Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Head control at birth?
complete head lag. Unable to lift head (flexed posture)
Head control at 2months?
Developing, may still have some head lag. Briefly lifts head.
Gross motor skills at 4m?
No head lag. Lifts head and shoulders
Gross motor skills at 6m?
sitting with support, no head lag. Rolling - front to back first
Gross motor skills at 8m?
Sits independently, no head lag. May start ti crawl.
Gross motor skills at 10m?
Pulling to stand, cruising.
Gross motor skills 12m?
First steps (range 10-18m)
Gross motor skills 18m?
Walks steadily, can bend and pick up toys.
Gross motor skills at 2 years?
Runs, throws and kicks ball.
Fine motor skills at 2m?
Fixes and follows through 180 degrees.
Fine motor skills at 4m?
Holds rattle
Fine motor skills at 6m?
Transfers objects through midline.
Fine motor skills at 8m?
Immature pincer grip
Fine motor skills at 10m?
Points at small object
Fine motor skills at 12m?
Builds a two block tower.
Fine motor skills at 18m?
Builds a 3-4 block tower.
Fine motor skills at 2y?
Draws a circle.
Fine motor skills at 3y?
Builds an eight block tower.
Fine motor skills at 4y?
Can draw a triangle and a square.
Speech and language at 4m?
some sounds
Speech and language at 8m?
Speech and language at 12m?
Single words with meaning
Speech and language at 18m?
10-20 single words.
Speech and language at 2y?
2 word phrases
Speech and language at 3y?
three word sentences at least.
Social skills at 6wks?
smiles responsively
Social skills at 4m?
Social skills at 6-8m?
‘stranger danger’
Social skills at 10-12m?
Social games (peek a boo, wave bye)
Social skills at 2.5y?
toilet training
Social skills at 3y?
Dressing self
Red flags at 6 months?
- Social/emotional
- Speech and language
- Fine motor
- Gross motor
- Does not smile or squeal in response to people.
- Not starting to babble
- Not reaching for and holding (grasping) toys.
Hands frequently clenched. - Not rolling. Not holding head and shoulders up when on tummy.
Red flags at 9 months?
- Social/emotional
- Speech and language
- Fine motor
- Gross motor
- Not sharing enjoyment with others using eye contact or facial expression.
- No gestures (pointing, showing, waving). Not using two part babble.
- Unable to hold and/or release toys.
Cannot move toy from one hand to the other. - Not sitting without support. Does not take weight well on legs when held by an adult.
Red flags at 12 months?
- Social/emotional
- Speech and language
- Fine motor
- Gross motor
- Does not notice someone new.
Does not play early turn taking games (e.g. peekaboo) - No babbled phrases that sound like talking. No responses to familiar words.
- Majority of nutrition still liquid/puree. Cannot chew solid food. Unable to pick up small items using index finger and thumb (pincer grip)
- Not pulling to stand.