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DEVRY PROJ 598 Entire Course

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PROJ 598 Week 1 DQ 1 Overview of the Project Procurement Processes
PROJ 598 Week 1 DQ 2 Building Trust
PROJ 598 Week 2 Project Assignment Part I (PP1 RFP Section 1)
PROJ 598 Week 2 DQ 1 Contract Risk
PROJ 598 Week 2 DQ 2 Why Do We Need Contracts
PROJ 598 Week 3 DQ 1 Bid v. No Bid
PROJ 598 Week 3 DQ 2 Potential Conflict - Buyers And Sellers
PROJ 598 Week 4 Project Assignment Project Part II (PP2)
PROJ 598 Week 4 DQ 1 Contract Pricing
PROJ 598 Week 4 DQ 2 Source Selection
PROJ 598 Week 5 The Award Phase - You Decide
PROJ 598 Week 5 DQ 1 Best Practices
PROJ 598 Week 5 DQ 2 Negotiating Case Study
PROJ 598 Week 6 Project Assignment Project Part III (PP3) - Formal Proposal Submission
PROJ 598 Week 6 DQ 1 Getting the Job Completed
PROJ 598 Week 6 DQ 2 World Class PMO
PROJ 598 Week 7 Negotiation Exercise
PROJ 598 Week 7 DQ 1 The Uniform Commercial Code
PROJ 598 Week 7 DQ 2 I’d like to give some advice to
PROJ 598 Week 8 Final Exam
(TCO H) What is the maximum value of a verbal contract? (Points : 5)
(TCO F) Which is not part of the award phase of the contract management process? (Points : 5)
(TCO D) What are two major types of authority applicable to a contract manager/project manager? Briefly explain each of these authorities. (Points : 16)
TCO A) Describe three techniques that build trust and a lasting partnership. Give an example for each technique and how it would impact an organization. (Points : 18)
(TCO B) Describe the seller’s pre-award stage of the contract management process. Give an example of the activity that takes place in each step. (Points : 16)
((TCO E) Describe and explain some of the tools and techniques that should be used in source selection. For example, is negotiation the only effective tool for source selection or are there others?
a .Contract negotiation, weighing systems, screening systems, and independent estimates are all manners to select appropriate sources. Regardless of the source required, there should be a process to screen suppliers in a way to empirically select a source. This reduces personal bias and other factors from the process. Page 146 (Points : 16)
(TCO C) Compare and contrast fixed price agreements with cost reimbursable agreements and with time and material agreements. Offer your opinion on which type of contract would best suit your organizational needs if you had to only select one type of agreement for all your suppliers and sub-contractors. (Points : 16)
(TCO F) What is source selection, and why is it important? (Points : 16)
TCO G) There are many misconceptions regarding global contract management. Describe three such misconceptions, and describe the reality of actual global contracts. (Points : 16)
(TCO H) One of the tools and techniques used in contract closeout or termination is compliance verification, briefly describe this tool. (Points : 16)
(TCO A) State and elaborate five actions to improve your use of contract incentives. (Points : 20)
(TCO C) Describe qualitative vs. quantitative evaluation criteria. (Points : 20)
(TCO D) Performance-based contracts (PBC) contain five essential elements. (Points : 20)
(TCO E) It has been said that the side that does the most research and planning will often come out best in any negotiation? Do you agree with this statement? Do you disagree with this statement? Defend your position with examples and other information (Points : 20)
(TCO F) What is an indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ)? (Points : 20)
TCO G) Describe and compare and contrast the buyer’s and seller’s post-award phase of the contract management process. Give an example for each step in the process for the buyer and for the seller. (Points : 20)
(TCO H) Describe and explain the awakening phase in the evolution of a project management organization. Explain and defend why this phase is the most important of the process. Use examples to support your ideas. (Points : 20)
(TCO B) What are the unique differences between cost plus incentive fee contracts and fixed price incentive contracts?(Points : 20)


