developmental psychology exam questions Flashcards
explain why the study by Bandura et al. can be considered to be an experiment (2)
Theres an IV manipulated for Bandura - watching the aggressive, non-aggressive or no model.
In Bandura et al’s study into transmission of aggression, give two of the characteristics on which the participants were matched in their groups (2)
aggression levels and gender
Why was it necessary for Bandura et al. to use the matched participants design? (2)
Ps were matched on aggression as a control in order to ensure that children of different aggression levels were equally distributed across the model conditions
From Bandura et al.’s study into transmission of aggression:
a) Identify one of the hypothesis (2)
b) Give one piece of evidence to show support for this hypothesis (2)
a) Children who see an aggressive role model will imitate that models aggressive acts more than children who see a non aggressive model OR Boys will be more predisposed to imitating aggression than girls OR children will imitate the aggression of a same sex model more than that of the opposite sex model
b) Children who saw an aggressive role model did imitate that models aggressive acts more than children who saw a non-aggressive model OR Boys were more predisposed to imitating aggression than girls OR children did imitate the aggression of a same sex model more than that of the opposite sex model
5) In the study by Bandura, Ross and ross on the imitation of aggression all the participants were taken individually into a second room and subjected to mild aggression arousal
a) Describe how the children’s aggression was aroused in this room (2)
b) Explain why the researchers felt this was necessary (2)
a) Gave the children nice toys and took them away from them
b) It was a control for aggression levels felt at the time by the children ensuring that children in each of the model groups felt equally aggressive going into stage 3
6) The study by Bandura,Ross and Ross on the imitation of aggression used a number of experimental controls. Describe how two variables were controlled (4)
All children spent two minutes in the mild aggression arousal phase. All children spent 20 minutes in stage 3 being observed for their aggression
7) Describe the sample used in Bandura et al.’s study into the transmission of aggression (3)
72 participants - 36 male, 36 female. Children from Stanford uni nursery school in USA
8) From Bandura et al.’s study into the transmission of aggression, outline how the model displayed aggressive behaviour (3)
The model would do physical and verbal acts of aggression towards a Bobo doll e.g. hitting Bobo with a mallet or saying ‘Sock him on the nose’
9) Describe the procedure used by Bandura et al. in their study (4)
In stage 1, children observed either an aggressive, non-aggressive or no role model. In stage 2, the children had their aggression aroused by having nice toys taken away from them. In stage 3, each child was observed through a one way mirror for imitative, non-imitative and partially imitative aggression - all participants spent 20 minutes in the observation stage
10) Outline two findings from the study of aggression by Bandura, Ross and Ross (4)
Children who saw an aggressive model showed more imitative, non imitative and partially imitative aggressive acts than those in other conditions
Boys showed more aggression if the model was male than if they were female e.g non imitative gun play
11) Describe what the study by Bandura et al. found in relation to external influences on children’s behaviour (3)
Bandura investigated the social learning of aggression through observation and imitation of adults in a playroom with 72 children aged 37-69 months attending Stanford university nursery. He did this through making the children watch an aggressive, non-aggressive or no model, arousing their aggression and observing their imitative partially imitative, imitative or non-imitative aggression. He found that the children in the aggressive model condition performed more acts of aggression than the non-aggressive/no model conditions
12) To what extent could Bandura et al.’s study be described as ethnocentric? (3)
It’s highly ethnocentric as it focuses on a single Western country - America meaning that the results regarding imitated aggression may not represent those of children in other cultures who are less violent than America
13) Assess the reliabilty of the findings from Bandura et al. (3)
Every child spent 20 minutes in the observation stage, meaning the study is highly standardised so it’s highly replicable
14) Assess the ecological validity of the study (4)
The setting is highly realistic as it is set up as a series of playrooms with toys however, being left alone with a stranger is unrealistic. The task is unrealistic as Bobo is delighted to jump back up when hit, unlike a person in real life.
15) Describe two ethical issues raised in the study by Bandura et al. (4)
Protection of ps in stage 2 is an issue as the kids may have been distressed in 5e mild aggression arousal stage as toys had been taken from them. Debrief as unlikely that children would have had the study explained to them afterwards so they wouldn’t understand why they’d just watched a model hitting a Bobo doll.
