Diabetes Flashcards
describe the normal metabolism of glucose
eat –> glucose in blood causes beta cells in islets of langerham of pancreas to release insulin –> insulin moves to liver, muscles + adipose tissues –> binds to insulin receptor –> allows glucose uptake by cell –> stored as energy
what is the main complication of T1D?
beta cells are damaged –> no insulin released –> impaired glucose uptake –> high glucose in blood + urine (body think it hasnt been fed/ starving itself –> increased ratio of glucagon:insulin –> increase catabolism of glycogen (glycogenolysis), fat + protein –> increase fatty acid synthesis = ketone bodies synthesis –> decrease blood pH+ dehydration
if not treated with exogenous insulin = can cause unconsciousness
describe the pathogenesis of T1D (immune cells)
1) APC (B cells, macrophages, DC) recognise beta cells as foreign, phagocytose + present antigen fragments on MHC 2 –> present to autoreactive CD4 T cells (that have escapes neg selection)
2) CD8 T cells recognise MHC 1 presenting immunogenic self antigens –> kill beta cells
3) innate + adaptive (B + T ) cells will release proinflammatory cytokines & ROS –> exacebate beta cell destruction
4) activated B cells produce autoantibodies = measured as biomarkers for diagnosing T1D
classifcaition of diabetes?
1) T1D (insulin dependant, juvenile diabetes)
- autoimmunty destruciton of insulin-producing beta cells
- 5-10%
2) T2D (insulin independant)
- insulin resistance + insulin deficiency
3) other types
- genetic defects affecting beta cell function + insulin action
- 1-2% cases
4) gestational diabetes
- insulin resistnace / decrease insulin synthesis during pregnancy
- 3-5% all pregnancies
T1D diagnostic criteria
1) fasting plasma glucose level > 7 mmol per L (126mg/dL)
2) random venous plasma glucose level of >11.1 mmol / L (200mg/dL) in patient with classic hyperglycaemic symptoms
3) plasma glucose levels >11.1mmol/L (200mg/dL) measured after glucose load (1.75g/kg)
4) glycated Hb HbAc1 > 6.5%
- when glucose levels high = glucose attaches to Hb on rbc = becomes glycated hb = reflects avg BG over lifespan of rbc containing it
5) autoantibodies- B AND T cells produce antibodies that react to self beta cell antigens
- escaped neg selection due to:
1. suboptimal presentation of beta cell antigen on MHC 2 of APC to TCR in thymus (weak interaction of beta cell antigen to MHC 2) = escape neg selection
- decreased thymic INS experssion = (1) reduce neg selection of autoreactive T cells
(2) limit thymic development of beta cell specific T reg cell (FOXp3+ ) - mutation in PTPN33 gene = increase phosphatatse activity to TCR signalling pathway =
(1) limit T cell gene exp
(2) limit prod of inflammatory cytokines
==> reduce neg selection (dont know which T cell is auto-reactive)
what are the enviornemntal factors causing T1D?
1) infection / microbes/ gut microbiome
- Hygiene hypothesis: early child exposure to infection/microbes can increase tolerance to self antigens
2) virus infection: certain antigens can trigger local inflamation + attract other reactive lymphocytes
3) sunlight + vit D
- increase T1D in cananda + scandanavian due to lack of sunlight
4) diet:
- accelerator hypothesisis: modern diet of high sugar can put stress on beta cells
what is the current treatment for T1D?
1) multiple BGL measurements (>4x)
2) daily multiple-dose insulin injections to mimic pscyhologic insulin release ( ~ 4 injections per day)
3) detecting hypoglycaemia events (sudden decrease in BGL)
what is metabolic complication of T1D?
