Diabetes Flashcards
Diabetes leads to physiological ____
- Pt with T1DM who has poor contorl of BG ages approximately 1.75 years physiologically for everychronoclogic year of dx.
- If good control BG, age 1.25 years
- T2DM age 1.5 years (with poor control) and age 1.06 years with tight control BG and BP
Type 1 vs Type 2 DM?
- Type 1
- commonly due to T cell mediated autoimmune destruction of the beta cells
- usually younger, 15% prevalence of other autoimmune dx (graves, hasimoto, addison, MG)
- typically not obese
- presents with an absolute insulin deficiency- need exogenous insulin
- concordance rate of 40-50% in twins
susceptible to DKA if insulin held
- more labile in BG and more episodes of hypoglycemia
- increase in insulin in post midnight hours (dawn phenonmenon) from nocturnal surge in GH causes increase in BG upon awakening.
- Type 2
- due to progressive reduction in insulin secretion by the beta cells; coupled with insulin resistance at the tissue level
- normal to high levels of insulin with relatively low levels of insulin for the corresponding hyperglycemia.
- hyperinsulinemia is postulated to cause accerleated CV dx
- concordance rate 100% in twins
not susceptible to DKA if insulin held
- fewer BG fluctuations and may reach hyperosmolar state at high BG levels
- susceptible to development of HHNK (hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar nonketotic state)
- Long term, strict contorl BG and BP, regular physical activity, delays onset of microvascular complications
- can be on carabose, meglitinide, metformin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, DPP IV inhibitors to help with BG control
- due to progressive reduction in insulin secretion by the beta cells; coupled with insulin resistance at the tissue level
italicized= Oguin notes from ppt slides
What is gestational diabetes?
- >3% of all pregnancies
- increases the risk fo t2DM by 17-63% within 15 years
Why do we care about intraoperative glycemic control?
prevents complications
- Anesthetic consequence of long standign hyperglycemia are similar
- neuroendocrine responses during periop period restuls in an increase in the level of catecholamines and stress hormones resulting in hyperglycemia
- hypoglycemia is more detrimental
What is glucotoxicity? What are some of glucotoxicity’s consequences?
Glucotoxicity is non-enzymatic glycosylation reactions
- leads to formation of abnormal proteins which:
- weakend endothelial junction and decrease elastane
- decrease wound healing tensile strength
- increased macroglobulin production by the liver
- leads to increased blood viscosity
- promotes intracelleluar swelling by facoring the production of nondiffiusible, large molecules (sorbitol)
- Disrupts autoregulation:
- glucose induced vasodilation prevents target organs from protecting against increase in systemic blood pressure (prevents vasodilation)–> end organ damage
high glucose concentration impair endothelial function by suppressing formation of ntric oxide and impairing endothelium dependent flow- mediated dilation and abnormaliites in hemostasis (increased PLT activation, adhesion, aggregation, reduces fibrinolytic activity)
- negative effects in patient with ACS; also limits ability of cardiac muscle to uptake glucose for anaerboic metabolism (can’t compensate as well)
- leads to osmotic diuresis –>
- consequent hypovolemia
- prerenal azotemia
- Immunity dysfunction
- impairs leukocyte funciton
- decreased phagocytosis
- impaired bacterial killing and chemotaxis
Hyperglycemia results in nuclear factor kB activaiton and production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-6 and plasminogen activate inhibitor 1
- causes increased vasuclar permeability and plt activation
Hyperglycemia results in nuclear factor kB activaiton and production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-6 and plasminogen activate inhibitor 1
Diagnostic criteria for DM?
- Fasting plasma glucose of 126 mg/dL or greater
- 2 hours plasma glucose of 200 mg/dL or greater after oral GTT
- HBA1C >6.5%
- can give idea of autonomic dysfunction
- Random plasma glucose of 200 mg/dL or greater in pt with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia and hyperglycemia crisis
- 45.8% of all cases of diabetes are undiagnosed
Non diabetic hyperglycemia pathophys?