16) Suggest how the study by Bandura is relevant to the area of developmental psychology (3)
Behaviour develops as a result of age and experience. The children in the aggressive model condition developed aggressive behaviour due to experiencing the models aggression. Children who observed the aggressive model showed significantly more aggressive acts than those who saw the non-aggressive model
1) From Chaney et al.’s study of adherence:
a) Describe the difference between the Funhaler and a normal inhaler (2)
b) With reference to Chaney et al.’s study of adherence, outline the theory of operant conditioning (2)
a) the Funhaler has a spinner and whistle on it but the normal inhaler doesn’t have these additional features
b) operant conditioning is learning through consequence such as being positively reinforced for a behaviour encourages that behaviour - children were rewarded by the whistle and the spinner if they took their medication properly
2) Describe the key features of the sample (2)
32 participants (22 male, 10 female), in Australia, Perth
3) Chaney et al.’s study was a pilot study:
a) Describe what a pilot study is (2)
b) Suggest one reason why a pilot study might be conducted (2)
a) A smaller scale test run that occurs before the main study
b) To test for ethics and credibility
4) From Chaney et al.’s study on children with asthma, outline one result which shows the positive impact of the Funhaler on adherence (2)
81% said that they medicated their child the previous day with the Funhaler whilst 59% said yes with the normal inhaler
5) Describe two results from the study by Chaney et al (4)
Pleasure was 69% with the Funhaler but only 10% with the standard inhaler. 81% of parents were completely happy medicating their child with the Funhaler but only 59% with standard inhaler.
6) Outline two conclusions given by Chaney et al. in their Funhaler study (4)
The use of the Funhaler could possibly improve clinical outcomes such as rates of admissions to hospitals for asthma. Devices that use self-reinforcement strategies can improve the overall health of children
7) Describe what the Funhaler study found in relation to external influences on children’s behaviour (3)
Chaney investigated the positive self-reinforcement of adherence to asthma medication in 32 Australian children aged 1.5-6 years. He gave a Funhaler to the parents of the ps which had a spinner and a whistle and asked them to use it for 2 weeks and report back attitudes and adherence. 68% of children reported pleasure with Funhaler v 10% with standard
8) Evaluate the ethics of the study by Chaney et al (3)
Ethics are good and adhere to protection of participants aren’t harmed by the use of the Funhaler - Chaney is increasing adherence of asthma medication through the Funhaler
9) Assess the internal validity of the findings from Chaney et al. (3)
Internal validity is low due to the high likelihood or social desirability - this is when participants do what they think would look good to society so they highly inflate responses of Funhaler or inhaler use
10) Assess the population validity of the study by Chaney et at. (4)
Population validity is high as there is good gender diversity of 22 males and 10 females so we could generalise findings to both genders. However, low as it took place in a single country of Australia so it can’t generalise to people in other countries
11) Suggest how the study by Chaney et al. is relevant to the area of developmental psychology (3)
Behaviourist development is due to age and experience. Children improved their adherence to their inhaler due to the experience of the inhaler which positively reinforced them due to the whistle and spinner. 81% odd parents medicated their child the previous day with the Funhaler but 59% with the standard inhaler
Outline one way in which the study by Bandura et al. into transmission of aggression and the Funhaler study by Chaney et al. are similar (4)
Child samples. Bandura’s children were 4 years and 4 months old on average. Chaney’s children were 3.2 years on average. This means the results of both studies may only generalise to young children
Quantitative data. This is numerical data. Bandura’s is mean acts of imitative, partially imitative and non-imitative aggression. Chaney’s is % adherence to funhaler and inhaler reported by parents
2) Outline one way in which the study by Bandura et al. into transmission of aggression and the Funhaler study by Chaney et al. are different (4)
Bandura’s study was a lab experiment whilst Chaney’s was a field experiment. Lab settings are controlled and field settings are realistic. A control from Bandura’s study is all ps had their aggression aroused for 2 mims by having toys taken away from them and Chaney’s realistic setting was their home environment in which parents rated their attitudes to the standard inhaler and Funhaler