Developmental MIlestones/autism Flashcards
What shapes should kids be able to draw at 3, 4 and 5 years old
3: circle
4: square
5: triangle
What age: Pretend play and simple games
36 months
How long should a 9 year old be able to focus on a task
1 hour
What is a red flag for autism at 12 months?
No babbling, pointing, or gestures
What age:
Vowel and consonant sounds
Responds to sounds
Shows joy
Vocal imitation
6 months
Who should handle the nerurodevelopmental delay problems in a kid?
Clinician, psychologist, SLP, OT, etc
What age:
Throws ball overhand
Stands on tiptoes
24 months
How long should a kid be in a booster seat in the car?
Until they’re 4’9” and 8-12 years old
What age:
Turns head toward sounds
2 months
WHat age:
Laughs and squeals
4 months
What tool should we use to screen for autism?
When do we start solid food?
4-6 months
What age:
Speaks 6+ words (20-50 common)
18 months
What is a red flag for autism at any age?
Loss of language, social or other skills
What age:
Peek-a-boo (object permanence)
9 months
What age: understandable over 50% of the time
36 months
What age:
Sit supported
Reaches for object and brings to mouth
Rolls over both ways
6 months
What age:
Speaks in short phrases (2+ words)
Repeats overheard words
24 months
What age:
Starts saying mama, dada without meaning
Understands “no”
9 months
What age:
Improved function of ordinary items
Scribbles on own
18 months
What age:
Begins to smile responsively
2 months
What age:
Alert to voices
Follow objects with eyes
2 months
What age: 100-200 word vocabulary
36 months
What age:
Walks well
Stoops down
15 months
What age: stands on one foot
36 months
What is a red flag for autism at 16 months?
No single words
At what age should you introduce potty chair?
18 months
How long should a 6-8 year old be able to focus on a task
At least 15 min
When should first dental visit be?
By 12 months
What age:
Stranger fear FIRST develops
9 months
What age:
Simple gestures
“Mama” and “Dada” with meaning
12 months
How many commands should 12 year olds be able to follow
5 step commands
At what ages should we screen specifically for autism?
18 months
24-30 months
How long of sentences should 6-12 year olds speak?
5-7 word sentences
What age:
Copies gestures
Can find hidden objects
12 months
What age:
Kicks ball
Eats well with spoon
Feeds self
18 months
When does teething start?
6-9 months
What should you do if child starts losing skills they once had?
Child needs to be evaluated for developmental problems
By what age is daytime bathroom control achieved?
2-4 yrs
Girls before boys
At what age: plays make-believe
36 months
What age:
Holds head steady
Rolls stomach to back
Lifts up on hands/elbows
4 months
What age:
Responds to others’ emotions
6 months
At what age:
Hops on one foot
48 months (4 years)
What age:
Lift and turn head momentarily
Tracks past midline
Primitive reflexes present
2 months
What age:
Completes familiar sentences and rhymes
Might use one hand more than other
24 months
What age:
Uses 4-5+ words
indicates wants
15 months
What are some things kids should be doing before they are ready to start potty training?
Pull pants up/down
Knows wet v dry v BM
Can be dry for 2 hours+
What age:
Takes steps
Stands alone (2 sec)
Begins to walk alone
12 months
What age:
Pull to stand
9 months
At what age do kids ask Why over and over
What is a red flag for autism at 24 months?
No 2-word phrases
How long should a kid be in a rear facing car seat
As long as possible (until they reach height/weight maximum for their seat)
What age:
Knows purpose of ordinary things (spoon, brush) and attempts to use them
15 months
What age: speaks in sentences
36 months
By what age is nighttime bathroom control expected?
5-7 years
What age:
helps undress and put items away (gaining independence)
Empathy (like consoling crying sibling)
24 months