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DEVRY PROJ 598 Final Exam

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(TCO H) What is the maximum value of a verbal contract? (Points : 5)
(TCO F) Which is not part of the award phase of the contract management process? (Points : 5)
(TCO D) What are two major types of authority applicable to a contract manager/project manager? Briefly explain each of these authorities. (Points : 16)
TCO A) Describe three techniques that build trust and a lasting partnership. Give an example for each technique and how it would impact an organization. (Points : 18)
(TCO B) Describe the seller’s pre-award stage of the contract management process. Give an example of the activity that takes place in each step. (Points : 16)
((TCO E) Describe and explain some of the tools and techniques that should be used in source selection. For example, is negotiation the only effective tool for source selection or are there others?
a .Contract negotiation, weighing systems, screening systems, and independent estimates are all manners to select appropriate sources. Regardless of the source required, there should be a process to screen suppliers in a way to empirically select a source. This reduces personal bias and other factors from the process. Page 146 (Points : 16)
(TCO C) Compare and contrast fixed price agreements with cost reimbursable agreements and with time and material agreements. Offer your opinion on which type of contract would best suit your organizational needs if you had to only select one type of agreement for all your suppliers and sub-contractors. (Points : 16)
(TCO F) What is source selection, and why is it important? (Points : 16)
TCO G) There are many misconceptions regarding global contract management. Describe three such misconceptions, and describe the reality of actual global contracts. (Points : 16)
(TCO H) One of the tools and techniques used in contract closeout or termination is compliance verification, briefly describe this tool. (Points : 16)
(TCO A) State and elaborate five actions to improve your use of contract incentives. (Points : 20)
(TCO C) Describe qualitative vs. quantitative evaluation criteria. (Points : 20)
(TCO D) Performance-based contracts (PBC) contain five essential elements. (Points : 20)
(TCO E) It has been said that the side that does the most research and planning will often come out best in any negotiation? Do you agree with this statement? Do you disagree with this statement? Defend your position with examples and other information (Points : 20)
(TCO F) What is an indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ)? (Points : 20)
TCO G) Describe and compare and contrast the buyer’s and seller’s post-award phase of the contract management process. Give an example for each step in the process for the buyer and for the seller. (Points : 20)
(TCO H) Describe and explain the awakening phase in the evolution of a project management organization. Explain and defend why this phase is the most important of the process. Use examples to support your ideas. (Points : 20)
(TCO B) What are the unique differences between cost plus incentive fee contracts and fixed price incentive contracts?(Points : 20)


DEVRY PROJ 598 Final Exam

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 1 DQ 1

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What are the four unique differences of the four procurement processes? Why are these processes fundamental to managing project procurement?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 1 DQ 1

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 1 DQ 2 Building Trust

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How do you feel intuitively about building trust in an organization? What do you think are the key ingredients in building a trusting relationship? I feel that trust in organizations is a top priority because the lack of trust can be destructive for any organization. When an organization is in a situation where people do not feel trusted, it makes for a difficult situation. People do not perform well if they are constantly worried about their job.
Check your ideas with the “Building Trust for Successful Partnerships: Checklist” on page 14 of our text. Do you see any new ideas? Do you think that building trust is inherently the same across all types of relationships?
Finally, read the Copier Confusion case in the Case Study Area within Doc Sharing. Is this case a good example of how to build a successful partnership? Why or why not? Can you relate this case study to other situations in good and bad organizations where you have seen trust change over time?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 1 DQ 2 Building Trust

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 2 Course Project - Part I (PP1) - RFP Section 1