- 40-60% of patients without hx of diabetes experience transient hyperglycemia due to stress of surgery
- stress hormones and cytokines, and the CNS interfere with insulin secreiton and action
- result: increased hepatic gluocse produciton and reduced glucose uptake in peripheral tissues
- leads to inflammatory and oxidative stress
maintenance of normolgycemia is essential to maintain physiologcy
short periods of increased BG lead to inflammation and oxidative stress even in non diabetics
- pt without dm have worse outcomes with hyperglycemia c/t patients with previous hx diabetes! (no compensatory mechanism)
stress hyperglycemia in pt without DM undergoing sx has
- 4 fold increase in complications and
- 2 fold increase in death c/t pt with normoglycemia and to subjects with DM. _TLDR- Non diabetics have worse outcomes with periop hyperglycemia_
short periods of increased BG lead to inflammation and oxidative stress even in non diabetics
- Surgical stress causes increased catecholamines, glucagon, cortisol, GH which signals adipose to start lipolysis and pancreas to reduce insulin prduction (this increases FFA availability to liver). also causes liver to gluconeogenesis, gycogenolysis and glucose output.
- both decreased insulin and increase glucose causes hyperglycemia
- mitochondrial injury
- endothelial dysfunction
- immune dysregulation
- increase cytokines TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-1–> increased insulin resistance by interfering with insulin signaling
- superoxide generation
What is metabolic syndrome? Diagnostic features?
- Insulin resistance syndrome with:
- dyslipidemia
- procoagulant state
- obesity
- Significance:
- associated with premature atherosclerosis
- high risk of developing DM
- Affects 25% of US population
- concurrent dx with DM
Diagnostic features OF METABOLIC SYNDROME: ( if > 3 of following–> metabolic sydnrome)
- fasting plasma glucose >110 mg/dL
- abdominal obesity
- waist girth >40” men
- >35” women
- serum triglyercisde level >150 mg/dL
- serum HDL :
- <40 mg/dL in men
- <50 mg/dL in women
- Blood pressure >130/85
What are some goals for DM treatment?
- goal of treating DM is not just to contorl glucose levels, but also keep:
- HBAC <7%
- LDL <100 mg/dL;
- HDL >40 mg/dL in men and >50mg/dL in women
- TG <200 mg/dL
- BP <130/80
What are some major surgical risk factors with diabetes?
- Intraop glycemic contorl is critical to preventing complications
major sx risk factors: end organ diseases associated with dm:
- CV dysfunction
- renal insufficiency
- joint collagen tissue abnormalities (limitaiton in neck extension, poor round healing),
- inadequate granulocyte production
- neuropathies (issues with regional)
poor preop glucose control (elevated HBA1C)= independent predictor of worse periop outcomes
- anesthetic consequences of long-standing hyperglycemia similar for type 1 and 2
- neuroendocrine resposne during periop period results in increase in level of catecholamines and stress hormones leading to hyperglycemia
poor preop glucose control (elevated HBA1C)= independent predictor of worse periop outcomes
- major focus of perop eval is treatment of these dieseases to ensure optimal preop conditions
What are some various ways that surgery impacts diabetes and BG?
- Neuroendocrine stress response to srugery causes release of counterregulatory homrons:
- glucagon, epinephrine and cortisol:
- leads to:
- inhibits insulin secretion
- increased insulin resistance
- mobilization fo glycogen
- increased gluconeogeneis
- leads to:
- glucagon, epinephrine and cortisol:
- The severity of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia are directly related to degree of surgical trauma. Increased incidence following:
- cardiac sx
- major abdominal sx
- procedures of long duration
- open procedures >than laparoscopic procedures
- Inhaled anesthetics contribute to periop hyperglycemia by depressing insulin secretion in response to increasing BG levels
periop steroid admin further exacerbates the propensity toward hyperglycemia
- iatrogenic hyperglycemia is also a factor– d/c of oral meds and insulin contribute to periop hyperglycemia
- single dose decadron- doesn’t have delitirous effect on wound healing or pt outcome
Therapy classes of oral antidiabetic meds? MOA?
