Developmental, Metabolic, Deposits/discoloration (Cale) Flashcards
developmental eyelid abnormalities
telecanthus, epicanthal folds, epiblepharon, eublepharon, microblepharon, entropion
extra skin fold hiding lid
horizontal lengthening, ectropion, lagophthalmos
assoc with anophthalmos
failure fo differentiation between lid and anterior eye structures
deficiency of anterior layers of eyelid
partial or complete fusion of lid margins
lower lid associated with treacher-collins, goldenhar’s syndroms. .Upper lid has few associations
blepharophismosis-ptosis-epicanthus-inversus synd
AD inheritance, shortened palpebral fissure, poor levator function, absent lid crease/epicanthal fold, ptosis, telcanthus, hypolasia of nasal bridge, amblyopia
developmental abnormalities of cornea
anophthalmos, nanophthalmos or simple microphthalmos, microphthalmos, microcornea, megalocornea, cornea plana, sclerocornea
absence of globe
nanophthalmos or simple microphthalmos
small globe with normal structure, angle closure glaucoma due to large lens relative to globe, hyperopia, amblyopia, strabismus
nanophthalmos associated with other dysgenesis
AD inheritance uni or bilateral, may accompany nanopthalmos, shallow A/C and risk of angle closure glaucoma, cataract, leukoma, associated with Ehlers-danlos, dwarfism
x-linked recessive, steep with high myopia and astigmatism, pigment dispersion, subluxation of lens due to loose zonules, associated with ocular and systemic disorders
cornea plana
autosomal bilateral dominant and recessive. associated with angle closure, scarring, vascularization, coloboma, cataract
bilateral moderate (peripheral) or severe (entire cornea)
developmental abnormalities Iris
coloboma, corectopia, aniridia
incomplete closure of embryonic fissure/inferonasal
acuity decrease, optic nerve ad fovea hypoplasia, strabismus, nystagmus, cataract, glaucoma
developmental syndromes craniofacial
treacher-collins, craniosynostosis, hallerman-streiff, fetal alcohol
crouzon syndrom, apert syndrome, pfeiffer syndrome
crouzon syndrome
shortened forward development of cranium, midfacial hypoplasia and prominent jaw, hypertelorism, proptosis, optic atrophy, exposure keratitis
fetal alcohol syndrome
short palpebral fissure, telecanthus, epicanthal folds, low nasal bridge, microphthalmos, strabismus, optic nerve anomaly, myopia, retardation, small birth wt
chromosomal aberrations
trysomy 21 (down syndrome) and trisomy 17-18 (edward’s syndrome)
trisomy 21
cataract, brushfield spots (iris), myopia, strabismus, keratoconus
trisomy 17-18
cataract, ptosis, microphthalmos, cornea opacity, colobomas
kunkmann wolffian bodies
occur in normal eyes 15% of time in kids. hypopigmented areas of peripheral iris stromal hyperplasia. clinically indistinguishable from brushfield spots of down syndrome
Metabolic disorders
diseases of protein and amino acid metabolism, mucopolysaccharidoses, sphingolipidoses
disease of protein and amino acid metabolism
alkaptonuria and cystinosis
fabry disease and wilson disease
acid accumulation in cartilage and tendons resulting in arthropathy, dark urine, blue/gray pigmentation of sclera
lysosomal storage disorder resulting in deposits of cystine crystals
lysosomal storage disorders resulting in failed glycosaminoglycans breakdown with altered metabolite accumulation in cornea
syndromes: hurlers, scheie’s, hurler-scheie, morquios, maroteaux-lamy
what is fabry disease
lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency in alpha-glactosidase A and accumulation of glycolipid
what is wilson disease
(hepatolenticular degeneration) abnormal copper deposition in tissue. Cu deposit in descemet’s peripherally with no clear interval to limbus. if in liver results in cirrhosis and death. age 8-16
what is seen in fabry disease, prevalence?
males>females (xlinked), ocular: white to golden corneal opacities, posterior wedge shaped cataract, conjunctival corkscrew vessels and microaneurysm, pain in hands and feet, clusters of small dark red spots, hypohidrosis, tinnitus, gastrointestinal, hearing loss, life-threatening
ocular melanocytosis
unilateral pigmentation of sclera, episclera, uvea: increase in normal melanocytes, caucasions, associated with heterochromia and dark fundus
nevus of Ota=ocular +skin: afro-american and asian most common, malignancy potential only in caucasion, may have inc risk for glaucoma
blue sclera conditions
- osteogenesis imperfecta: scleral thinning, megalocornea
- ehlers-danlos syndrome: scleral thinning and fragility, epicanthal folds, microcornea, keratoconus, keratoglobus, ectopia lentis, myopia, retinal detachment
- alkaptonuria: bluish-grey or black discoloration of sclera
nutritional disorders
Vitamin A (xeropthalmia): nyctalopia (night blindness), xerosis (bitot spot-foamy keratinized epith), keratinization of cornea, retinopathy