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Part I (PP1)
Assignment: Select one of the three RFP procurement cases listed below (A New Practice Field, An Environment Impact Study, and an Inventory Control System) for your Course Project. Use the RFP template located in the Doc Sharing area to complete the cover page and the following sections of the RFP (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4).
Resources: Obviously, Chapters 1 through 6 of the text would serve as a starting point. Please be advised that considerable relevant material is also available on the Internet, so you might want to conduct a search for some materials that may yield insights into the RFP development process. Download and use the RFP template from the Doc Sharing area.
Procedures and Deadline: All project issues should be directed in the Q & A Forum or addressed in class. The PP1 RFP should be prepared in a MS Word format suitable for electronic transmission. Any resources used beyond the textbook need to be cited in your document, including links to relevant websites. Be sure to include footnotes and bibliography.
Submission Details: All PP1 documents must be submitted no later than the end of Week 2. There will be a penalty for late submissions. Submit a soft copy of your RFP in the Dropbox created for this purpose.
Clarification on Assignment: All questions of a clarification nature should be asked in the weekly Q & A Forum discussion topic.
Grading: Eighty percent of points will be for content (including proper use of the English language) and 20percent of points will be based following the instructions for the assignment.
RFP Content:
Your RFP should utilize the best practices of the Pre-award Phase that apply to your project. You must choose the type of contract that you feel is most appropriate for this procurement. I will set the length limit at three double-spaced pages (12-point font) for the main body of the RFP (sections 1.1 – 1.4). (Please do not feel obligated to reach that limit.) All other section content should be noted as to-be-determined (tbd).
The first page of your overall submission must be a cover sheet that contains the project title (hopefully, not “PP1” or anything like that—be inventive), your name, your e-mail address, and course identifying information (e.g., “PROJ598 for this term” will suffice—obviously, use the correct term identifier). The second page will be a Table of Contents (TOC) listing the major RFP sections together with page numbers. Include on this page a listing of the references that you used in the RFP preparation, including websites, if any. The next one-to-three pages constitutes the main body of the RFP. Appendix B contains a list of suppliers to whom you would send the RFP. These must be real bona fide contractors—not hypothetical ones. On that page, say how you chose these potential suppliers. The cover sheet, TOC/references page, and supplier list do not count toward the three-page limitation.
RFP Procurement Cases
Select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your PP1 RFP:
A New Practice Field
You own a semipro baseball team (in the location of your choice) and you want to construct a new practice field. You own the land already (20 acres). The land is relatively flat and it has only a few dilapidated structures (barns) and trees on it. Connecting up with existing water and sewer lines would present no unusual technical problems. It is now September, and you would love to have that field ready to go by March two years hence. Your vision would include the playing field, a small clubhouse, and a parking area that would hold about 50 cars. No spectator seating would be required. The decision to go with one general contractor has already been made.
An Environmental Impact Study
You are a general contractor wishing to put up a modest sized cement production plant on the outskirts of town. The plant would operate on only one 10-hour shift per day and would produce about 400 cubic yards of output per day for six days per week. It is necessary for an environmental impact study to be undertaken before the county can issue a permit. The biggest issue is, of course, the air quality implications of cement production, but potential impacts on water quality are of concern as well. It is now October, and you want to start building the plant by the end of next summer, if at all possible. It is now time to issue an RFP to procure an environmental impact analysis. Studies of this type normally require about three months of concerted effort by a team of analysts.
An Inventory Control System
You sell seeds from a catalog, and business has been blossoming. However, your inventory tracking system is inadequate. In high season, supply outages have been frequent, and customer complaints over delays have been increasing. You fear that your business will die on the vine unless something is done to improve things. You want to hire a management consultant to design a new inventory tracking system. This kind of work normally requires about six months worth of effort. It is now May. You need to issue an RFP for this work. The procurement will be for the design stage only—implementation may or may not be handled under a separate contract at a later date.
Deadline: PP1 is due by the end of Week 2.
Submit your PP1 assignment to the Week 2 Dropbox.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 2 Course Project - Part I (PP1) - RFP Section 1

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 2 DQ 1 Contract Risk

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What are some of the sources of risks associated with contracts?
Cite examples of risks that you have encountered (not necessarily in writing) when purchasing things in your own personal or professional life.
What are the sources of these risks identified by our text? Can you think of any others?
Do any types of contracts or contract situations increase risk?
Do you feel that risk is equally divided between the buyer and seller?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 2 DQ 1 Contract Risk

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 2 DQ 2 Why Do We Need Contracts

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Why do we need contracts at all?
Why would buyers and sellers differ in their overall assumptions?
What are specific frameworks of contract development that address potential problems or issues?
Is there any specific type of contract development that might be more challenging than others?
How effective are verbal contracts?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 2 DQ 2 Why Do We Need Contracts

