Diabetes Flashcards
Diagnostic criteria for diabetic ketoacidosis
Glu>250; pH
Whats up with K in diabetic ketoacidosis?
Pt is probably hypokalemic, even if their serum K is WNL. When pt is acidotic, K enters blood from cellular compartment (via H+-K+ antiporter) making serum K relatively high compared to status. Insulin will push K into the cellular compartment, as will treating volume status. Be sure to check serum K continuously when treating pt and supplement if low.
How do you correct measured Na in a hyperglycemic patient?
true Na= Na + 0.016*(Glc-100)
Diabetic ketoacidosis: treatment approach
1- fluids to correct acidosis- give 1L NS (0.9%) then switch to 0.45% once Na is corrected. Add D5 once glucose >200.
2- Insulin 1-2 hours after fluids (beware, this could push hypokalemia further)- 0.1 units/kg bolus then 0.1u/kg/hr infusion (make sure they arent hypokalemic first).
3- Treat for K depletion (if K
Anion gap calculation:
AG= Na-(Cl + HCO3)
Diagnostic criteria for DM:
HgA1c>=6.5% OR FPG>=126 OR Sx + rPG>=200 OR 2 hr PG>=200 after OGTT
Diabetic ketoacidosis: treatment approach
1- fluids to correct acidosis- give 1L NS (0.9%) then switch to 0.45% once Na is corrected. Add D5 once glucose >200.
2- Insulin 1-2 hours after fluids (beware, this could push hypokalemia further)- 0.1 units/kg bolus then 0.1u/kg/hr infusion
3- Treat for K depletion (if K
Diagnostic criteria for DM:
HgA1c>=6.5% OR FPG>=126 OR Sx + rPG>=200 OR 2 hr PG>=200 after OGTT
Definition of pre-diabetes/impaired glucose tolerance. What does this mean for patient?
FBG 100-125 OR 2hrPG of 140-199 after OGTT OR A1c 5.7-6.4
pt. has 5% annual risk for DM.
Who should be screened for DM and pre-DM (kids)?
Begin at age 10 or onset of puberty (whichever is first). Retest every 3 yrs.
Kids>85 percentile WFA OR >85th percentile WFH OR weight >120% ideal for height
PLUS two or more of the following:
1. Family Hx of type 2 DM,
2. high-risk ethnicity,
3. signs or conditions associated with insulin resistance (hypertension, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovaries, small for gestational age),
4. maternal history of GDM or DM during pregnancy.
Who should be screened for DM or pre-DM (Adults)?
- All adults >45, esp BMI>=25 (23 if asian)
- All adults with BMI>=25 with additional risk factors: physical inactivity, 1st degree relative with DM, high-risk ethnicity (american indian, AA, Latino, asian), women who had GDM or delivered baby > 9lbs, HDL250, women with polycystic ovaries, Hx of CVD
If results normal- then repeat every 3 years.
If pre DM- repeat every year
If 1 test is DM range and another isn’t, then repeat the test that was ABOVE the DM cut point to confirm diagnosis.
What is the dawn phenomenon? Somogyi effect? Why does it happen? How do you confirm?
Morning hyperglycemia. Occurs due to nocturnal GH secretion (opposes effect of insulin).
Somogyi effect is a rebound to nocturnal hypoglycemia.
Both give morning hyperglycemia.
A: Test glucose at 3AM. If it’s elevated= dawn phenomenon. If it’s low= Somogyi effect (decrease evening insulin).
What mean blood glucose levels do the following A1c levels correspond to:
6- 126 7- 154 8- 183 9- 212 10- 240 11- 269 12- 298
Which physiologic states stimulate insulin release?
Glucose (or any food) PO, GI hormones: Secretin, Incretins (GLP-1, GIP); parasympathetic stimulation.
Which physiologic states inhibit insulin release?
Sympathetic stimulation; somatostatin (released by Delta cells in pancreas); glucocorticoids (cortisol); beta blockes.
Sympathetic stimulation is biphasic, initially inhibiting, then stimulating via b2 while inhibiting via a2
GLUT2 and GLUT4 transporters: role
GLUT2- located in Beta cells of pancreas. High Km- respond to high plasma glucose.
GLUT4- located in muscle and adipose. Glucose uptake stimulated by insulin.
ultra short acting insulin formulation- useful t bring down glucose immediately (not crystaline). 10-30 mins onset, peaks in 30-60;; total duration 3-5 hrs.
ultra short acting insulin formulation. 10-30 mins onset, peaks in 30-60;; total duration 3-5 hrs.
ultra short acting insulin formulation. 10-30 mins onset, peaks in 30-60;; total duration 3-5 hrs.
Intermediate-acting insulin- (AKA isophane).
Onset: 1-2 hrs; peak 4-8hrs; duration: 10-20 hrs.