Developmental Milestones + Vaccines Flashcards
At what age does a child typically understand age/gender?
3 years old
At what age does an infant typically develop separation anxiety?
12 months
At what age does an infant typically develop stranger anxiety?
6 months
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 4 months old? (3)
shakes/plays with rattle
Clutches clothes
hands mostly open
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 12 month old? (2)
fine pincer grasp (2 finger)
2 cube tower
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 4 year old? (3)
copies square/cross
imitate gate with blocks
ties knot
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 2 year old? (3)
builds a tower with 6 cubes
imitate circle (not draw)
copies horizontal line
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 3 year old? (3)
copies a circle
uses utensils
imitate bridge with blocks
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 5 year old? (4)
copies triangle
ties shoes
builds stairs
uses scissors
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 6 month old? (2)
transfer objects from hand to hand
raking grip
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 9 month old? (3)
inferior pincer grasp (3-fingers)
bangs blocks together
holds bottle or cup
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in an 18 month old? (3)
builds a tower with 4 cubes
imitates vertical line
removes clothing
What fine motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in an 2 month old? (3)
hands unfisted 50% of time
holds rattle when put in hand or hand together
tracks objects past midline
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 12 month old? (3)
stands well
walks first steps independently
throws ball
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 2 month old?
Lift head and chest in prone position
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 2 year old? (3)
begin walking down** **stairs with both feet on same step (WITH rail)
kicks ball
throws overhand
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 3 year old? (4)
rides tricycle
walks up** **stairs with alternating feet (NO rail)
walks heel-to-toe
balance on 1 foot for 3 seconds
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 4 year old? (4)
balance & hop on 1 foot (4-8 seconds)
standing broad jump
throws ball overhand (10 feet)
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 5 year old? (4)
catches ball with 2 hands
Walks down stairs alternating feet (with rail)
running jump + jumps backwards
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 4 month old? (2)
begins rolling front to back
sits with trunk support
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 6 month old? (3)
sits without support
prone pivots
weight on 1 hand in prone
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 9 month old? (2)
crawling** or **creeping (cruises)
pulls to “stand” on feet and hands (all 4 limbs straight)
What gross motor developmental milestone(s) are expected in an 18 month old? (4)
runs well
creeps down stairs
seats self in small chairs
throws ball while standing
What language developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 12 month old? (4)
says first words aside from “mama” and “dada”
recognizes 2 objects when named
points to get object
follow 1-step commands
What language developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 2 month old? (3)
alert to voice/stimuli
social smile
What language developmental milestone(s) are expected in a 2 year old? (4)
2-word phrases
follow 2-step commands
2/4 words understandable (> 50 word vocab)
telegraphic speech