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 3 DQ 1 Bid v. No Bid

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There are two distinct sides of any negotiation. In many cases, people tend to review contract negotiation from the buyer’s perspective. However, no analysis of contracts and negotiations would be complete without considering the seller’s perspective on bid participation and negotiation. The bid/no-bid decision requires analyzing the risks versus the opportunities of a potential business deal before deciding whether or not to proceed.
This week, we will consider the buyer’s and seller’s decision to participate on a bid. Consider the following:
What are some factors that would be taken into consideration in whether to participate in a bid? Please share any examples that you may have from your experience with bids.
What tools are available to help us make a good bid/no bid decision?
What are some implications of declining a bid on a particular project?
Consider and explain the role of research as it pertains to a bid decision.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 3 DQ 1 Bid v. No Bid

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 3 DQ 2 Potential Conflict - Buyers And Sellers

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Class, page 100 of our text mentions best practices for buyers and sellers in the pre-award phase. Do you see any potential conflicts between the two sets of suggestions? For best practices in the seller’s list, explore a conflict from the buyer’s side. Help your classmates consider other conflicts.
Give an example of a negotiation conflict that you have had (buyer or seller), and explain how the situation was resolved. Review what your classmates write, as all of this will offer a variety of examples of what kind of conflict can happen during a negotiation.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 3 DQ 2 Potential Conflict - Buyers And Sellers

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 4 Course Project Assignment Project Part II (PP2)

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Part II (PP2)
Assignment: Project Part 2 (PP2) entails completing the remaining sections of the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was selected and prepared for Project Part 1 (PP1).
Background: The project directly addresses TCO E and covers material in Chapters 1 through 8 of the text. These chapters develop the procurement process up to the point of issuing the RFP. The remaining chapters of the book consider procurement activities undertaken subsequent to this milestone RFP event. Part 3 (PP3) will deal with material from a wider range of the Garrett text.
Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs): The following TCOs are addressed in the PP2 assignment:
TCO A: Given a project situation, discuss and document the six phases of the procurement cycle and the impact each procurement has on the overall project.
TCO B: Given a project situation, analyze the factors that are important when qualifying and selecting suppliers for a project requirement.
TCO C: Given a project situation for a major contract, examine the key factors, including risk factors, that affect buyer and supplier decisions concerning contract pricing and the selection of the proper contract type.
TCO D: Given a procurement situation for a major contract, analyze the application of e-procurement and other types of supplier bidding models available.
TCO E: Given a situation to solicit a bid proposal, evaluate technical, management, commercial, and ethical requirements, and then prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP).
Resources: Obviously, Chapters 1 through 8 of the text would serve as a starting point. Please be advised that considerable relevant material is also available on the Internet, so you might want to conduct a search for materials that may yield insights into the RFP development process. Use the RFP template from your PP1 assignment, which was downloaded from the Doc Sharing area.
Procedures and Deadline: All project issues should be directed in the Q & A Forum or addressed in class. The PP2 RFP should be prepared in a MS Word format suitable for electronic transmission. Any resources used beyond the textbook need to be cited in your document—including links to relevant websites. Be sure to include footnotes and bibliography.
Submission Details: All PP2 documents must be submitted no later than the end of Week 4. Submit a copy of your RFP in the Dropbox created for this purpose.
Clarification on Assignment: All questions of a clarification nature should be asked in the weekly Q & A Forum discussion topic.
Grading: Eighty percent of points will be for content (including proper use of the English language) and 20 percent of the points will be based following the instructions for the assignment.
RFP Content:
Your RFP should utilize the best practices of the pre-award phase that apply to your project. You must choose the type of contract that you feel is most appropriate for this procurement. I will set the length limit at 10 double-spaced pages (12-point font) for the main body of the RFP. (Please do not feel obligated to reach that limit.) You may attach additional appendices if you wish, but these must be limited to clarifying material that has been borrowed from elsewhere or developed as an exhibit.
The first page of your overall submission must be a cover sheet that contains the project title (hopefully, not “PP2” or anything like it—be inventive), your name, your e-mail address, and course identifying information (e.g., “PROJ598 for this term” will suffice—obviously, use the correct term identifier). The second page will be a Table of Contents (TOC) listing the major RFP sections together with page numbers. Include on this page a listing of the references that you used in the RFP preparation, including websites, if any. The next 1-to-10 pages constitute the main body of the RFP. Appendix B contains a list of suppliers to whom you would send the RFP. These must be real bona fide contractors—not hypothetical ones. On that page, say how you chose these potential suppliers. The cover sheet, TOC/references page, and supplier list do not count toward the 10-page limitation.
The structure should, therefore be:
Cover sheet (one page)
Table of contents and references (one page)
RFP main body (no more than 10 pages)
Appendices (no page limit)
Appendix B: Supplier list (one page)
Deadline: PP2 is due by the end of Week 4.
Submit your PP2 assignment to the Week 4 Dropbox.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 4 Course Project Assignment Project Part II (PP2)

