are usually administered concurrently
which poses a higher risk for Type 2 diabetes, visceral (intra-abdominal) or subcutaneous fat? why?
visceral fat, because its breakdown is less inhibited by insulin
more lipolysis (due to insulin resistance) produces more free fatty acids - this may contribute to diabetes because FA is used for fuel instead of glucose (therefore there is less glucose transport into cells)
which is a greater risk factor for type 2 diabetes, “apple” or “pear” shape? why?
apple shape is worse because it is due to increased visceral adipose tissue, while pear shape is due to increased subcutaneous adipose tissue (which is more responsive to insulin)
what is the classic histological finding of pancreatic islets in type 2 diabetes?
amyloid in pancreatic islets
amylin normally made by beta cells and packaged with insulin
amylin accumulates and gives appearance of amyloid
what is hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) and is it more common in Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?
life-threatening complication of diabetes, VERY high glucose (>1000) causes extreme diuresis and dehydration
very high serum osmolarity causes CNS dysfunction
more common in Type 2
acanthosis nigricans
hyperpigmented plaques within skin folds (neck, axillae) associated with insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes)
what are the 2 mechanisms underlying most of the complications of diabetes (cardiac disease, renal failure, neuropathy, etc)
- non-enzymatic glycation - causes cross-linked proteins (“advanced glycosylation end products,” AGEs)
- sorbitol accumulation (Polyol pathway)
what is the cause of diabetic macroangiopathy? how can this present?
AGEs (advanced glycosylation end products, due to non-enzymatic glycation) trap LDL in large vessels —> atherosclerosis
—> coronary artery disease (angina, MI)
—> stroke/TIA
—> peripheral vascular disease (claudication, arterial ulcers, poor wound healing, gangrene)
what is the cause of diabetic microangiopathy?
AGEs (advanced glycosylation end products, due to non-enzymatic glycation) cause damage to glomerulus and arterioles —> end stage kidney disease
renal efferent arteriosclerosis is rarely seen except in…
diabetes - causes hyaline arteriosclerosis
can occur in afferent arterioles (—> ischemia) or efferent arterioles (—> hyperfiltration)
can treat efferent arteriosclerosis with ACE inhibitor (causes dilation)
what 2 forms of glomerulosclerosis are associated with diabetes? how do they differ?
- diffuse glomerulosclerosis: collagen IV deposits on basement membrane of capillary loops, can cause nephrotic syndrome if severe
- nodular glomerulosclerosis: specific to diabetes, Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules form in mesangium
nodular glomerulosclerosis is rare except in…
diabetes (pathognomonic of diabetic kidney disease)
nodular glomerulosclerosis: Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules form in mesangium of glomerulus
can lead to fibrosis/scarring of entering kidney
fill in the blanks regarding the polyol pathway:
1. glucose is converted to sorbitol via [enzyme], which requires [cofactor]
2. sorbitol is converted to [sugar] via sorbitol dehydrogenase, producing [cofactor]
- glucose is converted to sorbitol via ALDOSE REDUCTASE, which requires NADPH
- sorbitol is converted to FRUCTOSE via sorbitol dehydrogenase, producing NADH
what is the cause of diabetic neuropathy, and how does this present?
sorbitol accumulates in Schwann cells (myelinating cells), causing osmotic damage
presents as “stocking-glove” sensory loss - longest axons most affected (those going to feet/legs), sensation gets worse moving distally
autonomic neuropathy can also occur —> postural hypotension, delayed gastric emptying
how could you distinguish diabetic neuropathy from B12 deficiency?
both can cause loss of sensation in lower extremities; however, diabetic neuropathy causes “stocking-glove” sensory loss - gets worse distally / better proximally
B12 deficiency causes even loss of sensation in legs
how does sorbitol contribute to the development of diabetic retinopathy?
sorbitol accumulates in pericytes, which wrap around capillaries —> microaneurysms develop and rupture, causing hemorrhage
explain the link between elevated free fatty acids and insulin resistance in patients with obesity?
increased release of fatty acids due to high volume of adipocytes (esp. from visceral adipocytes)
elevated plasma FFA inhibit insulin-stimulated glucose uptake —> insulin resistance
what is the role of incretins on postprandial insulin secretion?
incretins: gastrointestinal hormones that cause “anticipatory” rise in insulin after eating, before blood glucose becomes elevated
secreted by enteroendocrine cells of small intestine
ex: GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1), GIP (glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide)
how do hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia develop, respectively, in type I diabetes?
hyperglycemia caused by increased liver gluconeogenesis combined with reduced glucose uptake by muscle/adipose (GLUT4 is insulin dependent)
hypertriglyceridemia caused by decreased expression of lipoprotein lipase due to low insulin levels