Dhamma Flashcards
What is Dhamma
The Buddhas teachings
What do Buddhists say about the dhamma
They say it had relieved them from a lot of suffering, giving them much more meaning, purpose and greater happiness or satisfaction in life
3 refuges (3 jewels, 3 treasures)
To the Buddha for refuge I go,
To the Dhamma for refuge I go,
To the Sangha for refuge I go
Why are the 3 refuges important
3 things that they trust to give lasting safety from suffering and believe they will guide them to develop their compassion and wisdom
What is dependent arising and another word for dependent arising
The idea that all things arise in dependence of something else
Tibetan Wheel of Life
Centre- 3 poisons- snake,cock,pig
2nd - half white (good deeds) half blue(following three poisons, leads to hell)
3rd - 6 panels showing six realms of existence through which beings rise and fall according to their karma
Outer - 12 images (chain of causality) each causes the next, birth causes death
Ultimate aim (Tibetan Wheel)
To break free from the cycle of samsara because this is what causes suffering (we know this because Mara is holding the Tibetan Wheel)
How is the cycle of samsara broken?
Through breaking the habit of craving (tanha)
what are nidanas
12 factors that illustrate the process of birth, death and rebirth
what is nirvana?
a state of complete enlightenment, happiness and peace
What are the three marks of existence
Three characteristics that are fundamental to all things
1)Suffering (dukkha)
2) Impermanence( (Anicca)
3) Having no permanent, fixed soul or self (Anatta)
What is dukkha
Dukkha is a fundamental concept in Buddhism
7 states of suffering
Old age
Sorrow and despair
Contact with unpleasant things
Not getting what one wishes for
What are the different types of dukkha
1) physical or mental pain (breaking a leg or missing a loved one)
2) change (varies from weather changing from sunny to rainy and moving to a new city)
3) attachment (craving and trying to hold onto things or people)
How can anicca affect the world?
1) It affects living things (birth, decay, death)
2) It affects non living things (temple will erode and turn to ruins)
3) It affects our minds (thoughts, feelings and morals change alot)
What does the term five aggregates mean?
The buddha taught that people are made up of 5 parts
What actually are the 5 skandhas?
1)Form (Our bodies)
2)Sensation (our feelings)
3)Perception (our recognition of what things are)
4)Mental formations (our thoughts)
5)Consciousness (our awareness of things)
What are the 3 sections of the Eightfold path?
What is under the threefold way of widsom
Right understanding-understanding the buddhas teachings, particularly 4 noble truths
Right intention-having the right approach and outlook to following the eightfold path, being determined to follow buddhist path with sincere attitude
What is under the threefold way of Ethics?
Right speech- speaking truthfully in a helpful positive way and avoid lying or gossiping
Right action- behaving in a peaceful, ethical way avoiding acts such as stealing, harming or overindulging in sensual pleasures
Right livelihood- earning a living in a way that doesnt harm others for example not doing work that harms animals
What is under the threefold way of meditation
Right concentration
Right effort
Right mindfulness
Where is Therevada Buddhism practiced
Thailand, Sri lanka, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar
What rules do Therevada monastics follow
Not to own anything, not to have any sexual relationships, never be offensive to anyone
What are some traditions of Mahayana Buddhism (3 types)
Zen Buddhism, Pure land Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism
Where is Mahayana Buddhism practiced?
Japan, China, South Korea
How do Mahayana Buddhists view the Buddha?
They say he is still active and can influence the world. He can be encountered through visions and meditation
What does sunyata mean
What do Mahayana Buddhists believe about Buddha-nature
They believe everyone has the seed, even the essence of a Buddha already inside them but it is covered by cravings, desire, ignorance and negative thoughts so it is not realised
What do Mahayana Buddhists aim for
They aim to achieve Buddhahood
Arhat meaning
In therevada buddhism, it means perfected person and will no longer be reborn and are freed from cycle of samsara
In Mahayana buddhism, is someone who sees their own enlightenment as being bound up with the enlightenment of all beings, Out of compassion, they remain in the cycle to help others
6 perfections
6 things mahayana buddhists focus on
Different types of dukkha (3)
- Suffering (physical pain from breaking your leg)
- Change (moving to a new city that causes sorrow and despair)
- Attachment (to people or objects and trying to hold onto those things they are attached to)
How do Buddhists achieve enlightenment?
By overcoming ignorance and finding wisdom
Importance of the dhamma (6 things)
one of 3 refuges
reduces suffering
gives meaning to life
creates satisfaction and happiness
improves buddhists relationship with world and others
leads buddhists to become
more aware, wiser, compassionate
What can realizing sunyata and the concept that everything depends on everything else lead to?
Trust, compassion and selflessness
5 practices to get to Sukhavati(Pure Land)
Recite scriptures
Meditate on Amitabha+his paradise
Worship Amitabha
Chant his name
Make praises+offerings to him