Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Newborn - gross motor
Primitive reflexes - step, place, Moro, Babinski, ATNR, flexor posture
Newborn - fine motor
Primitive reflexes - grasp
New born - language
Primitive reflexes - root, suck
Alert to sound
Startles to loud sounds
Variable cries
Newborn - cognitive
Fix and follow slow
Prefers contrast, colours, high pitched voice
Newborn - social/emotional
Bonding (parent to child)
2 months - gross motor
Heady steady when held
Head up 45 prone when on tummy
2 months - fine motor
Hands open half of time
Bats at objects
2 months - language
Turns to voice
2 months - cognitive
Prefers usual caregiver
Attends to moderate novelty
Follows past midline
2 months - social/emotional
Attachment (child to parent)
Social smile
4 months - gross motor
Sits with support
Head up 90 degrees when on tummy, arms out
Rolls front to back
4 months - fine motor
Palmar grasp
Reaches and obtains items
Brings objects to midline
4 months - language
4 months - cognitive
Anticipates routine
Purposeful sensory exploration of objects
4 months - social/emotional
Turn-taking conversations
Explores parent’s face
6 months - gross motor
Postural reflexes
Sits tripod
Rolls both ways
6 months - fine motor
Raking grasp
Transfers hand to hand
6 months - language
6 months - cognitive
Stranger anxiety
Looks for dropped or partially hidden object
Bringing things to mouth (foods being introduced)
6 months - emotional
Expresses emotions - happy, sad, mad
Memory lasts 24 hours
9 months - gross motor
Sits well with hands free
Pulls to stand
Crawls on hands and knees
9 months - fine motor
Inferior pincer grasp (3 fingers)
Pokes at objects
9 months - language
“Mamma”, “Dadda”
9 months - cognitive
Object permanence
Uncovers toy “peek-a-boo”
9 months - emotional
Waves bye-bye
Plays pat-a-cake
?Separation anxiety
12 months - gross motor
Walks a few steps alone
Wide-based gait
Throws object
12 months - fine motor
Superior pincer grip (2 fingers)
Finger-feeds self
12 months - language
1 word with meaning (besides mamma, dadda)
Follows 1-step command with gesture
Responds to own name
12 months - cognitive
Imitates actions and gestures and sounds
Uses objects functionally, e.g. rolls toy car
12 months - emotional
Separation anxiety
Points at wanted items
Narrative memory begins
15 months - gross motor
Walks well
15 months - fine motor
Uses spoon
Tower of 2 blocks
15 months - language
5 word vocab
Follows 1-step command with no gesture
15 months - cognitive
Looks for moved object if saw it being moved
Experiments with toys to make them work
15 months - emotional
Shared attention - points at interesting things to show parent
Brings toys to parent
18 months - gross motor
Stoops and recovers
18 months - fine motor
Carries toys while walking
Removes clothing
Tower of 4 blocks
Scribbles, fisted pencil
18 months - language
10-25 word vocab
Labels familiar objects
Points to objects
18 months - cognitive
Imitates housework
Symbolic play with doll or bear
18 months - emotional
Parallel play
2 years - gross motor
Walks up/down stairs (bruises on legs)
Jumps on 2 feet
2 years - fine motor
Tower of 6 blocks
Handedness established
Uses fork
2 years - language
Follows 2-step commands
Uses 2-word phrases
50+ word vocab
2 years - cognitive
Searches for hidden object after multiple displacements
2 years - emotional
Tantrums, tests limits
Negativism (“no!”)
Possessive (“mine!”)
3 years - gross motor
Rides tricycle
Climbs up stairs with alternating feet
3 years - fine motor
Toilet trained (2.5 - 3.5 yrs)
Draws a circle and cross
Turns pages of book
3 years - language
Follows 3-step commands
200+ word vocab
75% intelligible
3-4 word phrases
3 years - cognitive
Identifies shapes
Compares 2 items
Brushes teeth with help
Washes, dries hands
3 years - emotional
Separates easily
Sharing, empathy
Co-operative play
Role play
4 years - gross motor
Hops on one foot
4 years - fine motor
Draws X, draws square
Cuts shape with scissors
Does buttons
4 years - language
100% intelligible
Tells a story
Uses past tense
4 years - cognitive
Identifies some colours and numbers
4 years - emotional
Has preferred friend
Elaborate fantasy play
5 years - gross motor
Skips 10 seconds
Walks backwards for long distances
Balances on 1 foot
5 years - fine motor
Copies a triangle Tripod pencil grip Prints name, copies letters Ties shoelaces Knows left and rights
5 years - language
5000+ word vocab
Uses future tense
Uses 5 word sentences
5 years - cognitive
Counts to 10 accurately
Recites ABCs by rote learning
Recognises some letters
Pre-literacy and numeracy skills
5 years - emotional
Has group of friends Follows group rules Games with rules Domestic role playing Dress-ups