Developmental Stages Flashcards
Lifts head when lying prone
2-3 months
Smiles in response to a human face (the “social smile”)
2 months
Coos or gurgles in response to human attention
2-3 months
Turn over
5 months
Feet in mouth
5 months
Sits with support
4 months
Sits unassisted
6 months
Grasps entire hand (“raking”)
4-6 months
Forms attachment to primary caregiver
4-6 months
Recognizes familiar people
4-6 months
Babbles (repeats single sounds over and over)
4-6 months
Laughs aloud
4 months
Holds a sitting position unassisted
6-8 months
Crawls on hands and knees
7-11 months
Pulls to stand
7-11 months
Transfers toys from hand to hand
10 months
Picks up toys and food using “pincer” (thumb and forefinger) grasp
10 months
Shows stranger anxiety
(begins at 6 months, peaks at about 8mons and begins to disappear at about 12mons)
Plays games such as peek-a-boo, waves “bye-bye”
7-11 months
Imitates sounds
7-11 months
Uses gestures
7-11 months
Says first words (“mama, dada”)
7-11 months
Walks unassisted
13 months
Pats pictures in books
12-15 months
Kicks ball, throws ball
12-15 months
Shows separation anxiety
(appears at about the age of 12-18 months and begins to disappears at about 20-24 months)
Says first words
12-15 months
Great variation in timing of language
12-15 months
Uses about 10 words
12-15 months
Responds to own name
12-15 months
Shows object permanence – now able to look for hidden objects. even when moved while not looking – will also check several locations
12-18 months
Throws a ball
1.5 year/18 months
Stacks three blocks
1.5 year/18 months
Climbs stairs –two feet on one step
1.5 year/18 months
Scribbles on paper
1.5 year/18 months
Moves away from then returns to the mother for reassurance (“rapprochement”)
1.5 year/18 months
Says own name
1.5 year/18 months
Kicks a ball
2 years
Balances on one foot for 1 second
2 years
Stacks six blocks
2 years
Feeds self with fork and spoon
2 years
Shows negativity (e.g., the favorite word is “no”)
2 years
Plays alongside but not with another child (“parallel play”)
2-4 years