Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Gross Motor (3 months)
- Lies on abdomen
- Good head control
- Held sitting (curved back)
Gross Motor (6 months)
- Rolls front to back
- Good head control
- Grasps feet while on back
- Pulls self to sitting, held there (straight back)
Gross Motor (7-8 months)
Sits unsupported (refer at 12 months)
Gross Motor (9 months)
Pulls to standing
Gross Motor (12 months)
Walks with one hand held
Gross Motor (13-15 months)
Walks unsupported (refer at 18 months)
Gross Motor (18 months)
Squats to pick up a toy
Gross Motor (2 years)
- Runs, kicks + throws
- Up and down stairs (holds railing)
Arora - up stairs one step at a time
Gross Motor (3 years)
Rides tricycle
Wallks up and downstairs w/o railing
arora - up stairs alternating feet, walks on tip toes
Gross Motor (4 years)
Hops on one leg
Arora - Downstairs alternating feet
Speech and language/hearing (3 months)
- Quietens to voice
- Turns to sound
- Squeals
Speech and language/hearing (6 months)
Double syllables (Adah, Erleh)
Speech and language/hearing (9 months)
Says Mama/Dada
Understands No
Speech and language/hearing (12 months)
Knows + responds to name
2-3 words
Speech and language/hearing (12-15 months)
2-6 words vocab
Understands simple commands (Give it to mummy)
Speech and language/hearing (2 years)
Points to parts of body
Asks for food/drink
Combines 2 words
Speech and language/hearing (2 and a half years)
200 words vocab
Speech and language/hearing (3 years)
Counts to 10
Identifies colours
Asks What and Who questions
Short sentences (3-5 words)
Speech and language/hearing (4 years)
First + last name
Why, when and how questions
Social milestones (6 weeks)
Smiles (refer at 10 weeks)
Social milestones (6 months)
Smiles to mirror
Friendly to all
Social milestones (1 year)
Understands certain phrases
Shy with strangers
Waves bye bye
Social milestones (2 year)
Takes off shoes and socks
Competent with spoon
Doesn’t spill with cup
Plays near others, not with them
Social milestones (3 year)
Dresses/undresses fully if helped
Uses spoon and fork
Social milestones (4 year)
Self toiletting
Can dress/undress independently (except laces and buttons)
Plays with other children
Fine motor (6 months)
Palmar grasp
Passes objects from one hand to other
Fine motor (1 year)
Good princer grip, bangs toys together
Fine motor (2 years)
Draws Vertical Line
Turns pages of book
6 tower block
Fine motor (3 years)
Draws circle
9 tower block
Fine motor (4 years)
Draws cross