Developmental Milestones Flashcards
feeds self with finger foods
8 months
plays with toes
5 months
makes cooing noises
5 months
releases object at will
8 months
lifts head almost 45 degrees when prone
2 months
smiles at mother’s face
3 months
inspects and plays with hands, pulls clothing or blanket over face in play
4 months
listens actively to sounds
2 months
is able to lift cup by handle
6 months
holds head erect and steady; raises chest/ usually supported on forearms
3 months
is able to discriminate strangers from family members
5 months
pays attention to own name
10 months
cries when hungry/uncomfortable
1 month
assumes less flexed position when prone
2 months
sits for prolonged periods - 10 minutes
9 months
develops taste differences
7 months
visually inspects object, stares at own hand
3 months
rolls from back to side and from abdomen to back
4 months
extends toy to another person without releasing
10 months
is able to push toys and place several objects in a container
11 months
grasps object with two hands
4 months
sits with slight support
5 months
sits, leaning forward on both hands
7 months
begins to discover parts of body
5 months
closed posterior fontanel
2 months
length gain per month first 12 months
1 inch/ 2.4 cm
repeats facial expressions of adults
9 months
opens/closes hands/ shakes toys
3 months
vocalizes to toys and mirror image
6 months
begins to imitate sounds
6 months
smiles at mirror image
5 months
displays emotional instability by easily and quickly changing between crying an laughing
7 months
lifts head momentarily when prone
1 month
look for object that has fallen
5 months
releases object with flexed wrist
9 months
holds hands in fist
1 month
begins drooling, indicated by appearance of saliva, does not know how to swallow it
3-4 months
responds to adult anger, cries when scolded
9 months
*rolls from back to front/ front to back
5 or 6 months
laughs out loud - shows pleasure in vocalization
3 months
recognizes familiar faces
2 months
makes “guh” and “bah” sounds
6 months
fixates on one very small object
7 months
transfers objects from one hand to another
7 months
enjoys social interaction
4 months
pulls self to standing position
9 months
greets stranger with bashful behavior
8 months
attempts to walk without assistance
11 months
plays interactive games such as pat-a-cake
10 months
eruption of upper central incisors
7 months
actively holds rattle, but will not reach for it
3 months
responds to simple verbal requests
9 months
recognizes familiar objects
4 months
produces vowel sounds “ba- ba” and “da-da”
7 months
shows almost no head lag when puled into sitting position
4 months
makes small, throaty sounds
1 month
bears weight when held in standing position
7 months
stretches out arms to be picked up
8 months
4 months
turns from side to back
2 months
reaches out to people
4 months
drinks from cup or glass with assistance
9 months
bangs objects together
7 months
pulls toy toward self
8 months
longer periods of wakefulness without crying
3 months
grasp reflex absent
3 months
begins to postpone gratification
5 months
explores object by sucking, chewing and biting it
9 months
grasp reflex decreases
2 months
follows and fixes on bright object when it moves within field of vision
1 Month
carries hand/object in mouth at will
3 months
weighs twice the birth weight
5 months
begins to have a social smile
2 months
follows moving object with eyes
2 months
weight gain per week for first six months
5 to 6 oz
recognizes caregivers
6 months
turns eyes to object placed in field of vision
3 months
pays attention to speaking voices
2 months
understands bye-bye
10 months
squeals with delight
5 months
creeps and crawls (backward at first)
9 months
begins hand-eye coordination
4 months
begins to show regular patterns in bladder and bowel elimination
8 months
holds head steady when in sitting position
4 months
displays tonic neck, grasp, and Moro reflexes
1 month
responds to “no” but doesn’t obey it
8 months
looks at and follows pictures in books
10 months
sleeps through night without food
5 months
still has head lag when pulled to sitting position
1 month
shows signs of tooth eruption
5 months
sits in high chair with straight back
6 months
shows good coordination and sits alone
9 months
vocalizes, distinct from crying
2 months
sits by falling down
10 months
bears some weight on legs when held upright
4 months
repeats activities that are enjoyed
7 months
begins to show fears of going to bed and being left alone
9 months
sucking and rooting reflexes
1 month
turns head when prone, but unable to support it
1 month
has definite likes and dislikes
6 months
picks up objects fairly well
10 months
follows object for 180 degrees
3 months
sits well alone
8 months
object permanence begins to develop
10 months
shows fear of strangers
7 months
crawls and cruises around well
10 months
chews and bites
4 months
imitates simple acts
7 months
babbles with one syllable sounds “ma, ma, da, da”
6 months
makes consonant sounds t, d, w
8 month
pulls self to standing and stands while holding on
10 months
starts to gain 3 -5 oz weekly
6-12 months
pre-language vocalizations (coos, laughs, babbles)
3 months
vocalizes displeasure when desired object is taken away
5 months
is aware and interested in new environment
4 months
likes to be picked up
6 months
demands attention by fussing
4 months
imitates waving bye-bye
9 months
begins to hitch in locomotion
6 months
plays peek a boo
6 months
looks intently at caregiver when talked to
1 month
chewing and biting
6 months
approaches toy and grasps it with one hand
7 months
reaches persistently, grasps with entire hand
5 months
dislikes dressing and diaper change
8 months
recognizes faces, voices, familiar objects
3 month
shows nervousness with strangers
8 months
says da da and ma ma with meaning
10 months
begins to hold spoon
11 months
explores objects more thoroughly
11 months
stands erect with help of person’s hand
11 months
may have eruption of lower lateral incisors
11 months
hold crayon to mark on paper
11 months
acts frusturated when restricted
11 months
imitates definite speech sounds
11 months
loses babiski’s sign
12 months
develop evident hand dominance
12 months
triple birth weight
12 months
equal circumference of head and chest
12 months
walks with one hand held
12 months
know own name
12 months
turns pages in book
12 months
has slow vocab growth b/c of increased interest in walking
12 months
develops lumbar curve
12 months
uses spoon in feeding, but often puts it upside down in mouth
12 months
drops object deliberately for it to be picked up
12 months
shakes head for “no”
12 months
plays pat-a-cake
12 months
recovers balance when falling over
12 months
tries to follow when being read to
12 months
does things to attract attention
12 months
imitates vocalization lead
12 months
creeps up stairs
15 months
uses “dada” and “mama” correctly
15 months
tolerates some separation
15 months
drinks from cup well/rotates spoon
15 months
asks for object by pointing
15 months
plays interactive games like peek a boo and pat a cake
15 months
expresses emotions, has tantrums
15 months
walks without help
15 months
closed anterior fontanel
long trunk, short bowed legs, protrudin abdomen
18 months
walks upstairs with help
18 months
turns pages of book
18 months
short attention span
18 months
begins to test limits
18 months
BM at appropriate time when placed on potty
18 months
indicates wet pants
18 months
gets into everything
18 months
fills and handles spoon without rotating, but spills frequently
18 months
runs clumsily and falls ofte
18 months
extremely curious
18 months
places object in hole/slot
18 months
become communicative/social
18 months
imitates parents (i.e. household chores)
18 months
initiates vocalizations
11-12 months
12-15 months
supplementation needed for infant water
not if breast milk and formula is proper
protein requirement for first 6 months
9 g/day
daily protein requirment months 7-12
11 g/ day
protein limitations; why?
