Developmnent Flashcards
What are the urinary and genital system derived from
Intermediate mesoderm
As a common ridge along the posterior abdominal wall (retroperitoneal) and cloaca
Formation of nephrogenic cord
Before folding- the intermediate mesoderm is between paraxial mesoderm and lateral plate mesoderm
After folding- urogenital ridge
It’s surface is covered by the epithelium lining the peritoneal cavity (coelomic epithelium)
The urogenital ridge is divided into 2 parts:
-medial part- genital ridge
-lateral part- nephrogenic cord
Nephrogenic cord- cervical region to the sacral region of the embryo
Development of kidney
The vertebrate kidney has passed through 3 stages of evolution:
- pronephros- most primitive, in cervical region, disappears
- mesonephros- functioning kidney of most anamniotes, thoracolumbar region, in humans only the duct system persists which develops into male genital ducts
-metanephros- functioning kidney of most amniotes including man, sacral region ascends up
Development of kidney and ureter
Secretory part: metanephros
Collecting part: ureteric bud
Ascends up to lumbar region
Rotates-anteriorly located hilum now lies medially
Ureter- ureteric bud- from mesonephric duct
Developmental anomalies of kidney and ureter
Pelvic kidney
Horseshoe kidney
Unilateral double kidney
Aberrant renal arteries
Rosette kidney (cake kidney)
Aberrant renal artery causing urinary obstruction
Congenital polycystic kidney disease
Autosomal recessive: ARPKD
Multiple cysts from collecting ducts
Early renal failure
Autosomal dominant: ADPKD
-more common
-cysts formed from all segments of nephron
-no renal failure till adulthood
Development of urinary bladder and urethra
Urorectal septum (wk5-8) divides cloaca (endodermal) into 2 parts
Anterior- primitive urogenital sinus- upper part- bladder, lower part- urethra
Posterior- primitive rectum
Urinary bladder
Epithelium- endoderm of upper part of urogenital sinus
Rest of the layers of the wall of the bladder- visceral mesoderm
Median umbilical ligament- remnant of Allantois
Congenital anomalies
Urachal fistula, cyst, sinus
Ectopia vesicae
What is ectopia vesicae
Rare congenital malformation of the genitourinary system,
Nonclosure of anterior bladder wall and anterior abdominal wall exposing the bladder mucosa to the outside
Lining epithelium is endodermal from urogenital sinus
Near tip- ectodermal
Rest of layers- mesodermal