Developmental Milestones- Preschooler Flashcards
Cognitive Development 24 months
follows simple verbal commands
Cog. Development 27 months
points to and names familiar pictures
Cog. Development 36 months
Gives 2 objects on request
Cog Development 42 Months
gives name on request
Cog Development 45 Months
enjoys make believe play
Cog Development 5 years
Understands concepts of today/ yesterday/tomorrow/ as well as morning/ afternoon and night
Social Development 27 Months
communicates desire and orders others around
Social Development 30 months
demands caregiver’s attention, throws tantrums when needs are not understood
Social Development 36 months
plays individually in groups and selects playmates
Social Development 45 months
Plays cooperatively and takes turns
Motor Development 27 months
Walks up and down stairs, does not alternate feet
Motor Development 36 months
Constructs a tower of 7-8 blocks
Motor Development 39 months
dresses and undresses self
Social Development 4 years
Gives up immediate gratification based on promise of delayed privlege (can be bribed)
Motor Development 45 months
copies cross and square
Motor Development 4 years
copies simple block letters
Motor Development 5 years
draws figures. Recognizable as a figure with head, trunk, legs and arms
At 18-24 mos. expressive vocab. increases from 50 to ? words
200-300 words
By 36 months of age a ch will have an expressive vocab of ? words
900-1000 words
At 5 years, by kindergarten, a ch should be using ? words
2100-2200 words
By 6 years of age many ch will have receptive vocab of ?? words?
14.000 words
According to Montgomery 2011, ch learn which words ?
Words they are exposed to in their environments
What is Fast-mapping?
A hypothetical process where ch associate a word and its referent after the first or initial exposure
What is Extended-mapping?
New words are gradually expanded and modified as additional experiences become available
Children learn new words more quickly when these words _ _ _?
- Are composed of phonemes that the ch can produce
- Are object words as opposed to action words
- Are reduplicated syllables (mama)
Easy basic nouns
What are Dimensional words?
These words are adjective pairs that indicate dimensions of objects (big/little -usually first pair mastered)
What are Relational words?
Terms that express relationships in domains such as color, location size, family roles, and temporal sequences (are relative and can be difficult)
By what age can a child name blue, yellow, red?
4 or 5 years old
What are Spatial words?
They indicate location of a referent in relation to some item (in, out, behind, under)
By what age can most children master Spatial words??
5 years of age
What is a kinship word?
a word that describes family
Which kinship words devlop initially
The ones that refer to immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother)
What are Temportal words?
Refer to how things are related to each other in time.
- Refer to how things are related to each other
- Words indicating time (simultaneous)
- Order
- Duration
What is a Discourse?
A series of consecutive utterances shared by at least 2 people
What is cohesion?
refers to the relatedness of successive utterances in discourse
What is symbolic play?
Where the ch allows one thing to represent another
What is Solitary play?
Ch playing independently even if other ch are present
What is parallel play?
Where ch are playing near each other but not exchanging ideas
What is cooperative play?
Ch interacting with each other in organizing and executing an activity (sometime assign roles)
What is style shifting?
It is an aspect of presupposition that involves having the speaker modify how something is said based on the status of the listener
What are the 2 purposes of a child’s storytelling?
- to gain attention and 2. to entertain themselves
What is the setting of a story?
The context and the characters
What is the goal of a story?
It provides they characters’ motivation
What does the episode of the story describe?
It describes the events related to the goal
What is the outcome of the story?
Provides the conclusion and states whether r not the goal was attained
What is a noun phrase?
A sentence role filled by people and objects
What is a verb phrase?
Actions or relationships that are central to the sentence
What is a determiner?
A word that precedes and modifies nouns
What is a demonstrative?
This, these, that, those
What is an ordinal?
First, second, third
What is a pronoun?
a group of words that can replace nouns or entire noun phrases
When do preschoolers begin to use noun suffixes accurately?
3-5 years of age
What does the derivational noun suffix -er do?
It changes a verb into a noun that names the person who engages in that action
What are copula verbs?
Verbs that serve syntactically as the main verb in sentences….Am, is, was, were etc. (to be verbs)
We can help a ch learn new words faster by _____ and ______
Simultaneously pairing a word with its referent and letting the new word in a certain context
Why are temporal words important??