1) ketoacidosis
2) hyperglycaemia (no insulin)
3) hypoglycamia (side effect of blood sugar lowering medications)
lack of insulin release causes high glucose concentration in blood + urine –> increases glucagon: insulin ratio –> increase catabolsim of glycogen (glycogenolysis), fat, protein –> adipose tissue releases fatty acids (lipolysis) –> liver converts fatty acids into KETONE BODIES (beta oxidation) –> ketone bodies undergo beta oxidation = low pH
1) acidosis
2) acetone fruity breath
- decreased bgl due to suboptimal insulin treatment
- if not treated can lead to loss of consciousness+ seizure (occures 1-4x per 50 patient years)
- treatment= quick sugar source
- if recurrent hypoglycameia=. results in hypoglycaemia unawareness (dont seek sugar source)
- assocaited w 4-10% T1D related deaths
describe hypoglycaemia in T1D
1) side effect of suboptimal insulin treatment = decreased blood glucose levels
2) treatment= sugar source
3) causes loss of consciousness / seizure (happens 1-4 times ervery 50 patient years)
4) ongoing hypoglaemica events can cause unawanreness (dont seek sugar source)
5) associated 4-10% with T1D related deaths
what are the microvascular complications of T1D?
- intensive management of BGL: can have slower progression + reduced chance of microvascular complications
- if BGL not properly managed = glucose attaches to pbody proteins, results in:
1) retinopathy
2) diabetic nephropathy
3) nerve: decreased sensation in toes + fingers
4) affects autonomic nervous system = poor blood supply
1) retinopathy
- new blood vessels form at back of the eye & burst causing vitreous hemorrhage (blood leaks around viterous humour of eye)
- >80% T1D develop retinopathy
- can lead to blindness if not proper manged
2) diabetic nephropathy
- caused by increased albumin excretion in urine
- high glucose in blood due to no insulin production = glucose sticks to Hb protein on rbc = kidney tries extra hard to eliminate glucose through urine = but since glomerulus only filters small particles , glucose binded to Hb can damage glomerula = decrease glomerular filtration rate
- may need kidney tarnsplant
3) nerve damage:
decreased sensation in fingers + toes = glove and stocking symptoms
4) autonomic nervous system issues:
- hypoglycaemia unawarness
- excessive sweating
- postural hypotension ( Low BP when stand up)
nerve damage + poor blood supply = can cause ULCERS = AMPUTATIONS
describe diabetic retinopathy
- intensive management of BGl can slow progression + reduce incidence of microvascular complications of T1D
- new blood vessels form at back of eye –> can burst and lead to virteous haemorrhage (blood leaks into vitreous humour of eye)
- if not treated can lead to blindness
- more than 80% T1D patients develop it
what are the long term complicartions of T1D?
1) nerve damage = decreased sensation in fingers and toes = glove and stocking symptoms
2) autonomic nervous system
- hypoglycaemia unawareness
- excsssiev sweating
- postural hypotension
- poor blood supply
nerve damage + poor blood supply = cause ULCERS = require AMPUTATION
3) macrovascular complicatison
- coronary heart disease
- cerebrovascular disease
- peripheral artery disease
what macrovascular diseases can T1D incrase the risk of ?
1) coronary heart disease
2) cerebrovascular disease
3) peripheral artery disease
acinus vs islets of langerhans
acinus= exocrine function = secretes products into a duct that opens into epithelium
part 1: acinar cells
- stored in ZYMOGEN GRANULES (protect pancreatic cells from destruction)
1) amylase = breaks down carb
2) lipase = breaks down lipids
3) trypsinogen = breaks down proteins
- stimulated by Ach + CCK
(acetylcholine + Cholecystokinin)
part 2: ductal cells
- produce aq solution containing bicarbonate = helps neutralise acidic stomach
- stimulated by secretion, Ach, CCK
islets of langerhans = endocrine function = secretes hormones into blood directly
1) beta cells = insulin
2) alpha cells = glucagon
3) delta cells = somatostatin
4) gamma cells (F or PP cells) = pancreatic polypeptide
5) epsilon cells= grehlin
whats the role of pancreas
releases hormones/ enzymes to digest macronutrients + maintain energy / metbaolism homeostasis
what abnormalities occur to pancreas + islets in T1D?