no more tha 20% of an infant’s daily energy requirment; infants cannot process and excrete excess nitrogen from higher protein diets, you carnivore
Carbs as % of energy for infant diet
Recommened daily carb intake for 0-6 months
60 g
reccommended carb intake for 7-12 months
95 g
% carbs human milk v. commercial formula
37% v. 40-50%
g fat per day months 0-6
31 g
grams of fat/day for 7-12 months
30 g
% calories fat 0-12 months
breast milk and formula % calories as fat
what food to add 4- 6 months
can be added at what age: iron-fortified rice/cereal followed by other cereals
can be added to diet 5-7 months
at what age: strainted vegetables and fruits and their juices
food to add at 6-8 months
when can you add protein foods (cheese, meat, fish, protein, yogurt)
can add at 9 months
finely chopped meat, toast, teething crackers
can add at 10-12 months to diet
whole egg, whole milk (allergies less likely now)
% of time spent sleeping 0-6 months
80% of time asleep at this age
when does bladder sensation develop?
second year of life
12 hours of sleep starting at this age until what age
12 months sleep requirements through 24 months
benefit of increasing calories during the day
decreased need to feed at night BUT does not decrease number of times kid wakes up
behavior indicating vision 1-3 months
fixes gaze on objects 12-24 inches away
takes interest in bright colors and faces
follows object in field of vision
behavior indicating vision 3-6 months
begins to show interest in hands
follows in range of 90 degrees
recognizes familiar object
able to see full color by now
indicates vision 6-9 months
visual scanning becomes more integrated
cappable of organized depth perception
begins to percieve distances accurately
both eyes should focus equally now
9-12 vision skills
able to look for concealed items
converges on objects in close proximity
peripheral vision is well developed
judges distance well
indicated vision 12-18 months
eye-hand coordination develops
depth perception more refined
ability to identify forms and shapes
is startled by loud noises
stops activity when spoken to
1-3 months indicates hearing
turns eyes and head toward sound
responds to mothers voice
imitates own noises: “ooh” and “ba-ba”
indicates hearing at 3-6 months
responds to own name
looks toward sounds
recognizes familiar sounds
indicates hearing at 6-9 months
points to familiar objects/people
imitates simple words and sounds
locates a sound in any direction
9-12 months indicates hearing
follows simple spoken directions
distinguishes between sounds
spoken words are well on their way
12-18 months indicates hearing
Rotavirus immunization
3 doses: 2, 4, 6 months
Influenza vaccine
annually, starting at 6 months of age AND pregnant women too
varicella vaccine
12-15 months and again at 4-6 years
how long is passive immunization good for
1-6 weeks
what is passive immunization
transfusion of antibodies from another person through blood or breast milk
HepB first dose
HebB second dose
1 month
vaccines for 2 month old
vaccines for 4 month old
DTaP (2nd dose)
Hib (2nd)
PV (2nd)
PCV (2nd)
RV (2nd)
vaccines for 6 month old
HebB (3rd)
DTaP (3rd)
Hib (3rd)
PV (3rd)
PCV (3rd)
RN (3rd)
Influenza (annually)
vaccines at 12-15 months
Hib (4th dose)
PCV (4th)
15-18 months vacines
DTaP (4th dose)
Hep B doses
Birth, 1-2 months, 6-18 months. Can be given in adulthood too.
Rotavirus doses
2, 4, 6 months
DTaP (tetanus)
2, 4, 5 months, 15-18, 4-6 years, then every 10 years
25% of speech intelligible at this age
18 months
60% of speech intelligible at this age
24 months
75% of speech intelligible
30 months
85% of speech intelligible at what age
36 months/ 3 years
at what age do we see vowel sounds
2 months
at what age sould we expect cooing in response to adult voice
2-3 months
babbling begins at this age
6 months
two-syllable words appear
9-10 months
“bye bye”
12 months
15-18 months
expressive jargon, pointing, phrase words, mostly unintelligible
What influences attachement between newborns and parents
infant behavior