developmental milestones Flashcards
What gross motor skills would you expect a 6month baby to have? (2)
- Rolling over
- Sitting up with support
What fine motor skills would you expect a 6month baby to have? (2)
- Picking up large objects with 2 hands
- Transferring objects between hands
What language skills would you expect a 6month baby to have? (2)
- Cooing (eg, bababa)
- Recognises own name
What social skills would you expect a 6month baby to have? (2)
- Eye tracking
- Recognises familiar faces
What self-help skills would you expect a 6month baby to have? (1)
Eats finger foods
What gross motor skills would you expect a 12month baby to have? (3)
- Starts to stand up
- Walking with support
- Furniture walking
What fine motor skills would you expect a 12month baby to have? (2)
- Stacking 2 blocks
- Picking up 2 objcts with 1 hand
What language skills would you expect a 12month baby to have? (2)
- Knows simple words
- Knows ‘mum’ and ‘dad’
What social skills would you expect a 12month baby to have? (1)
- Points at things of interest
What self-help skills would you expect a 12month baby to have? (2)
- Eats with a spoon
- Drinks from a cup
What gross motor skills would you expect a 18month baby to have? (3)
- Walking independently
- Running with some falls
- Kicks a ball
What fine motor skills would you expect a 18month baby to have? (2)
- Stckas 4+ blocks
- Scribbles with a crayon
What gross motor skills would you expect a 2 year old to have? (1)
Plays on play equipment (eg, a slide)
What gross motor skills would you expect a 3 year old to have? (1)
Rides a tricycle
What fine motor skills would you expect a 2 year old to have? (1)
Draws in a circular motion
What fine motor skills would you expect a 3 year old to have? (1)
Draws a complete circle
What language skills would you expect a 18month baby to have? (1)
Starts to put words into sentences
What language skills would you expect a 2 year old to have? (1)
Vocab of 30-50 words
What language skills would you expect a 3 year old to have? (2)
- Names 4 colours
- Asks ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’
What social skills would you expect a 18month baby to have? (2)
- Imaginary play
- Says ‘no’ when interferred with
What social skills would you expect a 2 year old to have? (1)
Helps around house with simple things
What social skills would you expect a 3 year old to have? (1)
Gives demands to other children
What self-help skills would you expect a 18month baby to have? (1)
- Eats with a fork
- Develops stranger awareness
What self-help skills would you expect a 2 year old to have? (1)
Opens doors themselves
What self-help skills would you expect a 3 year old to have? (3)
Toilet trained
Name a red flag at each of the below ages:
* 2 months
* 9 months
* 18 months
* 2 years
- No social smile by 2 months
- Not sitting unsupported by 9 months
- Not walking unsupported by 18 months
- No words by 2 years