Developmental milestones Flashcards
limbs flexed, symmetrical posture
Newborn Gross motor
Head Lag on pulling up
Newborn Gross motor
raises head to 45 degrees prone
6 to 8 weeks GM
sits without support round back and straight back
6 months and 8 months gross motor
8 to 9 months GM
Cruises around furniture
10 months GM
walks unsteadily, broad gait, hands apart
12 months GM
walks steadily
15 months GM
runs and jumps
2.5 years GM
head control, sits unsupported, stands independently, walks independently age limit
4, 9, 12, 18 months GM
follow moving object or face by turn head
6 weeks VF
reaches out for toys
4 months VF
palmar grasp
4 to 6 months VF
7 months VF
pincer grip
10 months VF
makes marks with crayon
16 to 18 month VF
tower of three, six, eight or train with four, bridge, steps
18 months, 2 years, 2.5 years, 3 years, 4 years VF
line, circle, cross, square, triangle, not see how done
2,3,3.5,4,5,6 years VF
fix and follow, reach out, transfer, pincer limit
3, 6, 9, 12 months VF
startle to noises
newborn HSL
vocalizes alone or when spoken to
3 to 4 months HSL
turns to soft sounds out of sight
7 months HSL
sounds used indiscrimminately and discriminately to rents
7, 10 months HSL
two to three words
12 months HSL