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 4 DQ 1 Contract Pricing

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Using alternatives specified in Chapter 8 (Garrett, pages 124-127), discuss what kind of contract pricing might be best for the following procurement situations. Arrange to select a topic “round robin style” so that you select the next topic that has not already been discussed. Which of these topics are better served using one of these contract vehicles: Firm Fixed, Cost Reimbursable, or Time & Material contracts? Be sure to define each of these contracts before aligning a topic.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 4 DQ 1 Contract Pricing

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 4 DQ 2 Source Selection

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Read the “Peach Computer Company” Case found in the Case Study Area of Doc Sharing, and discuss the following:
What are the main issues in the case, and how would you begin to resolve them using some of the concepts we have discussed in class?
What alternatives are available to resolve the issues?
What type of contract incentive (s) could you adopt to make this case more successful and why?
Provide an analysis of the four bidders. What are the benefits and disadvantages of each supplier? Which bidder would you select and why?
What factors should be considered or addressed in the implementation? How would you implement your recommendation?
Do you feel that company politics would have an impact on the selection of the supplier?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 4 DQ 2 Source Selection

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 5 DQ 1 Best Practices

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Class: In Chapter 9 of our World Class Contracting text, the section, Best Practices: 45 Actions to Improve Results, lists 45 actions to improve results in the contract award phase. Pick a few of these best practices that you have seen successful in action and share your experiences with the class. Comment on the choices of your classmates to discover other best practices that might be useful to you in contract negotiations. Discuss and explain which best practice you have found to be the most important or the most useful to you in the past.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 5 DQ 1 Best Practices

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 5 DQ 2 Negotiating Case Study

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Read and review the “BBC vs. Info R Us” Case located in Doc Sharing, let’s discuss the following questions:
How should Dan, as the contract manager, prepare for his negotiating session with BBC? How does this relate to the negotiating assignment?
What if Bennie ignores Dan’s recommendations during the negotiation with BBC? How does this relate to what you learned in the negotiating assignment?
What impact will company politics have on this negotiation?
What risks exist for Dan at this point? How does this relate to what you learned in our negotiating assignment?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 5 DQ 2 Negotiating Case Study