DPP-4 inhbitors?
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors?
Secretagogues (sulfonylureas (glyburide, glipizide) & meglitinides (glinides))
- increase insulin availability–> hypoglycemia
- controversial in CV disease- may have harmful CV effects
- first DOC in lean, insulinopenic pt
Incretins (exanatide [BYetta] and liraglutide)
- increase glucose-stimulated insulins secretion–> hypoglycemia
- suppress glucagon
- slow gastric emptying–> risk for aspiration
Dipeptidyl peptidase- 4 inhibitors (saxagliptin, sitagliptin, vildagliptin)
- inhibit the degradation of native GLP-1 na dnehance glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
Biguanides (metformin)
- suppress excessive hepatic glucose release
- obese, insulin resistant- prefer biguanides
Thiazolidinediones or glitazones (rosiglitaxone, pioglitazone)
- improve insulin sensitivity
- if insulin resistant with renal impairment–> glitazones
alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (acarbose, miglitol)
- delay GI glucose absorption
Oral drug therapy and surgery considerations?
- Metformin is commonly held on DOS d/t risk for lactic acidosis
- evidence is not strong
- risk highest in pt with renal insufficiency
- SUlfonylureas {glyburide, glipizide] and glinides (aka meglitinides) increase intrinsic insulin production and confer r/f periop hypoglycemia–> stopped periop
- Incretins have sig. GI S/E (n/v, delayed gastric emptying) esp during initiation of txmt (4-8 weeks) (incretins include DPP-4 inhibitors- xJanuvia, byetta and symlim)
- don’t worry about hypoglycemia but worry about risk for aspiraiton at induction
- no deep extubation
General rule for antihyperglycemia agents and use DOS?
- Skip most except DPP-4 inhibitors (continue regular use and consider aspiration precautions)
- Long acting basal insulin- take 50% of dose
- mixed insulin (combo long/short)-
- if morning BG >200, take 50% of dose
- If <200, skip AM dose
Injectable insulin around surgery?
- Type 1 diabetics are insulin dependent
- need insulin even when fasting–> otherwise ketosis
- Approximately 50% of basal requirements of insulin in type 1 diabtics used to cover metabolic demands without inducing hypoglycemia
- T1DM need insulin even while fasting to prevent ketosis
- Long acting insulins do not peak and confer less risk of hypoglycemia introp
- short acting insulin is typically held DOS
- 1/2 the dose can be given in am if bg >200
- if BG <200; do not give short acting insulin morning of sx
***** Oguin will test over insulin table on picture******
Preop eval of daibetics?
- Diabetic hx- type, duraiton
- note pharmacologic anti-hyperglycemic regiman
- develoip plan for periop period
- insulin pumps will require special attention and didscussion- coordinate with PACU
- Discuss occurrence and frequency of hypoglycemia if present
document and evaluate microvascular and macrovascular complications from diabetes
- focus: CV, renal, neuro, MS
- Document current BG;and note the self reproted “average” of BG
- Evaluate hydration status (osmolar diuretic effect with hyperglycemia; renal disease)
- Diabetic patients (especially those taking insulin) are best done as first case of the day
- don’t keep NPO too long!!!
How do you treat hyperglycemia dos?
Estimated decrease in BG?
- Give 1-4 units of insulin per 50 mg/dL decrease in glucose desired
- IV vs SQ- IV preferred
- unpredicatble SQ abroption of insulin with edema, hypotension and peripheral vasoconstriction
- surgeries with large fluid shifts or hemodynamic lability: skin perfusion can affect SQ absorption
- IV insulin admin can adhere to IV tubing
What can periop hyperglycemia cause?
- Immune function inhibited
- prothrombotic state promoted
- fluid and electolye imbalances accompnay glycosuria
- pre-existing gastroparesis and pulmonary dysfunction are worsened by hyperglycemia
- pulmonary complications are more frequent in pts with poorly contorlled T1DM
- Glycosuria beings at blood glucose of 180 mg/dL causing fluid shifts, dehydraiton and electolyte abnormalities