Endocrine compartment:
- varibale distribution of immune infiltrating cells
- beta cell depletion + decreased insulin expression
exocrine compartment:
- loss of pancreatic volume
- exocrine gland atrophy
non endocrine islet cells
- possible changes in islet vasculature & Extracelllular strucutre, still under investigation
what happens when there is stress/ infection ?
how does polyuria, dehydrateion & polydipsisa occur?
stress/infection –> releases epinephrine –> stimualtes glucagon release = increases glucagon: isnulin ration –> causes liver to produce glucose (gluconeogenesis )–> increase BGL = kidney tries to remove increased blood glucose along with water + solute (osmotic diuresis)
–> results in polyuria, dehydration + poly
what are the stimulators and inhibitors of glucagon + insulin release
insulin stimulated by:
- ^ BGL
- ^ GLP-1, GIP
- ^ fatty acid + amino acid in blood
inhibited by:
- noradrenaline (stress, want ^ glucose in blood)
- somatostatin (tries to delay nutrient absorption in GI tract)
glucagon stimualted by:
- Adrenaline (stress)
- CCK (favours digestion)
glucagon inhibited by:
- insulin (to keep both levels within a range)
- somatostatin
describe the insulin synthesis + secretion pathway
insulin synthesis:
INS transcribed on chr 11 –> signal peptide cleaves off –> A+B peptide join by disulphide bonds –> forms insulin + C peptide
when eat - glucose enters blood - glucose binds to beta cells of islets of langerhans of pancreas - moves through GLUT 1/2/3 transporters –> Glucokinase convert glucsoe –> glucose6phosphate –> change in ATP:ADP ratio inactivate ATP sensitivei K channels –> membrane depolarisation –> activates & open voltage gated Ca channels –> Ca move out, casuses insulin exocytosis
what is the importance of C peptide
used in research studies to determine beta cell function
C peptide is the 3rd peptide made after INS gene (chr 11) is transcribed–> A+B peptides are joined by disulphide bonds + C peptide
less C peptide = less insulin
1) determine those at risk of developing T1D
2) determine residual beta cell mass & fucntion in long standing T1D patients
3) determine beta cell funciton in those whove gotten pancraes/islet transplant
how is glucagon syntehsised
encoded by GCG gene on chr 2
stored in alpha cells –> stimulation by Adrenaline + CCK –> cause glucagon release
pre/pro-glucagon –> pro glucagon –> glucagon
what does CCK stimualte?
CCK stimualtes :
1) acinus cells (ACh + CCK)
- release digestive enzymes into ducts open into epithelium
- amylase = digest carb
- lipase = digest lipids
- trypsinogen = digest proteins
2) ductal cells (Ach + CCK + secretin)
- release aq soltuion of bicarbonate to neutralise stomach acid
- stimualted by ACh + CCK + Secretin
3) stimualtes glucagon release
how to measure glucose?
monitor blood glucose levels at least 4 times a day
1) take finger blood prick
glucose oxidase will convert glucose –> gluconolactone
O2 –> H2O2 = will be detected
2) electrodes are used
- electrical current = proportional to conc of blood glucose
- more current = more BGL
if BGL are:
- above 7.8mmol/L = hyperglycemia
- betwen 3.3-7.8 mmol/L = normal range
- below 3.3mmol/L = hypoglycemia
how to measure insulin + C peptide?
measuring insulin:
1) to detect insulomas (insulin secreting tumours)
2) of limited use to diabetes (patients can undergo honey moon period where they are experience diabetes, but have residual insulin left )
measuring C-peptide (precursor of insulin + main target for T cells)
- present in peripheral blood of T1D onset
1) determine indivduals suceptibe to t1d
2) determine beta cell mass & function in long standing T1D patients
3) determien beta cell mass and funciton in pancreas/islet tnrasplants
how does diabetic ketoacidosis occur?
explain glucagon:insulin ratio cause & effect
lack of insulin –> unable to cause glucose uptake in liver, adipose, muscle cells –> unable to generate energy = body thinks its starving itself –> Adenaline (stress) + CCK stimulates glucagon release–> increases glucagon : insulin ratio –> adipose tissue releases free fatty acids (lipolysis) –> liver converts into ketone bodies (beta oxidation) , results in:
1) decreased PkA = decrease pH = ketoacidosis
2) acetone (fruity breath)
epinephrine released –> stimulates glucagon secretion: increases glucagon:insulin ratio –> contributes to increased ketone bodies
glucagon increases gluconeogenesis + glycogenolysis –> increase BGL = high glucose in blood = body would want to increase excretion via kidneys = weakens glomerulus & decreases GFR= increase glucose secretion with water + solutes (osmotic diuresis ) –> POLYURIA, DEHYDRATION, POLYDIPSIA