Developmental Milestones COPY COPY Flashcards
Gross motor at 3 months
Lifts head and chest when lying on stomach
Turns around when lying on front
Gross motor at 6 months
Rols over from back to front
Sits steadily without support (by 8-9 months)
Gross motor 9 months
Crawls on hands and knees
Pulls to stand
Walks around furniture while holding on
Gross motor 12 months
Stands without support
Walks without help (by 18 months)
Runs (some falls)
Gross motor 18 months
Kicks ball forwards
Runs well- few falls
Walks up and down stairs without support
Gross motor 2 years
Climbs on play equipment (e.g ladders and slides)
Gross motor 2.5 years
Stands on one foot without support
Walks up and down stairs one foot per step
Gross motor 3 years
Rides a tricycle using pedals
Gross motor 4.5 years
Skips or makes running jumps
Gross motor 5 years
Self - propels on a swing
Fine motor 3 months
Looks at and reaches for faces and toys
Picks up toy with one hand
Fine motor 6 months
Transfers toy from one hand to the other
Uses two hands to pick up large objects
Fine motor 9 months
Picks up small objects with thumb and finger pincer grasp
12 months fine motor
Stacks 2 or more blocks
Picks up 2 small toys in one hand
Fine motor 18 months
Builds towers of 4 or more blocks
Scribbles woith crayon
Turns pages of a picture book one at a time
Fine motor 2 years
Scribbles with circular motion
Fine motor 2.5 years
Draws or copies vertical lines
Cuts with small scissors
fine motor 3 years
Draws or copies a complete circle
Fine motor 3.5 years
Cuts across a piece of paper with small scissors
Fine motor 4 years
Draws a recognisable picture
Fine motor 4.5 years
Draws a person with 3 parts (e.g arms, head, eyes, nose, etc)
Fine motor 5 years old
Prints first name
Language 3 months
cries in a special way when hungry
makes sounds - ah - eh
Laughs out loud
Language 6 months
Responds to name (turns and looks)
Makes sounds like dada mama baba - 2 syllable babble
Language skills at 9 months
Understands phrases like no no and all gone
Language skils at 12 months
Has 1 or 2 words with meaning
Uses mama or dada specifically for parents or similar
What are the language skills for 18 months
Uses at least 10 words
Aks for a drink or food using words and sounds
Names a few familiar objects in picture books
Follows two part instructions
Starts to join words into sentences (21-24 months)
Language skills for 2 years
Has a vocabulary of at around 30-50 words
Language skills at 2.5 years
Speaks clearly, understandable most of the time
Knows what to do with an object (e.g hat or biscuit)
Language skills 3 years
Asks questions beginning with why? when? and how?
Can identify 4 colours by name correctly
Language skills for 3.5 years
Answers questionslike ‘what do you do with your eye or ears?’
Talks in long, complex sentences (10 or more words)
Can follow a series of three simple instructions in order
Language skills for a 4 year old?
Counts 10 or more objects
Prints a few letters or numbers
Language skills at 4.5 yaers
Reads a few letters (more than 5)
Language skills at 5
When asked what an orange is - answers a fruit
Social skills 3 months
Social smile (by 6-8 weeks)
Distinguishes mother from others
Social skills 6 months
Reaches for familiar people
Pushes things away he or she doesn’t want
Stranger awareness
Social skills 9 months
Object permanence
Plays social games like peek - a - boo, ‘patty cake’, waves bye bye
Social skills 12 months
Gives kisses or hugs
Shows shared attention/ pointing to things of interest
Social skills of 18 month child
Sometimes says no when interfered with
Shows sympathy to other children, tries to comfort them
Early pretnd play
Usually responds to correction by stopping
Social skills at 2 years
‘helps’ with simple household tasks
Social skills at 2.5 years
Plays with other children (cars, dolls, building blocks)
Plays a role in pretend game (mum, dad teacher)
Plays games, tig hide and seek
Social skills at 3 years
Gives directions to other children
Social skills at 3.5 years
Plays cooperatively with minimum conflict and supervision
Protective towards younger children
Social skills at 4 years
Floows simple rules in board or card games
Self help at 3 months
Reacts to seeing bottle/breast
Comforts self with thumb / dummy
Self help 6 month milestone
Feeds self biscuits or similar food
Self help 9 months
Picks up a spoon by the handle
Self - help 12 months
Lifts cup to mouth and drinks
Insists on doing things by self such as feeding
Feeds self-with spoon
18 months for self-help
Eats with fork (eats with spoon, spilling little)
Takes off open coat or shirt without help
Self - help 2 years
Opens door by turing the knob
Self-help 2.5 years
Washes and dries hands
Dresses self with help
Self-help at 3 years
Toilet trained but they may nbeed help with wiping
Self-help at 3.5 years
Washes face without help
Dresses and undresses without help except for tying shoe laces
Self help 4 years
Fastens one ormore buttons
Self-help 4.5 years
Usually looks both ways before crossijng the road
Self-help at 5 years
Goes to toilet without help