Following directions in a classroom
What is a monologue?
private speech; child talks to themselves
What is Socialized speech?
Acknowledge parterner’ utterances; increased concern with transmitting information
What is contextualized language?
Utterances relating to immediate context-here and now
What is a narrative?
Decontextualized-uses language about objects, people, events that are NOT in immediate context
What is child’s development of narrative skills heavily dependent upon??
Cognitive Development
What is the Primitive Narratives/centering
There is an identifiable theme and elements are conceptually related to the core topic …..4 years
What are sequences/chaining?
Elements of a story are related to a central topic, but are not necessarily chronologically sequenced 3 years
What are heaps?
They are collections of unrelated utterances 30 months
What is topic Introduction?
Young preschoolers physically introdution to pictures pointing, putting objects into hand
At what age do most preschoolers have appropriate presupposition skills?
after 3 years old
What is an anaphoric reference?
The role pronouns play in referring back to words that occurred just prior to them (uses pronouns to refer back to someone
What is deixis?
Words that point to their referent according to speaker’s perspective (Autistic kids have trouble with)
What is a grammatical ellipse?
A device that speakers use to eliminate information that listeners already know
Older preschoolers may have up to ____turns per topic
What is topic maintenance?
Speakers continue conversational topics by ontributing comments related to their partners last utterance
What is Conversational repair?
Behaviors that result in clarification of previous utterances and help maintain conversational flow of accurate information
Do preschoolers usually request repairs?
What does Wiley 2012 discuss?
Consequences of poor social skills
What can poor social skills lead to?
academic failure, depression, bullying
What is print referencing?
When an adult uses verbal and nonverbal cues to direct to diret a child to the features of written language during shared storybook reading
What is included in print referencing?
Commenting about the print itself, track print, ask questions about print (and/or comment)
What does it mean to track print?
putting finger under words as we read
According to Hulit et al. 2011 mothers who share more lengthy interactions concerning past events, have what effect of their children?
Their children produce longer, more detailed narratives than children of mothers who do not elaborate
According to Bliss, McCabe & Mahecha 2001: What should we do to build literacy?
Build a childs oral narrative skills first (having child talk about the past (what they did all day)
Turnbull & Justice 2012 describe what?
Print awareness, not just the cool picture on the front
When adults dont reference print, preschoolers attend to it only_____of the time
What happens when adults reference print?
Children show increased literacy skills
How do we access children’s morphosyntactic skills?
We count MLU
At what age should children start saying phrases?`
18 months if they are saying 50 words
What is a phrase?
A group of words that is structurally related
What is a clause?
Has a subject and a predicate (Black dog bark)
What is a sentence?
A clause that is structurally complete? About 3 years old
What is an adjective?
A word that describes
What is a determiner?
It precedes and modifies nouns . We as SLP’s look for appropriate use of
What is a demonstrative?
(this, that,those, these)
What is an ordinal?
(first, second, third)
What is a possessive?
(my, his)
What is a pronoun?
a group of words that can replace nouns or entire noun phrases (I, he, she, we, you, it, they)
When should a child be accurate with use of comparatives, superlatives and derivationals?
3-5 years of age
What is a state verb?
Expresses static or unchanging condition
What is a process verb?
Internal activity or gradual changes in peole or things (thinking, hearing, stressing, growing, digesting
By what age have most children mastered most verb forms??
5 years of age
What is an independent or main clause?
can stand alone
What is a dependent or subordinate clause?
cannot stand alone
What is a complex sentence?
A sentence that has an independent AND Dependent clause
In a passive sentence, where is the noun and what is happening?
In a passive sentence the noun is in the subject phrase is passive and is acted on by noun in verb phrase
What 3 things can negative sentence mean?
Disappearance (all gone kitty), rejection (No treat or denial (No go poopy)
What is a dependent clause?
a clause that cannot stand alone
What are corrdingating conjunctions?
FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) child will develop “and” first
In the Rescoria longitudinal study,All were 24-31 months
she found that a typically developing toddler says about 230 words using phrases, Late talkers 25 words and NO phrases at ages 9-13 the LT scored in N range on language and reading tests. However they had significantly weaker language skills than their typically developing peers AT 17, LT had significantly lower scores of vocab., grammar, and verbal memory