DevOps Flashcards
Header(Algorithms Token Type)
identity as a service a cloud based authentication built and operated by a third-party provider
companies supply cloud based authentication or identity
feature being delivered or served to a company through remote connection from a third-party provider
examples (google, facebook, linkedin , are all identity providers
ensure users are who they claim to be
ex: Swagger
Software Development Life Cycle 1 Gather Requirements 2 Analysis 3 Design 4 Development 5 Testing 6 user acceptance testing 7 Release 8 Maintenance
Pros: clear well defined steps
intuitive, doesn’t require specialized knowledge
clear and concrete end goal
allows for clean transfer of information from step to step
Cons: makes changes difficult always moving forward
excludes the client beyond the initial gather requirements phase
delays testing until completion, leaving potential problems unnoticed until the latter half of the project
more of a concept that an actual methodology
You consistently communicate with the client and stakeholders about what they want in the project (little to no documentation)
Implementation of Agile concept
framework that helps teams work together
collaboration and helping each other to solve problems one person might have during a sprint
It consists of a series of sprints where each team has specific user stories to tackle
Event driven instead of time
KanBan boards involved
Allows use of specialist
agile framework of Scrum and KanBan
User Epics
Identify unique
~sets of users stories and combine them into epics
if multiple stories/use cases relate to a ‘manager’ user then they should be collected into the manager epic
ex : Revaturepro : user, trainer, and admin/manager account
user epic: creation of quiz, assigning quiz, taking quiz» all one user epic ‘Quiz’
scoring could be another example
paired programming
process where paired programming is the process of two developer working on a specific piece of code or feature together
PILOT: the pilot is focused on the immediate needs of the code and is the one who writes it
approach falls into category of SDLC, (ex: waterfall, big bang, agile extreme programming)
NAVIGATOR: focuses on the bigger picture how it will fit in the greater project
paired programming
process where paired programming is the process of two developer working on a specific piece of code or feature together
PILOT: the pilot is focused on the immediate needs of the code and is the one who writes it
approach falls into category of SDLC, (ex: waterfall, big bang, agile extreme programming)
NAVIGATOR: focuses on the bigger picture how it will fit in the greater project
rate in which your team is able to complete task
used in hand with story points; Velocity is “the number of story points completed in a sprint.” makes better long term planning for out projects
“Story points per hour”
DevOp Methodologies
strategies for software development big bang waterfall and Agile
specific implementations of methodologies
ex: scrum, kanban, and xp