Developmental Milestones Flashcards
2-3 months
posterior fontanel is closed
turns head side to side (lift head and shoulder off mattress)
holds hands open bc grasp refle is gone
smiles spontaneously when mother is seen
dolls eye reflex is gone
4 months
anterior fontanel closes
Reflexes that are gone: (sucking & rooting, moro reflex, tonic neck refles)
mouth- food (rice ceral) & drool– 1st solid food
rolls from back to side
place obj in mouth
seperation anxiety begins
6 months
palmar grasp is gone
2 x birth weight
rolls from back to front
holds bottle
sit w/support
less likely to accept strangers beings
waves bye-bye,responds to name
8 months
plantar grasp is gone
sit w/o support
pincer grasp starts
seperation anxiety is gone
starts to accept strangers again
say a few words (mama, dada), responds to simple verbal commands
play peek a boo
10 months
belly to butt
grasps rattle by handle
12- 13 months
6-8 teeths
3 x birth weight
sits form standing positionw/o help
takes a few steps
build 2- block towers= no success
drink from cup, give hugs
3-5 words
babinski reflex is gone
Up to 1 years, infants are at risk for suffocation, SIDS, Aspiration, body harm, burns, drowning, falls, poisoning, motor vehicle injuries.
14- 15 months (toddler)
walks alone
crawls up stairs, walks w/o help
use cups well
successfully build 2- block towers
emotions starts to show (anger and affection)
18 months
toliet training (18-22 months)
manage spoon w/o rotation, turns book pages
builds 3-block towers
push pull toy
24 months
walks up & downstairs 2-3 word phases (300 words vocab) daytime bladder control kicks a ball builds 3-6 block towers
30 months
jump on both feet, run, stand on 1 foot momentarily
draw circles
hand-finger coordination
3 years (Preschool)
imaginary friend
undresses w/o help
rides tricycle, jumps off from bottom step
less tantrums
4 yrs
laces shoes, brush teeth, hops on 1 foot, throw ball overhead
5 yrs
jumps rope, runs well, walks backwards
dresses w/o help
begin cooperative play
6 yrs (School age)
begins loosing teeth
self centered
7 yrs
team games, sports, organizations
develops concpet of time
boys prefer playing w/boys, and girls w/girls