Developmental milestones Flashcards
Developmental milestones (overall): 2mo
Parent’s Little Baby: looks up to sound, smiles because he sees both his parents, one on either side of midline
50% above birth weight Clear social interactions Just passed peak of fussiness Sleeping some longer stretches at night • Lift head 45° (when lying on face) • Turns to sound • Follows objects past midline • Social smile
Developmental milestones (overall): 4mo
Fat Happy Baby: baby is rolling and laughing and cooing because he just discovered midline and is reaching for cake that he will cram into his mouth
@ end of fussy parts of life
50% sleep most of the night
Plays with toys
Q No solid foods yet
- Roll over
- Lifts head 90°
- Raise up to chest
- Find midline
- Reach for objects
- Puts objects in mouth, coos (vowel sounds), laughs
Developmental milestones (overall): 6mo
Street-Corner Baby: sitting up on sidewalk, transferring a rake from hand to hand while babbling at people he thinks he recognizes, (2 streets = doubled weight)
Sleeps all night + 2-3 naps/day Starting to eat at regular times Starting solid foods • Close to sitting up, with no head lag • Raking grasp • Transfer objects between hands • Babbles (consonants), recognizes familiar faces
Developmental milestones (overall): 9mo
Watch Dog Baby: crawls to window, pulls to stand to see out, points at stranger in yard and says “mama” to get attention of parents.
Starts to play games w/ other people (adults, older children)
Regular meal and snack times lots of regular food
2 naps
Starts to move and explore
Everything in mouth
• Crawl, stand
• Pull to stand
• Point
• Specific babbling (mama, dada), stranger anxiety
Developmental milestones (overall): 12mo
Playful Zombie Baby: walking at you, snapping pincers, repeating one word over and over (brrraaaaains), and just wants to play patacake and peekaboo before waving bye bye (eating brains = LOTS OF FAT = tripled weight)
Generally starting / readying walking
Express strong opinions about wants & needs
Early communication, few words gestures, sign
Routines very important
• Walk
• Pincer grast
• 1 word
• Pat-a-cake
• Bye-bye
• Peek-a boo
Developmental milestones (overall): 18mo
Sir Charming Baby: needs to get note to Rapunzel s–> scribbles to throw into high 2-4 block tower, catapult has cup on end, shoves note in with spoon –> hitting Rapunzel in face
ACTIVE! Temper Demanding Desires outpace language skills Interest in toileting
Q ≠ like doctor visits • Throws objects • Scribble • 4 block tower • 1 step command • Uses cups/spoon • Points to body parts - says nouns, names of special people, a few action words/phrases
Developmental milestones (overall): 2y
Bad Twins: mom gives two commands to twin boys to run to the stairs, then walk up the 25 stairs. Each walks up the 25 stairs not helping the other.
Interested in games with caregivers
Loves routines & get upset when disrupted
Developed speech in sentences
• Up & down stairs (1 foot at a time)
- 2-word commands
- 2-word sentences
Developmental milestones (overall): 3y
James Bond Baby: springs into action … jumps into 3-piece suit, stands in front of mirror and says full name, jumps on tricycle. “You.Me. I,” is his pickup line.
Social being More complex feelings May start to play with peers 50% stop napping Easier to entertain • Tricycle; jump in place • Dresses self • Full name • “you. Me. I”
Developmental milestones (overall): 4y
Bedtime Story Baby: really wants story time, so runs up stairs, hops on one foot to undress, so she and mom can read a story together. A Wrinkle in Time.
Prefers kids > adults Tells stories – even long & complicated Enjoys gatherings Usually does not nap Likely attends preschool Toileting independently • Up & down stairs (alternating feet); hop • Undress • 4 word phrases • Can read story together
Developmental milestones (overall): 5y
Oz Baby: ties ruby shoes, skips down Yellow Brick Road back to Kansas
Ready for school Definite personality Preferences for specific friends Can start to play sports (soccer), play an instrument ↑ independence • 5 = “5”kips • Tie shoes • Diff b/w reality / fantasy
Developmental milestones 12mo: Gross motor
Stands alone, +/- walking
Developmental milestones 12mo: Fine motor
Well developed, “neat” pincer grasp
Developmental milestones 12mo: language
mama, dada (specific) and 1 - 2 other words
Developmental milestones 12mo: social / adaptive
- hands parents a book to read
- points when wants something
- imitates activities & plays ball
Developmental milestones 12mo: Language
start reading books
Developmental milestones: 2mo: gross motor
lift head
Developmental milestones: 2mo: fine motor
follow to midline
Developmental milestones: 2mo: cognitive, language, communication
Developmental milestones: 2mo: social/emotional
smile responsively
Developmental milestones:4 mo: gross motor
sit - head steady
Developmental milestones: 4mo: fine motor
grasp rattle
Developmental milestones: 4 mo: cognitive, language, communication
Developmental milestones: 4mo: social/emotional
regard own hand
Developmental milestones:6 mo: gross motor
- roll over
- sit unsupported
- no head lag when pulled to sit from supine (head stable)
Developmental milestones:6 mo: fine motor
reach for objects
look for dropped objects
Developmental milestones:6 mo: cognitive, language, communication
- turn to rattling source / voice
- babbles –> use of repetitive consonants
Developmental milestones: 6mo: social/emotional
- work for toy (out of reach)
- feed self
“Stranger danger”
resistant to being away from parent
Developmental milestones:9 mo: gross motor
stand holding on
Developmental milestones:9 mo: fine motor
pass cube (transfer)
Developmental milestones:9 mo: cognitive, language, communication
single syllables
Developmental milestones: 9mo: social/emotional
feed self
Developmental milestones: 3yo: social/emotional
brush teeth with assistance
feed self
Developmental milestones: 3yo: communication
2-3 word sentences (75% understandable)
can’t string longer sentences yet
Developmental milestones: 3yo: cognitive
knows name & use of “cub ball, spoon, crayon”
copies a circle
Developmental milestones: 3yo: physical
tower of 6-8 cubes
throws a ball overhand
rides tricycle
Developmental milestones: 4yo: social/emotional
friendly to other children (> adults)
plays with toys / fantasy play
Developmental milestones: 4yo: communication
state 1st and last name
sings song
reads a book
most speech clearly undersandable
Developmental milestones: 4yo: cognitive
name color aware of gender play board games draws person with 3 parts copies a cross
Developmental milestones: 4yo: physical
hop on 1 foot, balance for 2 sec
pours, cuts, mashes own food
brushes own teeth
Developmental milestones: 5yo: social/emotional
listens and attends
can tell difference between make believe
shows sympathy / concern for other people
Developmental milestones: 5yo: communication
articulates well tell simple story using full sentences use appropriate tenses and pronouns count to 10 follow simple directions
Developmental milestones: 4yo: cognitive
draw person with >6 body parts
print someletts & numbers
copy squares
Developmental milestones: 4yo: physical
balance on one foot hop & skip ties a knop mature pencil grasp easily un/dresses