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 5 You Decide

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You are Chris and Pat Smith, entrepreneurs with five years of experience investing in small businesses. Eighteen months ago you decided to invest in a catering venture with two chefs, J. P. Martin and L. L. Miller, who have culinary science degrees and five years of work experience, which includes winning a prestigious prize in a gourmet food competition. Following some extended discussions, the four of you decided to set up a business catering to parties and weddings under the name of At Your Service.
The arrangement between you was quite informal. Essentially you put up $25,000 and the chefs put up $10,000 in capital to get the operation started. You were to manage the advertising, and the bookkeeping. The chefs’ contribution was to set up the kitchen and menus, cook, hire staff, and be on site to supervise all catering jobs. The agreement between you was that the profits would be split 50-50 after clearing fixed expenses.
Although the first few months were difficult and At Your Service had to use some of the investment reserves to cover monthly expenses, a good newspaper review produced a spurt of business in the third month when the company not only covered fixed costs, but distributed a profit of $250 to each owner. Throughout the first year, you continued to make a little money, or lose a little every month, but the company has been steadily losing money in the second year and has had to use reserves in order to keep in business.
You think the problem is that the chefs do not know how to manage a business. As soon as the business seemed to be breaking even last year, you noticed that they changed menus, offering more elaborate dishes with more expensive ingredients without increasing prices. These dishes cost too much and take too much time to prepare, limiting their availability to take on more jobs.
The lack of profits forced you to take a more active role in the management of the company. Although you told the chefs to raise prices, they approved the new seasonal menus with the same elaborate dishes and the same low prices. You found out before the menus were printed and raised the prices by 10%. You have also put them on a strict ingredients budget.
Of course, all of this has not pleased them, but the $35,000 investment is rapidly disappearing. You are down to $15,000 in working capital, and you and your partner have no more money to put into the business. You are quite sure that Martin and Miller have no more money either.
Last week, you all briefly discussed dissolving the business. You are very interested in doing so; you find it hard to believe you had such bad business judgment to form a partnership with two chefs. It is possible that with higher prices and more discipline on their part profitability will improve, although you doubt that your relationship will. Alternatively, profitability may not improve and you will have to use the last of the reserves to terminate the leases on the space, the van, and the kitchen equipment.
The issues that have to be resolved are as follows:
How you will split the $15,000 left in the investment?
How to handle the lease on the kitchen space, which has 18 months more to run?
How to handle the lease on the van, which has 18 months more to run?
How to handle the lease on the kitchen equipment, which as six months more to run?
What have you learned this week that would ensure that ech of the above outcomes would be a win/win situation?
There are a variety of options for distributing the remaining capital. You take the remaining capital giving the chefs nothing; you take $12,000 leaving $3,000 for the chefs; you take $10,000 and they take $5,000; you split the capital evenly; you take $5,000 and they take $10,000, you take $3,000 and they take $12,000; you leave all the remaining capital for them. You need to recoup as much as your investment possible to open an alternative venture. You recently began to look at the possibility of opening a flower shop, although you have not yet done extensive planning for it. To do so you need capital. You also do not think that the chefs deserve the capital because they caused the business to fail.
You also need to rent space for this new venture, and you were thinking that you might take over the lease on the store front space that you rented for the catering business. The only problem is the kitchen, which you really do not need and don’t want to have to pay a premium price for. Your options are to promise the chefs that you will make the storefront lease payments; to have the lease amended to be in your names only (which would cost about $500); terminate the lease and pay the $1,000 penalty; have the lease amended to remove your names (same $500 cost); accept the chefs’ promise to pay the lease. All in all, you think it is better to leave the lease alone and just promise the chefs that you pay it rather than pay the fee for changing the names on the lease, terminating it, or paying the fee to assign it to them. You are concerned that if they took over the lease and then later could not make payments, you would still be responsible.
You could certainly use the van leased for the catering service for flower deliveries. Your options for the van are similar to those for the storefront space. You could promise the chefs that you will make the van payments, have the van lease amended to be in your names only (which would cost about $500); terminate the lease and pay the $1,000 penalty, have the lease amended to remove your names (same $500 cost); accept the chefs’ promise to pay the van lease. You are concerned that if the chefs took over the lease and then later could not make the payments you would be liable. Your first preference is to promise the chefs that you will make the payments. If necessary, you are willing to make the $500 payment to take their names off the lease. You have the same concern about the van lease as you do with the storefront lease, if you turn it over to the chefs before the end of the term of the lease, you will still be responsible for payments they do not make. Your preference is to take the van’s lease over yourselves.
You have no use for the high quality cooking equipment that was leased for the catering business. You have a similar set of options for the kitchen equipment as you have for the storefront and van. You assume the chefs will continue in the cooking business and can use the equipment. It would be all right with you if they took over the lease. You understand there is no charge to remove your names from the lease agreement. However, you think the best all around solution is to terminate the lease for the kitchen equipment.

Your Role/Assignment
You are to meet with the chefs to try to dissolve the partnership. Review the comments of the Key Players,consult the Grading Rubric in Doc Sharing, and then answer the following questions:
How you will split the $15,000 left in the investment?
How to handle the lease on the kitchen space, which has 18 months more to run?
How to handle the lease on the van, which has 18 months more to run?
How to handle the lease on the kitchen equipment, which as six months more to run?
What have you learned this week that would ensure that ech of the above outcomes would be a win/win situation?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 5 You Decide

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 6 Course Project Part III (PP3) - Formal Proposal Submission

