Developmental Theories Flashcards
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (MHN)
- Physiological Needs
- Security Needs
- Social Needs
- Esteem Needs
- Self - actualisation Needs
MHN - Physiological Needs
These are the most basic needs that are vital to survive such as water, air, food and sleep
MHN - Security Needs
These are needs for safety and security such as a steady employment, health insurance, safe neighbourhood and shelter from the environment
MHN - Social Needs
These are needs for belonging, love and affection and relationships such as friendships, romantic attachments and families as well as involvement in social, community or religious groups
MHN - Esteem Needs
These include the the need to reflect on things such as self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition and accomplishment
MHN - Self-actulisation Needs
This occurs when people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with others opinions and are interested in fulfilling their potential
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory (BB)
- Microsystem
- Mesosystem
- Exosystem
- Macrosystem
- Chronosystem
BB - Microsystem
Immediate environments such as family
BB - Mesosystem
A system comprising connections between immediate environments such as home and school
BB - Exosystem
External environment setting which only indirectly affects development such as parents workplace
BB - Macrosystem
The larger cultural context such as national economy, political culture and subculture
BB - Chronosystem
The patterning environment events and transitions over the course of life
Vygotsky’s Theory of Child Development - Stages (V)
- The interrelationship between thought and language
- The zone of proximal development (ZPD)
- The importance of play
- Reconstruction
- The importance of social interactions
- The cultural context
V - More knowledgeable other (MKO)
Someone who has a better skill set and understanding on how to preform a task or grasp a process or concept, that help you reach your ZPD with scaffolding
V - Scaffolding
When an adult provides support for a child, they will adjust the amount of help they give depending on their progress
V - The interralationship between thought and language
Concepts, language and memory are mental functions that come from the culture and begin with the interaction between a child and another person
Difference between problem-solving that the child can do by themselves and the problem solving the child can preform with guidance
V - The importance of play
Play provides foundations for children’s developing skills that are essential to social, personal and professional activities
V - Reconstruction
Children experiencing the same situation over and over again as they grow, but each time they can deal with them at a a higher level and reconstruct them
V - The importance of social interaction
Remembering, problem solving, planning and abstract thinking have a social origin
V - The cultural context
Children use tools to develop their own culture and to help them to function effectively in society