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Part III (PP3)
Assignment: PP1 and PP2 were designed to highlight TCOs A, B, C, D, and E. In terms of textbook coverage, PP1 dealt with material in Chapters 1 through 8. In contrast, PP3 covers all of the TCOs but touches mainly upon textbook Chapters 9 through 12. You will be required to identify an opportunity through and follow the instructions which are located in the Doc Sharing section.
This project is to be prepared and submitted in accordance with the guidelines presented below.
Submission Details:
Please submit your PP3 document to the Week 6 Dropbox. Instructions could be found in the PP3 – Formal Proposal Submission in the Doc Sharing section.
Clarification Issues: As a service to everyone in the class, all questions of a clarification nature should be posted in the weeklyQ & A Forum during the week in which your question arises.
Grading: see scoring grid below.
Deadline: PP3 is due by the end of Week 6.
Submit your PP3 assignment to the Week 6 Dropbox.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 6 Course Project Part III (PP3) - Formal Proposal Submission

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 6 DQ 1 Getting the Job Completed

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Why is it sometimes difficult to get suppliers to complete the final work activities? Do you have any experiences to share or observations related to interesting examples around us? Additionally:
Why is it more difficult to get fixed-price contractors to complete their contract work as compared to reimbursable contractors?
What can be done to induce fixed-price contractors to become more responsive?
What other types of strategies can be employed to induce contractors to finish the work on time?
How does risk relate to getting the final work completed?
How often have you seen projects completed early?
This subject is discussed in detail in Chapter 10 of your World Class Contracting text. Please review the material there as well as from any other sources that you can find.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 6 DQ 1 Getting the Job Completed

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 6 DQ 2 World Class PMO

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More and more companies are using the project management discipline, internally and externally, to provide a highly focused, integrated, multifunctional solution that meets or exceeds their customers’ expectations. Project managers and CMs are working side-by-side to make this happen in world-class organizations. Take a look at the project management maturity model described in Chapter 13 of our World Class Contracting text.
How do you imagine that project management might aid or detract from the contract negotiating process, depending on how mature the process is within the organization?
How far along has your company come in terms of the project management maturity model, and how does it aid the negotiating process? Do you have any experiences to share? Do you believe that your company will ever have a project management maturity model?
How do you see that project management will continue to aid the contract process? What are truly world class companies doing differently in terms of buying and selling to stay ahead of the competition?
Do you feel that organizations would benefit from using a project management maturity model?

DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 6 DQ 2 World Class PMO

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 7 DQ 1 The Uniform Commercial Code

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TCO H is as follows: Given a claim on a major contract, analyze the role of commercial terms and conditions, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and applicable government regulations on the outcome.
Assume that you are a seller, and the buyer makes a claim on a major contract that you oversee. Let’s discuss the following aspects of the UCC:
First, how might commercial terms and conditions impact the outcome? Second, analyze the potential role of the UCC on the outcome. Third, what role might applicable government regulations play on the outcome? Fourth, if the agreement is silent on a topic, how might the UCC protect each party?
Also, consider why the Uniform Commercial Code exists. Is it important? How does it affect commerce?


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 7 DQ 1 The Uniform Commercial Code

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 7 DQ 2 I’d like to give some advice to

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Based on our discussions, please offer some ideas on how you will apply the knowledge from this class to assist with future negotiations. Then, name some people, whether in public, business, or private life, whom you would like to advise on their contracting management style. What are some of the issues you would like to address, and how might they benefit from some of the ideas in the class? What specifically would you suggest? Comment on the ideas of your classmates to help them develop their ideas.


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 7 DQ 2 I’d like to give some advice to

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DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 7 Negotiation Exercise

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Write a three-to-five page paper about any negotiation that you have been involved in. For this assignment, preferably discuss a negotiation that did not result in the best possible solution for all parties. This negotiation can relate to a work experience, a family or friend experience, or any other experience where you were an active member of a negotiation.
Discuss how the negotiation experience actually happened, then consider the negotiating techniques that you have learned about in the past four weeks of class, and then offer an explanation of how you could have conducted the negotiation better. Explain where your new learning from the course might have been helpful in this previous negotiation.
Deliverable: Three-to-five page paper outlining your response to the above assignment


DEVRY PROJ 598 Week 7 Negotiation Exercise

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